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Topic subjectOrc wish list.
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5485, Orc wish list.
Posted by Laearrist on Wed 31-Dec-69 07:00 PM
I title this wish list because I don't think the things I'm going to mention are strictly needed, but well, quite frankly, I think they would make sense/attract more orcs.

Briefly and in passing.... the cabal item thing... yea work on that I gots tequila or whatever it takes.

War banners: while very powerful, and extremely awesome, I think it makes sense if they worked like this...

Elf blood: Elf, Wood-Elf, Half-elf (is there really that much difference in the appearance of their blood)

Human blood: Humans (they're the most common anyway)

Drow blood: Half-drow, Drow

Gnome blood: Svirfs, and Gnomes

Giant blood: Storm, Fire, and Cloud

Dwarf blood: Dwarf, Duergar

Bird blood: Arials, bird shifty forms, and birds in general

Cat blood: Felars, cat shifty forms, and cats in general

Mino, Orc same as before.

It seems to me that their shouldn't be that much difference between these blood types by appearance, and since they share common ancestory, I think it makes good sense. Also 17 races is a bit much to try and banner for, but 10 seems reasonable without the specter of having a banner for ever race being overly large.

Also I'm guessing that shifters are affected by their original race's war banner instead of their forms, but if your making a banner of a tiger's corpse, wouldn't it have tiger blood?

I think I brought this up before, but I can't remember if it was shot down or just ignored, so I thought I'd bring it up again.

Bloodletting... I haven't used this, or been in the position to use it, but it strikes me that the orc village isn't a swamp, in which case, how useful can it really be if you are going to have to try and walk to a swamp while plagued/poisoned/scourged/etc. ?

Lastly... orc shamans? Has no one tried, or is this another thing like the taking of cabal items, in that it is a possibility, but beyond the horizon for now?

Laearrist, the orc afficionado

p.s. Damnit Valg why can't your orc items spell out what they do!
5488, RE: Orc wish list.
Posted by SandDemon on Wed 31-Dec-69 07:00 PM
-I'm a fan of the multiple-race spanning banners, it's kind of tedious to keep so many sometimes.

-The animal blood idea I think is a bit silly, since a shapeshifter is changing their body to that animal - I really don't think they're literally changing their blood. It should be kept that a shifter's race doesn't change for this implementation.

-Cabal item idea, I think everyone wants.

-About the village and a swamp, a lot of ideas and skills with the Orcs deal with swamps and yet the orc village is quite far from one - which doesn't really make sense. Qaledus said that bloodletting wasn't to be used everytime an orc recalls, but most people who are plagued, poisoned, scourged will just heal at the healer. With all the filth orcs deal with, you'd think the environment would be screwed up enough to be a swamp - especially with all this blood/leeches/etc everywhere. Why not just add a small swamp area to the orc village? It's not like orcs are overpowered at all, nor is the village area, and if you read up on the Roller stats, orcs are one of the least rolled class/race combos.

Give um some loving :)
5486, RE: Orc wish list.
Posted by Qaledus on Wed 31-Dec-69 07:00 PM
>Bloodletting... I haven't used this, or been in the position
>to use it, but it strikes me that the orc village isn't a

Yes. The intent was not that orcs recall and bloodlet every
time they get afflicted, but to give them an ability to deal
with those afflictions with limitations.

>in which case, how useful can it really be if you are
>going to have to try and walk to a swamp while
>plagued/poisoned/scourged/etc. ?

It's as useful as you are close to a swamp. By design.