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Topic subjectFeature Request?
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54837, Feature Request?
Posted by Zeke on Wed 31-Dec-69 07:00 PM
Would it be possible for nexuns who have eye of equilibrium up to get echo's when the balance shifts much as people with detect magic get echo's when the veil shifts?

I know we get gauge, and its cool and all..but with how..quickly the balance can change due to player #'s I humbly request some Echo's to point out that its changing.

What do you think?

Edit to add:

Even if I had the Echo's it would not nullify the value of gauge. It would likely however, prompt me to use gauge more often!

54848, I support the idea
Posted by CD on Wed 31-Dec-69 07:00 PM

That with Eye of Eq it gives you a colored notification when a shift in power occurs. Not just the veil but when a faction tips. There is too much lag on gauge balance and it will help people be better nexuns. all given that you have your item, of course.
54838, Not sure if we'd do this, but...
Posted by Twist on Wed 31-Dec-69 07:00 PM
FYI, people with Detect Magic don't get echoes when the Veil shifts unless they take an edge to do so.

BattleRagers (Truesight) and Nexuns (Eye of Equil) see it without the edge.
54839, Um wut
Posted by vargal on Wed 31-Dec-69 07:00 PM
Since when? I've never taken that edge and have seen the Veil shifting plenty...
54841, Really?
Posted by Twist on Wed 31-Dec-69 07:00 PM
Pretty sure detect magic (not eye of equilibrium, not truesight) does not auto-give a Veil echo when it happens.

I was thinking you needed the Mana Sensitivity edge.

But reading the helpfile on that, maybe I'm wrong on this!
54843, RE: Really?
Posted by vargal on Wed 31-Dec-69 07:00 PM
I think without the Mana Sensitivity edge and just detect magic up, you receive the "global" echoes for big shifts. Perhaps the edge lets you "feel" the smaller ones, as well as allowing you to use the TIME command to gauge the veil. Which would be the source of the confusion here.

Haven't had time to check in game, so this post may yet still be misleading.
54847, You are:
Posted by Daevryn on Wed 31-Dec-69 07:00 PM
If someone can think of a good way to bake this explanation back into helpfiles, please do.

Battle characters, Nexus characters, and other characters with detect magic up all can sense big enough shifts in the veil.

They have varying levels of sensitivity. High level characters are more sensitive than lower level characters. Battle scouts are the most sensitive and characters who can only sense because they have detect magic are the least.

Therefore, a powerful enough item given to Tahren (for example) will be felt as a shift by everyone; something of more middling strength might be felt only by high level Battle and Nexus plus maybe low level Scouts.

The extra special advantage Mana Sensitivity gives you is a way to gauge the current state of the Veil without needing Battle or Nexus powers to do it.
54840, Can you clarify something for me?
Posted by Zeke on Wed 31-Dec-69 07:00 PM
Edits reveal your forum handle...

Under what circumstances can you see the veil shift?

While I am not arguing with you, because I didn't see it shift much with my scion, and thought I had detect magic up often...

I swear, I have seen it shift with non battle/nexus and haven't taken an edge. Is there like..some chance of just noticing? or something?

Edit to add:

I requested this feature because of how many 'oh crap the veil shifted in the last 5 minutes since I last checked' moments I have with people logging in/out.

This feature would help make me (and possibly others) better nexuns. Thats all.

Thanks for considering it!
54842, Well, it seems I maybe can't...
Posted by Twist on Wed 31-Dec-69 07:00 PM
As I mention above, I had thought that detect magic only allowed you to see veil shifts when you had the edge, but my memory may be faulty, so I'll leave this to someone with better brainpower to answer.

As a Nexus Imm though, I personally wouldn't mind seeing this happen, though I can see reasons for and against it.
54844, I always thought you saw echoes when surges happened
Posted by lasentia on Wed 31-Dec-69 07:00 PM
The you feel an innate boost to your powers or something, or you see the crackle or whatever if you have detect magic up. I recall seeing something like that on a storm giant.

I also know that when you see the crackle message as a nexun, it doesn't mean anything shifted. You could gauge, see motes, kill a rager and fell the crackle, and the veil was still the same when you gauged.
It shifted some sure, but probably not always a new tier, so to me it just let you know something happened.

I generally use the echoes as nothing more than someone hit the veil, a rager died that had at least a few pks, or an insane mage died since a lot of mages don't shift anything when they die. A useful notice, but those things generally don't equal a permanent shift in the veil.