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54374, Idea: Edge points for PK loss?
Posted by Sarien on Wed 31-Dec-69 07:00 PM
How about tossing people who 'arent afraid to mix it up' but...end up on the wrong side of the PK dime frequently a bone, and giving edge points for PK losses. Obviously this would be less than edge points for PK wins.
I don't really think it would be abused, or could be (seems to me losing con is a bigger deal than edge points).
This would (maybe) encourage people to take more risk when it came to PK?
I look at it like this...
I can go explore a dragon lair solo, and will most likely die. However, I may be able to flee around enough (depending on class) to glimpse everything/get some explore points. Even though I've just died exploring, it isn't a total loss because I got some edge goodness for it.
Rewarding people for PK loss would maybe make me take that fight that is 75% likely to end up in my demise..rather than just avoid it.
Just an idea.
54379, Good luck.
Posted by vargal on Wed 31-Dec-69 07:00 PM
Seems like we're eliminating avenues/strategies to avoid risk rather than simply changing the risk model.
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