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Topic subjectthoughts on a class
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5320, thoughts on a class
Posted by incognito on Wed 31-Dec-69 07:00 PM
was thinking about this the other night.

The illusionist.

Basically this guy creates illusions. Not the kind that can hurt you if you don't disbelieve them, because that's a bit unoriginal.

No, this guy can use illusion to do things like the following:

Make people sense things that are not real. As you increase in level you can make them sense more and more things. For example:

- obscure room exits or make exits appear where none actually exist

So if you try to walk in the direction you see an exit you can't, but you can walk in a direction where you can't see the exit

- make fake people appear in a room, on WHERE, and on the who list with any effects like invis that they want to give them. The choices increase with level, but you could, for example, make it look like your cabal was on in strength when they are not, or make it look like a tribunal is in town when they are not.

- make fake creatures/pcs for battle

As I said before, they can't actually hurt someone. Nor can they make someone think that they are being hurt. However, they can make someone think that their friend or enemy is being hurt. So you could make it look to Joe as if Pete is getting chopped up by Fred and his treant.

- disguise the degree of injury of a target (making them seem more hurt or less)

- disguise their own guild (as in, they can appear to be a class of another kind on who etc)

- disguise their appearance (they can cloak their gear to a limited extent -- say 1 x level / 5 random worn items are not seen as worn by others)

- assume form

they can assume the form of a mob, even to the extent that if they are attacked that mob will assist them if it would assist a mob of their kind (but not against other mobs)

- disguise someone's state (e.g. he appears to be resting / sleeping / awake when he is in fact in another state)

- create a spell effect

He can make it appear that there is a vortex or quicksand etc somewhere, but people will always save against the effect.

- displace

He can make a target displace so that people trying to hit the target need to save vs spells in order to hit them each round.

- mislead

He can cause mobs to track incorrectly.

- item illusion

He can create the illusion of an item as long as no one else touches the item. e.g. He can show someone the (fake) staff of wonders and make it do things, but can't actually give it to them without the illusion dispersing.

Well, that's all I came up with but you get the idea, and I'm sure people could add to it.
5361, RE: thoughts on a class
Posted by Splntrd on Wed 31-Dec-69 07:00 PM
I think the idea is awesome, but I also think it's overpowered. Maybe a potential cabal idea, but as a class unto itself...

Not only that, but we'd have to add a whole new set of saves; save vs illusion. Adding a new save would mean that Imms would also have to tag every item in the entire game to include how it is affected by illusions and how it affects you against illusions, even if that factor is zero.

Also considering the entire point of Bards is making illusions with the influence of their songs...

Great idea, certainly. But it's a virtual impossibility.
5322, RE: thoughts on a class
Posted by rome on Wed 31-Dec-69 07:00 PM
Liked the idea of a non-combat orientate class. Someone who's more interested in manipulating others than doing things themselves. I really like the idea of being able to show up on "who" and "Where" as someone else, or make false images show. The class could be very weak in combat alone, but have much to offer in the way of protection and stealth for cabal wars and ranking safety. It definately would be unique.

Some additional ideas for spells:

Doppleganger (change name perhaps?): Copy the image of a mob for a short period. You can then attack a different mob and have him follow you back to the mob you doppleganged. When the mob you hit finds the mob you copied, they start to fight.

puppetmaster: Usage "Cast puppet Warrior1 hit Warrior2". Then from warrior2's point of view, warrior1 just attacked them and a fight starts. To keep it from getting overpowered, make it so that for the fight to start for real warrior2 would have to take aggressive action in response (use a skill, spell, or power that's aggro). When the spell is cast, have a phantom copy of warrior1 start to fight warrior2, if warrior2 does anything, it actually hits warrior1 instead of the phantom.

Phase Surroundings: Make the surroundings appear to change, causing someone in a fight to accidentally maneuver into something that could hurt them (might not work in a desert or on an ocean, but work fine in cities and forests)

Group Disguise: Takes the entire group off of where, and makes them look like mobs.
