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Topic subjectWhy I hate level 51...
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54028, Why I hate level 51...
Posted by Moligant on Wed 31-Dec-69 07:00 PM
As I'm doing my ranking to level 51 I find great amusement in those folks who speed to that rank only to delete within a couple of weeks after. I'll never understand why some people feel that life in CF begins and ends at level 51.

I HATE level 51.

Honestly, it is the level at which there is nothing to look forward to anymore except talking to you assholes and waiting to get killed by one of you assholes :P

Overall the feeling for me at level 51 is mostly....boredom. You go off and explore a few places you haven't been (with your current character) and outside of that...mostly waiting for something to happen.

I believe this is why many players either burn out quickly at level 51 or stick around forever and ever (but hardly play their characters because they are probably using their alt who hasnt hit 51 yet! I'm looking at you former scion chancellor!)

So here are a list of serious (and not so serious) ideas for improving the life of people at level 51 who are seriously bored.

1. More high - level questy areas!

2. More spontaneous events/quests (I would love for example as level 51 just having an Imm pop into my cabal in some way shape or form and leading all the heroes on some sort of adventure in collaboration with another Imm as the adversary trying to keep our heroes from reaching their goal.) Forget an easter egg hunt, lemme be part of a story!

3. Castles! Yes I want a freaking castle. There must be some way to allow some uncaballed heroes to have a little HQ they can call their own. Lets figure a way out :)

4. Societies - and maybe this is how you can get a Castle... Perhaps as a reward for extraordinary RP/PK success as a uncaballed character HERO (lvl 51) you can start your own 'society' that begins AND ends with the person who forms it. That person could perhaps get to choose from a set of static 'powers' that are set-aside for societies (choices would have to be pertinent to the underlying theme of the society) and that person gets the power to 'induct' to that society BUT the caveat is that once that character deletes/condies/age dies then access to those powers and the castle goes POOF and if someone wants to continue that society or start a new one they would also prove themselves a worthy hero...

Nice way of testing out new cabal ideas/dynamics without any permanent changes imho.

5. Couldn't think of a #5 but I feel incomplete without one.

54064, RE: Why I hate level 51...
Posted by Dan83 on Wed 31-Dec-69 07:00 PM
>2. More spontaneous events/quests (I would love for example
>as level 51 just having an Imm pop into my cabal in some way
>shape or form and leading all the heroes on some sort of
>adventure in collaboration with another Imm as the adversary
>trying to keep our heroes from reaching their goal.) Forget
>an easter egg hunt, lemme be part of a story!

Thing like this I love. I have yet to experience the 100+ players night and am looking forward to the forthcoming one, hopefully I will make it this time. Same goes to these easter egg hunts and other such things. Being more of a newbie I seem to miss out much on these things.

Saying that I just wish to recall something that I enjoyed when I was playing Ferus. I am unsure what was really happening, I assumed it was an IMM controlled mob, but at the time I was in Fort, and we got the call from the Outlanders that a Lich was stalking the lands near the Tree. We headed out and ended up fighting one in the Mansion, well the best we could. I was only like lvl 35 or so at the time and even though I have little idea of wtf was going on, was really enjoyable. I wish more things like this happened, for both goodies and evils.
54040, I feel the same way.
Posted by Eskelian on Wed 31-Dec-69 07:00 PM
The game kinda dies for me at 51 usually because solo ranking and skill practicing are two things I can do when PVP scene isn't that great. At hero the PVP scene is very demanding because of stuff like airforms and tesseract and various other powers to track you down. So if your range is really ugly there's only so many areas to solo explore that aren't vulnerable to those things.

Once those are done or if your build cannot do much in those places then it's just boring.

RP'ing does help though, I highly suggest just roaming the lands trying to randomly RP with people.
54032, RE: Why I hate level 51...
Posted by Umiron on Wed 31-Dec-69 07:00 PM
We are always adding new areas and upgrading old areas in CF to both provide refreshing game content to players and maintain standards of quality that have gone up over the years. So in that sense you are getting and will continue to get your wish, if perhaps not as quickly as you would like.

Roleplay and PK (PvP) make CF a very dynamic game. While the Tower of Trothon is going to be exactly the same tower with every character you explore it with, you will never have the same interaction with a player or PK encounter twice. CF, at any level, is going to appeal more to people who can extract enjoyment out of those more dynamic aspects of the game than people who rely more on exploration, gear gathering, etc.

