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Topic subjectIs this true (skill bonus mobs)
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50460, Is this true (skill bonus mobs)
Posted by Valkenar on Wed 31-Dec-69 07:00 PM

Do mobs of a given level vary in how readily you gain skills while fighting them?
Does it depend on the type of skill (e.g. defenses vs active)
Does it depend on broad properties (like class, spec)?
Does it depend on things like number of attacks?
Are there a few special mobs or if you pick two mobs at random are they likely to have different skill-gain coefficients?
Could be one among a number of identical mobs (e.g. large guards) or is it per-type?
50466, RE: Is this true (skill bonus mobs)
Posted by Kalageadon on Wed 31-Dec-69 07:00 PM
>Do mobs of a given level vary in how readily you gain skills
>while fighting them?
Higher mob level(and maybe to some degree mob difficulty) vs PC = better skill learning chance.

>Does it depend on the type of skill (e.g. defenses vs active)
I'm fairly certain that it is in general, a better chance at both.

>Does it depend on broad properties (like class, spec)?
From what I've experienced and read, it is equal chance to all PC races, classes, etc, to get better chance to learn.

>Does it depend on things like number of attacks?
Yes, and no, If you're wanting to get better at a weapon, or second attack, or enhanced damage, on offense, then you'll want more attacks because that is more chances, with each swing. The same can be said in inverse, for defenses.

>Are there a few special mobs or if you pick two mobs at random
>are they likely to have different skill-gain coefficients?
I feel that RNG plays a large role or your racial smarts than some differing coefficient does(if such a thing exists).

>Could be one among a number of identical mobs (e.g. large
>guards) or is it per-type?
I have no idea what you're asking here. But, I'd say that some mobs vary in level, but only minutely, however... if a PC dies to a mob then it grows in levels and gets tougher.

As a disclaimer, this is only from experience/reading. Many people base their theories off of some luck that they perceived due to RNG being in their favor when they do something more than once, and notice it, rather than not seeing the 50th ish, time that it didn't happen because the good sticks out in the mind more than the bad or vise versa.
50462, Aha!
Posted by Homard on Wed 31-Dec-69 07:00 PM
50464, Useful... but incomplete
Posted by Valkenar on Wed 31-Dec-69 07:00 PM

There Daevryn is saying the levels are a little different and therefore the learning rates are a little different. That's fairly obvious, since it's explicit that you learn more vs higher level mobs, and the fact that they're higher level will make them a little tougher (even with otherwise identical stats). In that other thread I linked it really sounds like people are talking about a setting above and beyond level would do.
50465, As far as I'm concerned this accounts for it.
Posted by Homard on Wed 31-Dec-69 07:00 PM
If one mob is 5 levels higher than his bro, with similar hp and damage, it should make the difference I noticed without making him all that much "tougher."
50475, RE: As far as I'm concerned this accounts for it.
Posted by Vilhazarog on Wed 31-Dec-69 07:00 PM
Mobs also have something called an xp mod on them to tweak how much xp is given for killing the mob. This is to allow area writers to have 'ranking encouraged' areas as well as compensate the xp for mobs that are extra difficult because of progs on them or special abilities they have. This is also taken into account for skill learning, so two mobs of the same level might not have the same xp mod.

So simply, the mob you get the most xp for is the one that would improve your skills the fastest.

50477, I appreciate your jumping in to pick up the coding slack. Thank you also for being willing to share aspects of the code openly like this. nt
Posted by jalbrin on Wed 31-Dec-69 07:00 PM
50478, Seconded~
Posted by Torak on Wed 31-Dec-69 07:00 PM
50482, dude is rocking for sure nt
Posted by Dallevian on Wed 31-Dec-69 07:00 PM