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Forum Name Gameplay
Topic subjectJust an idea
Topic URLhttps://forums.carrionfields.com/dcboard.php?az=show_topic&forum=6&topic_id=53660
53660, Just an idea
Posted by TJHuron on Wed 31-Dec-69 07:00 PM
I began thinking about this idea when Daevryn asked for ideas on how to improve throw in the other nearby thread and after seeing Warren's idea that is rooted in a characters longevity I thought I'd throw it out there.

I'm sure there are other skills similar to throw where they have situations where there are drawbacks or they cannot be used; I just can't think of any so I'll focus on throw for the presentation of this idea.

Currently, certain character types cannot be thrown such as other assassins, H2H warriors, mages and priests with the right protections, etc. What if when a character hit a certain age threshold they could overcome these drawbacks through their experience?

It seems reasonable that a very experienced assassin would understand the nuances of throwing someone (momentum, body positioning, misdirection...) so well that they could even throw someone who normally could not be thrown.

So, maybe when a character hits 300 hours they could now throw or have a chance to throw a H2H warrior, unless that warrior has also hit that same age point.

I know there is an edge for assassins that does the same thing and would understand if throw isn't the best skill to apply this to, but, maybe there are other scenarios something like this would work?

53662, RE: Just an idea
Posted by Eskelian on Wed 31-Dec-69 07:00 PM
I'm not a fan of having age tied to PK usable skills. You really don't want incumbent bad-asses to have even more tools at their disposal aside from the initial level advantage, gear advantage, skill prac advantage, edge advantage, quest form/reward advantages, tattoo advantages, cabal leader advantages and so on.

There's plenty of reasons you might want to keep your level 51 guy without adding more age perks.
53663, Age perks?
Posted by Homard on Wed 31-Dec-69 07:00 PM
Those are character perks.

I like this idea because it helps offset the age related stat loss that is my least favorite part of this game (and real life.)