It sounds like you do attempt your fair share of RP and might be a bit on the receiving end when it comes to PK. My advice would be to try and find it in yourself to draw more enjoyment out of the "simple" interactions like a half hour at the Eternal Star or some back-and-forth with an enemy instead of more grandiose things that might require Immortal involvement or otherwise more involved/complicated scenarios that other people (immortal or mortal) may not necessarily be interested in. Likewise, if you aren't particularly successful in PK (I have no clue), there's that to work on too.

Ultimately, you have to find ways of making the game fun for you, regardless of level. You can create new adventures for yourself far faster than we can create new areas or design new quests or what have you.
54029, I hate most of the stuff until I hit 51.
Posted by lasentia on Wed 31-Dec-69 07:00 PM
Until then everyone (more often than not) is more concerned with getting to 51 than engaging in any discernable RP. The game doesn't stop or start at hero, it just continues.

Once people hit hero, they tend to engage in deeper RP, maybe if only to alleviate some of the boredom that stems from not bothering to have to gather preps/gear or ranking anymore (provided those are all done at that point)

Course, I'm all for more Imm run quests and extraordinary happenings that get people a more unique CF experience with every char.

And I started my own society with Dwunot.
It had no powers at all.
But it existed.
In my char's head at least.
Delusional bastard that he was.
And you'd be surprised how many other players went along with it and RP'd it out with me.
You don't need Imms to run fun quests for you. (though those are great too)
Being able to give minor power perks to other players would be very interesting though. But everyone would want to be king instead of follower I think :)
54030, RE: I hate most of the stuff until I hit 51.
Posted by Moligant on Wed 31-Dec-69 07:00 PM
I always try and find RP opportunities throughout the life of a character but I definately understand how trying to RP and rank can be difficult. I typically try and RP during a group's downtime (resting between area resets) and throwing out little clues in normal conversation.

I've tried doing the starting my own society thing and had success(with this character (moligant) I actually got a couple other people to have his last name (Gapverdi) as a part of the Gapverdi Family (yeah it was based off the Sopranos so what :P) but I imagine how many more may have shown interest if you could as you said hand out a couple minor perks :)
54033, Societies
Posted by Tsunami on Wed 31-Dec-69 07:00 PM
I like making uncaballed groups too. I've had two sort of "pirate" gangs, each with two members besides myself. Another from quite a long while back (decade+) was an attempt to start a cartographer's guild. This was before I knew maps were posted all over the internet. Only had one person join. Still could be fun though.

The trick is finding other people willing to go along with such nonsense. Most folks just want to do their cabal thing, get their fights etc. However, some MUST exist that have a similar interest in doing more player driven story lines like that, because some have joined those groups.

So, we just need to create a perma-RP-cheat-ring or something. Sounds like me, you, and Lasentia need to meet up with the same alignment someday for the stars to align.

Powers would draw more players maybe, but I think people interested in that sort of thing don't need powers to make it so. Maybe a player channel akin to the thief guild channel people can form. Only if you aren't in a cabal and only one at a time so it doesn't just become a big chat room or something.
54038, RE: Societies
Posted by Moligant on Wed 31-Dec-69 07:00 PM
Pirate gang hmmm....were you that dwarf not so long ago trying to do the pirate thing? If so I was one of your crew lol I was the big cloud giant rager.

I usually try and support other people's RP ambitions if I can without breaking my role. I find the problem always ends up being getting other folks to take you seriously without being a badass pker.
54042, Yep!
Posted by Tsunami on Wed 31-Dec-69 07:00 PM
Guess we already met, ha. Bloody ogre. I had big plans with that char on the uncabal front. Next time though, next time. I didn't want to pull you too far into the crew thing since you seemed to have some pretty cool RP stuff yourself going on already.
54044, RE: Yep!
Posted by Moligant on Wed 31-Dec-69 07:00 PM
Do we have a PM thing on here? I'd like to hear some of your ideas and give it a whirl (im thinking of doing an alt right now anyways)
54045, Yes.
Posted by Tsunami on Wed 31-Dec-69 07:00 PM
click on my name at the top of this post and click "send message."

I think the inbox is at like the top where you see "mark" and "read new." PM is rare on here, so give me time to respond since I don't really check. QHCF works too.