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Topic subjectShaman Revamp and Creeds
Topic URLhttps://forums.carrionfields.com/dcboard.php?az=show_topic&forum=6&topic_id=51287
51287, Shaman Revamp and Creeds
Posted by TheCreed on Wed 31-Dec-69 07:00 PM
Why restrict shamans who follow a creed to one path while all other shaman get two paths? Creeds have always been a second class empowerment option, but now it is gutted for the shaman class. Is there really a need for another class where immortals can overpower themselves and their favorites with extras? Define a set number of paths for shaman, and let players chose their own path.
51301, Empowerment classes are, mechanically, very strong.
Posted by jalbrin on Wed 31-Dec-69 07:00 PM
Other then healers, they can all put out decent to spectacular damage, and they have very nice damage reduction built into the class, no wand hunting for ABS/luck in getting easy rods required.

If not for needing empowerment, a lot of the power gamers would flock to the empowerment classes as go to classes in much the same way that shapeshifters and warriors are now.

I'm assuming that the staff doesn't want that, and I can't entirely blame them. The classes are basically split into three groups; melee classes, that are powerful right out of the box, but more gear dependent. Mages, who can be immensely powerful but have to hunt down and choose when to use ABS to really get to that level. And empowerees, classes that get close to mage like protection built in, still hit very hard, don't need wands, and don't depend nearly as much on gear. Their balancing factor is needing to roleplay to get that power. At times that can suck, especially if there's no imm for your role or if imms in general are thin on the ground. But I accept that because it's the way the game is designed and the classes are balanced.

The Creeds idea was a compromise, basically allowing anyone to get empowerment just for writing a role and sending up a pray or two. I'm hoping that there will be an unstated rule or something, like any Creed shaman that goes for 200 hours with no roleplay black marks on his record can get his second path, but for now it is what it is.

And as they've said, they're monitoring the situation and some changes will doubtless end up going down.

For now, enjoy the two or three dozen new skills and supps in the game, eh?
51295, RE: Shaman Revamp and Creeds
Posted by Arvam on Wed 31-Dec-69 07:00 PM
Currently that's the case. How the shaman paths are handed out are very much in an exploratory phase. This might be how it ends up, they might change so this Creed thing isn't set in stone. We just want them to have more direct ties with religion currently and Creeds are a bit vague in that.

The one advantage with Creeds right now is that every path is open season for them. This can potentially be a downside since you have less an idea on what to expect, but you aren't going to be blocked from a path because of a Creed.

Regardless, we've got a lot to watch to see how this all pans out. If we see the Creed people getting hosed over a good deal about this, we might change things in a way we think makes sense.

Whenever we do a wholesale change like this we gotta let some of the dust to settle and I can guarantee there's gonna be a reasonable amount of balance tweaks to how we hand out abilities as well as the abilities themselves. So if you're feeling screwed over, or that ability X you got isn't as awesome as ability Y this other person guy, just wait a bit and it might change.

That said, please, please keep bringing up any concerns or issues you're seeing with this change. This was a pretty big overhaul so there's bound to be plenty of kinks we're gonna have to iron out.
51289, OR
Posted by Artificial on Wed 31-Dec-69 07:00 PM
You could be happy with what you got, and know that if you RP well you'll probably get 2 paths. Now try with less tears in your eyes.
51290, RE: OR
Posted by TheCreed on Wed 31-Dec-69 07:00 PM
>You could be happy with what you got, and know that if you RP
>well you'll probably get 2 paths. Now try with less tears in
>your eyes.

You just said the opposite of what Daevryn said about the shaman class and creeds, but keep sucking up with pointless posts.
51292, No it's not...
Posted by Elerosse on Wed 31-Dec-69 07:00 PM
>>You could be happy with what you got, and know that if you
>>well you'll probably get 2 paths. Now try with less tears
>>your eyes.
>You just said the opposite of what Daevryn said about the
>shaman class and creeds, but keep sucking up with pointless

This is what Daevryn wrote:

"At this time, Paths are set by your empowering immortal much like paladin virtues. Shamans who are part of active religions (that is, have "real gods") can get up to two Paths; shamans who belong to self-created or godless religions such as Greenways should expect one. More in either case is theoretically possible but should be expected to be rare."

Note the last part about more in either case is theoretically possible.

It has always been harder to have a religious character that doesn't follow an active IMM, this doesn't seem any different.

51293, RE: No it's not...
Posted by silat on Wed 31-Dec-69 07:00 PM
>>>You could be happy with what you got, and know that if you
>>>well you'll probably get 2 paths. Now try with less tears
>>>your eyes.
>>You just said the opposite of what Daevryn said about the
>>shaman class and creeds, but keep sucking up with pointless
>This is what Daevryn wrote:
>"At this time, Paths are set by your empowering immortal much
>like paladin virtues. Shamans who are part of active religions
>(that is, have "real gods") can get up to two Paths; shamans
>who belong to self-created or godless religions such as
>Greenways should expect one. More in either case is
>theoretically possible but should be expected to be rare."
>Note the last part about more in either case is theoretically
>It has always been harder to have a religious character that
>doesn't follow an active IMM, this doesn't seem any different.

But note the part where he said it would be rare. Wasn't the point of Greenways to make it easier to not follow a particular IMM?
51294, RE: No it's not...
Posted by Elerosse on Wed 31-Dec-69 07:00 PM
>>>>You could be happy with what you got, and know that if
>>>>well you'll probably get 2 paths. Now try with less tears
>>>>your eyes.
>>>You just said the opposite of what Daevryn said about the
>>>shaman class and creeds, but keep sucking up with pointless
>>This is what Daevryn wrote:
>>"At this time, Paths are set by your empowering immortal
>>like paladin virtues. Shamans who are part of active
>>(that is, have "real gods") can get up to two Paths; shamans
>>who belong to self-created or godless religions such as
>>Greenways should expect one. More in either case is
>>theoretically possible but should be expected to be rare."
>>Note the last part about more in either case is
>>It has always been harder to have a religious character that
>>doesn't follow an active IMM, this doesn't seem any
>But note the part where he said it would be rare. Wasn't the
>point of Greenways to make it easier to not follow a
>particular IMM?

Sure, and this aspect of the shaman revamp doesn't seem to change that.