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Topic subjectNo one has faith.
Topic URLhttps://forums.carrionfields.com/dcboard.php?az=show_topic&forum=6&topic_id=50971
50971, No one has faith.
Posted by Fort Squire on Wed 31-Dec-69 07:00 PM
That is so say, there's no faith they are fighting on even footing and the expectation at the moment is that you are going to have out of range help the moment a fight goes south.

Numerous people in Fortress are deleting due to boredom, as if we have zero recognition that we have an advantage and at times it appears completely and utterly monstrous relative to what it actually is.

If you want to balance Fortress, find a way to make healing less effective and dam redux nonexistent from out of group range sources. Keep it for PvE but punish players who are fundamentally more interested in playing keep away with cabal items or making their cabalmate imvincible rather than trying to actually bait for kills the way a shaman has to: by leaving the illusory appearance of victory.

I swear if a healer used lifeshield and simply didn't gate in, the person they are protecting would get more kills than if they were danced and getting spam heals.

The only hard counter to our cabal's current behavior only really exists in Scion and they have neither the numbers nor teamwork to properly remove Fort from top dog. Empire has the numbers but none of the counters and too many Imperials level sitting to spam skills, solo pk and not really contribute to the cabal they joined.
50986, Here's a four letter word fer ye.
Posted by Yuolud on Wed 31-Dec-69 07:00 PM

Most th' rest nonsense and th' tiny remainder should be handled IC, In-game. O'course, I doubt yer a squire.

50985, RE: No one has faith.
Posted by someone who fights fort often on Wed 31-Dec-69 07:00 PM
I rarely find it overwhelming. There were times I retrieved with four people in my range, there were times I fought three around tarabal with healer support and dropped at least one without dying. There was a time I killed one and made healer word convulsing. Now that may be due to them being too confident, maybe something else, but the current fort numbers are not that scary, if you are strong, you'll be strong with or without support. Don't know who in current fort is.
50980, RE: No one has faith.
Posted by Daevryn on Wed 31-Dec-69 07:00 PM
I disbelieve that this is written by someone currently playing Fort.

Forum anonymity isn't for astroturfing.
50987, He's not *that* anonympous
Posted by Valkenar on Wed 31-Dec-69 07:00 PM
There's like one player who routinely talks about "hard counters" as if they exist in CF.
50991, RE: He's not *that* anonympous
Posted by Daevryn on Wed 31-Dec-69 07:00 PM
I thought that too, but other people have made comments to me that showed me that they took it at face value.
50979, Tell the out of range healer to take a walk.
Posted by Homard on Wed 31-Dec-69 07:00 PM
I've only played one Fortie, but it's not totally uncommon in Battle for someone facing opposition to warn Defenders and Bards to keep their distance because honor, notions of courage, or just getting the damn kill were at stake.

It's been my experience that people are willing to step back and let you handle your stuff, with the acknowledgement that if the item being reraided for is lost, that's on you.

I understand that Acolytes are hardline about protecting the light, but you're just as hardline about wrecking the dark, so if they're preventing you from doing that, RP it out.
50976, No offense...
Posted by Bajula on Wed 31-Dec-69 07:00 PM
I've played a pile of fort characters, so even though I'm not playing
one now I feel I should throw my two cents in, bear with me a moment.

I get the frustration of having people run off on you because of the
backup you have. I also get the frustration of going up against a
force like that... because your character would do it. <-- note this.

Maran want kill evil Raar! Acolyte want help light huzzah!

So what you said above kind of falls into, hey man I need you to NOT
Rp your character so I can get some kills as a player.
If it is in someone's role or rp to help you they should do it.
(see note this above) if they are all about don't give evil a break
no matter what, even if it isn't about helping you.. they should
still do it.

An acolyte isn't going to change what they do because it will help
you get kills. (Though mechanically your strategy would work great)

Here is my advice- Delete and role an imperial that you feel will
have what they are missing. If for some reason you don't want to do
that, then ASK IC for a healer to lifeshield instead. If they won't
then suck it up and trudge on or return to 'here is my advice'

-Just sayin'.
50977, Or...
Posted by Tsunami on Wed 31-Dec-69 07:00 PM
I dig your post, so not disagreeing or anything but...

OP could easily explain to those folks that he can kill evil more effectively if they back off a bit. It could all be done IC, etc.

Sounds to me like OP isn't even Fort, but is instead tired of not being able to get fair fights. Just speculation though.