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Forum Name Gameplay
Topic subjectGoblin skills
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52601, Goblin skills
Posted by The Heretic on Wed 31-Dec-69 07:00 PM
After playing a goblin a little I've concluded they need more skills. I'm going to throw out some ideas in hopes that there something that might be liked.

Container Hide - This allows a goblin to hide in any container in a room. Containers all seem to have sizes (how much they hold) so any container above some threshold can be hidden in. This includes container built into a room, such as chests or cabinets. The container can not be held. Any interaction with the container in any way causes the goblin to be revealed (get, open, lock, sacrifice, etc). Goblins can perform this feat because the are tough and small and have no problem contorting themselves into shapes other small races could not handle.

Container Ambush - If you touch the container the goblin will pounce and attempt a backstab.

Clamber <leg, arm, head> - During combat the goblin tries to climb upon a larger foe. If blows are directed at the goblin he will detach. Each type of clamber has a different affect. On the legs will prove tiresome to the foe, on the arm will greatly reduce the effectiveness of attacks and on the head will blind.

Swindle - Those who do business with goblins will often find they swipe other items during a transaction. This is an automatic skill.

Fire - Goblins love start fires anywhere.

Whimper - Goblins are pathetic creatures. When an adventurer of renown starts beating on a goblin they will often will remorse. For the good-aligned adventurer the sense of guilt can become overwhelming making it difficult to strike the goblin or cast spells/supplications upon them.

Cower from Magic - Goblins learn early on how painful magic can be. At higher ranks they learn to hide behind something so they don't take the full brunt of an extremely powerful magical assault. (This is meant to counter one-shot spells that will probably be fatal to goblins at high ranks like pillar of the heavens.)
52904, Container hide/ambush = Goblin Awesomeness
Posted by TrapperJohn on Wed 31-Dec-69 07:00 PM
Clamber is probably even better - I love the visual of a little goblin clambering all over someone.
52608, I love all of these except whimper
Posted by Swordsosaurus on Wed 31-Dec-69 07:00 PM
I like the idea of it, but sounds like it could result in victory for the goblin by a skill that forces sympathy. Maybe like, when someone defeats a goblin, instead of outright killing them they go incapacitated, leaving the character with the decision to kill them or let them live. Also, if the goblin's lucky, the victor might not get a command in before the next tick, allowing the goblin to run away before he does. It wouldn't fire every fight.

I doubt many people would let the goblin live, but that's CF for you.