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Forum Name Gameplay
Topic subjectGood Tribunals
Topic URLhttps://forums.carrionfields.com/dcboard.php?az=show_topic&forum=6&topic_id=52464
52464, Good Tribunals
Posted by KaguMaru on Wed 31-Dec-69 07:00 PM
This is getting beyond a joke. It was one thing to see the same talentless asshole player rolling up full looting air shifter after full looting air shifter, in and of itself not a problem, another thing to get wanted flags placed on my evil character by a different character for chasing me to me guild to get my pets to re-engage, using skills to try and move the fight into the city so I could be flagged (excellent RP for an evil trib, horrible RP for a good-align trib who should be trying to avoid causing unnecessary violence in a city. But not rule breaking). Flagging only the evil guy in a fight between a goodie and an orderly evil with no witnesses present, when both characters attacked the other is incredibly biased but valid. Sending a note to all about how evil tribs are going to be vetted super hard because they're super biased is a bad joke, and insulting, but I can see how it's a valid way to play the game. But


Takes things way too ####ing far. Drond got de-leadered in five minutes flat for breaking one imperial law to follow another because the defending fortie prayed about it. I didn't even get an acknowledgement that someone had seen what happened, or even received my pray, if I did I wouldn't be making this post. Tribunal powers are a big deal, abusing them is a big deal.

It's a ####ing shame that I've reached this point but I have no desire to keep playing a game that allows this kind of thing to go on.
52465, Was the only attempt to handle this in game via pray?
Posted by Destuvius on Wed 31-Dec-69 07:00 PM
If the answer is yes, then I gotta say it sucks that no one was on to field the pray if you were ignored. Incorrect flags are something that are not taken lightly, and they are resolved in short order when they are caught.

That being said, there are better things to do then attack the Spire in protest since even if your original warrant was done improperly, you certainly managed to earn it at this point.
52466, I first tried to handle it IC
Posted by KaguMaru on Wed 31-Dec-69 07:00 PM
By complaining to the provost. I don't don't want to smear his character by saying any more but the warrant stood.

Attacking the spire made IC sense (I'm chaotic). I still want to play the character out properly, and I'm quite happy to leave the flag on my character, and/or eat the death - one death I can handle.

But as a player, I'm done watching that player continue to push the boundaries and continue to get away with it at every turn.
52467, Just a couple points
Posted by Destuvius on Wed 31-Dec-69 07:00 PM
If you didn't want to smear a character, then a large portion of what you posted wasn't really relevant to the point you were making.

The other thing is that the first step has been taken to help keep tabs on said character.
52468, Don't want to smear THAT character
Posted by KaguMaru on Wed 31-Dec-69 07:00 PM
Angry enough not to care about the rest. But thank you, that acknowledgement is worth a lot.