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Topic subjectProperties of wood
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53882, Properties of wood
Posted by stupiddumbhead on Wed 31-Dec-69 07:00 PM
I remember a long time ago, I fought somebody who was using a flaming bite weapon with a twined evergreen flail, and it burned up after a parry and was gone, I believe this was because it was wood.

Is that true? Or are only certain weapons set to do that? My memory might be really hazy though, it's possible the room I was fighting in was on fire.

And of those that do burn, when they get burnt, do they become (Broken) or disappear like they once did?
53886, Coderdudes can correct me if I'm wrong
Posted by Twist on Wed 31-Dec-69 07:00 PM
>I remember a long time ago, I fought somebody who was using a
>flaming bite weapon with a twined evergreen flail, and it
>burned up after a parry and was gone, I believe this was
>because it was wood.
>Is that true? Or are only certain weapons set to do that? My
>memory might be really hazy though, it's possible the room I
>was fighting in was on fire.
>And of those that do burn, when they get burnt, do they become
>(Broken) or disappear like they once did?

But I'm almost positive that wooden weapons (items in general) do not, and have not ever, burn up in this (or any other) fashion.

Wooden weapons are easier to weaponbreak, of course, but other than that I'm pretty sure this isn't something that can happen.

Maybe there's a progged weapon that I'm not familiar with though?
53908, RE: Coderdude agrees
Posted by Valguarnera on Wed 31-Dec-69 07:00 PM
I have no idea what the original poster is referring to, and if it was at all common, staff specs would have noticed it some time ago.

It's definitely not a standard property of flaming weapons or wooden weapons. It could be a rare event associated with a particular NPC or object.

53917, Flame breath nuking gear maybe?
Posted by Tac on Wed 31-Dec-69 07:00 PM
Don't know how far back that would have been though, and it tended to destroy quite a bit (more than just weapons) and didn't seem to care about material...
53934, Fighting Tiamat wearing only red dragon eq...ah memories. (nt)
Posted by Twist on Wed 31-Dec-69 07:00 PM