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54184, Just for fun: communication channels
Posted by TJHuron on Wed 31-Dec-69 07:00 PM
I have no idea what started me thinking of this but thought I'd toss it out just for a fun discussion.
You often see people mix up their communication channels in game such as speaking on the cabal channel instead of to your group, or replying to the wrong person, or using the newbie channel instead of the cabal channel. This got me thinking that I don't think I've ever heard an imm do it before.
I understand there is an imm channel but I don't think I've ever seen some imm say something over the cabal channel they meant to say over the imm channel. Has this ever happened? Does anyone have any good stories about it?
Does anyone have any good stories about mixing up the communication channels in general?
By the way, I've never understood mistaking the newbie channel for the cabal channel. I can understand when it happens in reverse, where someone speaks on the cabal channel when they meant to on the newbie channel, because it can be automatic or habitual to speak on the cabal channel. But, how do you type newbie instead of cb?
54204, Semi-frequently
Posted by Tsunami on Wed 31-Dec-69 07:00 PM
On rare occasions that I'm in a cabal, I will newbie when I mean to CB or CB when I mean to newbie. I don't think I have ever done reply/tell/gt/anything else like that, but for some reason cb/newbie happens.
How does it happen? Well, I don't use alias/triggers/etc. so my typing speed is pretty high. I type faster than I can think, leading to grammar errors sometimes. That's the only excuse I can come up with.
Nothing embarrassing that I can recall besides reporting an enemy position on newbie instead of CB heh.
54202, Oh, it's happened.
Posted by Nythos on Wed 31-Dec-69 07:00 PM
I had a particularly bad day where I did it six times in a row over three different channels. Arvam (and maybe Twist?) always seem to have humerous logs of that sort of thing.
54201, Mischannels
Posted by Zephon on Wed 31-Dec-69 07:00 PM
I think for me... I tend to only mischannel when I already have something typed then I partly delete it. Then start typing again without looking. So doing it on a tell happens most often to me at least. I think it has been a while though.
The last time I remember an imm mischannel on newbie was Shokai (said over newbie it was him). I wish I could remember exactly what he said but he was totally cool about it and said Hi. :) I'm sure it happens every once in a while. I think that was a few years back now.
Answer to your last question: <insert fortress joke here>. It is probably a combination of actually being a newbie or what I said above. Maybe they were going to answer a newbie question, typed newbie, then someone else answered it. Then started typing something else. That is about all I have for ideas.
54205, RE: Mischannels
Posted by Illanthos on Wed 31-Dec-69 07:00 PM
I often get newbie channel and cb mixed up when I play fortress.