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Forum Name Gameplay
Topic subjectAnimist mechanics.
Topic URLhttps://forums.carrionfields.com/dcboard.php?az=show_topic&forum=6&topic_id=50485
50485, Animist mechanics.
Posted by Tsunami on Wed 31-Dec-69 07:00 PM
I went with wisdom as prime stat for Aster. Thinking most spells were druid like and druid is prime wis...

Am I right in guessing that Int would have been a far better choice in terms of landing spells? How does one maximize landing wasps, while powerful it is AWFULLY hard to land in hero range?

Or was my failure at it just a matter of the terrain I often fought in? ie. civilized and/or indoors.

Was my evade broken or no? I honestly don't think I evaded a single thing ever.

Where do those damn birds take things when they fail? ;)

50488, RE: Animist mechanics.
Posted by Daevryn on Wed 31-Dec-69 07:00 PM
>I went with wisdom as prime stat for Aster. Thinking most
>spells were druid like and druid is prime wis...
>Am I right in guessing that Int would have been a far better
>choice in terms of landing spells? How does one maximize
>landing wasps, while powerful it is AWFULLY hard to land in
>hero range?

I'd have to look but I don't think either stat is a major factor on the success of those spells.

>Or was my failure at it just a matter of the terrain I often
>fought in? ie. civilized and/or indoors.

Again, without having reviewed the code recently but knowing how we have tended to design things -- I think this is much more likely.

>Was my evade broken or no? I honestly don't think I evaded a
>single thing ever.

I doubt it, but with dex of 20 or less I would expect to evade very infrequently.

>Where do those damn birds take things when they fail? ;)

They have a secret bird stronghold full of shiny things.
50492, I knew it!
Posted by Tsunami on Wed 31-Dec-69 07:00 PM

>>Where do those damn birds take things when they fail? ;)
>They have a secret bird stronghold full of shiny things.

create orc

role + I am the bird king.

Immortal comment:
"Given access to secret bird stronghold full of shiny things."

PS: Thanks for the answers.