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Topic subjectSect Chests
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54731, Sect Chests
Posted by Empire Enemy on Wed 31-Dec-69 07:00 PM
Why are the sect chests the only places that you can not loot by anyone other than someone in the sect? I would think it would be reasonable to allow someone to loot them if they killed the council and took the codex similar to every other cabal that when the inner dies, you can loot their chests.
54732, Yup
Posted by KaguMaru on Wed 31-Dec-69 07:00 PM
Nothing more frustrating than when an Empire guy loots you, logs off, and leaves your #### in their chests. Then you go raid the place and there's nothing you can do to get your items back.
54734, Meh
Posted by vargal on Wed 31-Dec-69 07:00 PM
I think this has more to do with screwy, ultra-low item limits due to lack of active pfiles than the Sect chests. You can't even put things in those chests unless it can be used by an imperial, so it's not like they're just a great hoarding spot. 99% of the time they're entirely empty anyhow, unlike say Battle's pit, the Orc Altar or Fortress Chest which have high level gear in them 99% of the time.
54746, All of this, and also
Posted by Splntrd on Wed 31-Dec-69 07:00 PM
It helps with story immersion on both sides by reinforcing the notion of the Imperial City and the Palace as being exceedingly permanent monuments: heavily-invested-in, well-constructed, ultimately safe places for the Empire's friends and servants.

I wish there were more mobs in Imperial City, for that matter.
54751, It's entirely unique..
Posted by KaguMaru on Wed 31-Dec-69 07:00 PM
It's the only place in the game where you can put something that an enemy has NO WAY WHATSOEVER of retrieving.

Like when I was playing Nabor and had damn near the worst set of wands possible, and Gharzal looted me linkdead and put all the limited wands I desperately needed in the black sect coffin. He hlogged off, I went and raided Empire, saw all the limited wands in the coffin and there was nothing at all I could do to get them back. Consequently they were out of circulation, I couldn't regather them and had no way of accessing aura/shield.

That's just one example but it's pretty well open for abuse.

I'm not saying this because I hate Empire, in fact I think the council should be buffed because it's pretty easy to walk over them - only the executioner is an easier ride and Tribunals have special advantages defending from a raid that Imperials don't. But it's a *totally insurmountable* way to store items so that people can't retrieve them and IMO that's BS.
54752, Not convinced
Posted by incognito on Wed 31-Dec-69 07:00 PM
Council is easy or hard depending on your class.

I think they need to be coded so that area effect spells hit only one of them.

Even with that change they are easy for paladins.

However, some classes can get royally messed up when they can't tank because of maladicting and can't heal, and don't have area spells to fall back on.
54754, That was kind of an aside. Main point is that the sect chests should be accessible in some fashion
Posted by KaguMaru on Wed 31-Dec-69 07:00 PM
Be that killing the council, or buffing the sect guardians up a great deal (maybe individual council member or even stronger) and killing the sect guardians, or by some other mechanism.
54759, yeah, sorry
Posted by incognito on Wed 31-Dec-69 07:00 PM
I forgot to post my main point, which might, admittedly, just be wrong.

What I meant to post was: Don't sect chests become unsafe if the donations are too low? I thought at one point it was stuff like this that was affected by aggregate donations for each sect.