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Topic subjectOrc questions for Daev
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54858, Orc questions for Daev
Posted by Upcoming orc on Wed 31-Dec-69 07:00 PM
I had a couple questions about the adaptions.

I heard Skrugga use the fallback skill better than other orcs, but I don't see anything in the helpfile. It makes sense but I was wondering if there was any truth to it.

Does stone hands prevent you from dropping weapons when your strength drops under what it needs to wield them? Say I need 21 strength to keep my axe wielded, and it drops to 20. Will I still be able to wield that axe? Is that how stone hands work or is it more anti-disarm like fist of the titans?

54862, RE: Orc questions for Daev
Posted by Daevryn on Wed 31-Dec-69 07:00 PM
>I had a couple questions about the adaptions.
>I heard Skrugga use the fallback skill better than other orcs,
>but I don't see anything in the helpfile. It makes sense but I
>was wondering if there was any truth to it.

No truth to this currently.

However, this makes a lot of sense to me so I'm going to add something.

>Does stone hands prevent you from dropping weapons when your
>strength drops under what it needs to wield them? Say I need
>21 strength to keep my axe wielded, and it drops to 20. Will I
>still be able to wield that axe? Is that how stone hands work
>or is it more anti-disarm like fist of the titans?

Stone Hands functions similarly to the part of Fist of the Titans that lets you wield extra weight. I've added helpfile language to make this more clear.

It also gives a small bonus to spinebreaker success, which I currently can't find in a helpfile and have just added.
54865, Thanks!
Posted by Happy Skrugga on Wed 31-Dec-69 07:00 PM
Very cool of you to make that adjustment for the underplayed Skrugga and the helpfile change for Mamlauks. Hopefully it helps diversity in the orc village and promotes people trying something other than the very popular Shig-ru.

Looking forward to giving Skrugga a shot, I don't know why it is so underplayed it sounds really awesome.
54873, Skrugga's for the orc that wants to survive.
Posted by Straklaw on Wed 31-Dec-69 07:00 PM
Unfortunately, as Daevryn so often mentions...people tend to prefer wanting to be Rambo. Hence so many people picking the orc adapts that lean more towards doing damage and killing people. Aside from MAYBE Shig-ru's ability to totally get out of all lag, nothing comes close among the orcs at getting the heck out of dodge like a Skrugga does.
54874, RE: Skrugga's for the orc that wants to survive.
Posted by atanek on Wed 31-Dec-69 07:00 PM
Getting out of lag like that seems pretty huge. Is take cover and cower and stuff even better for staying alive?
54876, RE: Skrugga's for the orc that wants to survive.
Posted by Straklaw on Wed 31-Dec-69 07:00 PM
in part it's the fact that ALL of your Skrugga skills are aimed at keeping you alive, but dirty fighting is the bread and butter. Shig-ru's lag removal is unpredictable and you have to get hit for it to work (not what you want when you want to run away), but given one chance for your wimpy to kick in or flee to go through (which can be a respectable amount of time w/ orc hp and 35~40% wimpy, especially when you can halfway decently parry any weapon or get some saves w/ cower) and you're gone. Dirty fighting gives a respectable chance for you to lag or blind your enemy when you run, and your various other Skrugga skills all work towards getting you out of dodge and not caught.
54875, Skrugga has some offensive perks
Posted by incognito on Wed 31-Dec-69 07:00 PM
Bring able to tank for your horde a bit is rather useful if you want to maximise their life. That said, shig ru probably does that better too.
54879, A couple of orc requests if you are fielding them
Posted by laxman on Wed 31-Dec-69 07:00 PM
Could you flip the dam redux bonuses between Mundunugu and Shig-ru? Give 30% physical to soot ritual and 15% to shig-ru berserk. Shig-ru got a lot going for them in having rush (best opening lag move in the game) the damage boost of berserk, and all the crazyness that comes from masochism and I think more dam redux fits better with the mage-like path than the berserker path.

Could you also expand the helpfiles for dirty fighting and masochism to give a list of the possible side affects given there are so many. I think if more people realized dirty-fighting has a cutoff ability that also does mangles they would be more willing to use the path.

Could the path helpfiles be updated to spell out what kinds of normal orc skills in general taking the path will boost (like Skuggra making footstomp better)

Back when you put in edges you said if they were common enough you would just make them permanent parts of the class. Could you consider doing this with the slaver edge, at least the variety of races. I have 2 reasons to request this...
1.) Slaveable mob geographic location - not a lot of slaveable mobs to begin with and they tend to require going far out of the pk/raiding zones to gather, giants are much more common in the danger zone. (I suppose you could just add more orc mobs around places)
2.) The skill is a mechanical anomoly in the sense that if skill gains and skill learn did not exist I would only expect 1 in 30 orcs that made a concentrated effort to spam the skill to actually qualify for the edge. You got the lowest int of every race and you are using that skill on mobs of significantly lower level and it is a hard skill to learn, I know I spent several hour long sessions on multiple occasions doing nothing but enslaving and dismissing everything I possibly could and got no improvements (and that was with the skill in the 70's where it would be easiest to improve).

I suppose you could also address 2 by fiddling with the learning rate of the skill
54880, Soot ritual is fine already
Posted by incognito on Wed 31-Dec-69 07:00 PM
It's an amazing skill, and the fact it gives huge dam redux vs light is amazing too. That's before you start considering the ability to burn people out of hiding and heal yourself.
54889, Skrugga's and Mundungu's get screwed over.
Posted by Voralian on Wed 31-Dec-69 07:00 PM
My last shig ruh to hero could take on groups that are obesely oped.
That is survivability.

Faster healing-grit.
Dmg resistance-berserk
Damage output/offense best defence

Skrugga gets a chance to survive on pounce.
(this wont matter because the people that have that skill ni their skill set
are playing to win and will collect one third con from you a day)

Skrugga gets a chance to survive one area...
(it gets a chance to survive ....10 out of 10000 used skills/spells/communes in the game)

Skrugga gets +1dex.
(Gnomes get +1 charisma woohoo, I'd still not rape a gnome)

Skruggra----easier time with 11 out of 10000000000 effects in the game.

who wins, the rper.

trying to put this in terms that make sense and ones that I can convey.

Thanks for taking your time to read this.
54890, Still can't beat one of the most successful, original mmos ever. 20 years woot
Posted by Voralian on Wed 31-Dec-69 07:00 PM
Give skruggas the ability to tailor clothes or something like heralds.
Let them make their own fire works.