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Forum Name Gameplay
Topic subjectMore ranger questions
Topic URLhttps://forums.carrionfields.com/dcboard.php?az=show_topic&forum=6&topic_id=54353
54353, More ranger questions
Posted by Ranger wannabe on Wed 31-Dec-69 07:00 PM
I have a few questions and one suggestion, in light of the recent STR changes
and the good work that daev has been doing lately.

* What stat(s) does ambush cripple affect? STR/DEX other? Is the stat random?
Does it have any additional effects like slow?

* How bad are the maledictions in terms of numbers (minus points and
duration) and how much does the cripple edge improve things?

Suggestion: Can the maledicted stat be chosen by the ranger on ambush?

* Is it possible for a beastmaster now to waylay with a bear or a tamed pet?
If not, is this planned for the future?

54354, RE: More ranger questions
Posted by Daevryn on Wed 31-Dec-69 07:00 PM
>I have a few questions and one suggestion, in light of the
>recent STR changes
>and the good work that daev has been doing lately.
>* What stat(s) does ambush cripple affect? STR/DEX other? Is
>the stat random?
>Does it have any additional effects like slow?

Always both STR and DEX. No additional effects.

>* How bad are the maledictions in terms of numbers (minus
>points and
>duration) and how much does the cripple edge improve things?

Moderate; level for level on the order of magnitude of impale, minus the bleeding.

The relevant edge sharply reduces the damage and success chance penalties for doing a cripple ambush.

>Suggestion: Can the maledicted stat be chosen by the ranger on

I'm happy with this as-is for now.

>* Is it possible for a beastmaster now to waylay with a bear
>or a tamed pet?
>If not, is this planned for the future?

I haven't made any changes here and don't plan to at this time.