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Topic subjectDruid races
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54224, Druid races
Posted by jalbrin on Wed 31-Dec-69 07:00 PM
Hoping immortals in the know might drop a tidbit or two here, but I'd welcome insight from any druid veterans.

Given the edge for humans that allows a sixth herb, and the lack of an experience penalty and vuln, is there a reason beyond roleplay to want to play a wood elf druid?

Being able to see camo in the same room is very nice, but other then that I'm not seeing much. I understand that wood elves get certain boosts, but this has been described to me in the past as being much like an extra invisible utility herb that you have at all times.

Basically, for a Nexun druid, would human or wood elf be preferred? I briefly considered half-elf, but the bit of extra HP from having 24 wisdom didn't seem worth giving up what the other two races offer.
54231, RE: Druid races
Posted by Daevryn on Wed 31-Dec-69 07:00 PM
>Hoping immortals in the know might drop a tidbit or two here,
>but I'd welcome insight from any druid veterans.
>Given the edge for humans that allows a sixth herb, and the
>lack of an experience penalty and vuln, is there a reason
>beyond roleplay to want to play a wood elf druid?

Wood-elf druids get a special bonus that essentially gives them some "virtual" herbal forages of types they aren't carrying very many of.

So the human (and note that their edge comes out late, right around the time their PK range is no longer helpful) has an advantage in going all-in on one herb type to really nuke someone with fireseeds (or whatever), while the wood-elf has an advantage in being able a more rounded herb count.

>Basically, for a Nexun druid, would human or wood elf be
>preferred? I briefly considered half-elf, but the bit of extra
>HP from having 24 wisdom didn't seem worth giving up what the
>other two races offer.

I've played both, as well as cloud (which plays really well to my style, but not everybody's) and a few others. I don't think there are bad choices here.
54233, RE: Druid races
Posted by Terwin05 on Wed 31-Dec-69 07:00 PM
Mind elaborating on strengths of a cloud druid?

I've been contemplating trying a druid for the first time ever, and I've always been partial to giant communers (had a run of fire shamans that I enjoyed way back when clerics were split).

For a giant, is it as simple as wear axe;co entangle thief?

That sounds kinda fun actually...
54237, RE: Druid races
Posted by Daevryn on Wed 31-Dec-69 07:00 PM
You've got all your usual giant tricks. The main draw for me is that good con + good resists + pretty minimal vulns = it takes a beating relative to the other options. You also have a unique advantage in bearforming people in the face with Massive Metamorph.
54225, RE: Druid races
Posted by Marcus_ on Wed 31-Dec-69 07:00 PM
I would say wood-elf druid is quite likely the strongest at hero, as the sixth herb for humans requires you to time your forages quite well to keep it up.

Also, the extra int is very nice because the saves it provides, and you have resist metal which takes care of the iron vuln. (people will want to use non-metal weapons against you anyway).

Half-elf is probably not a power gamer's choice.
54226, RE: Druid races
Posted by Amora on Wed 31-Dec-69 07:00 PM
I know a few edges were added…

But I wish the other races were still more competitive and I'd maybe go back and try a druid again.