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Forum Name Gameplay
Topic subjectHow much of this is true?
Topic URLhttps://forums.carrionfields.com/dcboard.php?az=show_topic&forum=6&topic_id=50412
50412, How much of this is true?
Posted by Valkenar on Wed 31-Dec-69 07:00 PM

"Between Kornuel and Eleia there was big drop in defenses. Not sure if they fixed swashbuckler or something else, but someone called Kornuel mongoose with invoker spells and I tend to agree with that. Eleia defenses were significantly worse and I was prepping much harder. They also changed prices of some edges(same swashbuckler for example which was one or two positions up from human racial edges before).

After Kyaltaru they made sleep; flee; return; sleep spam pretty useless. If you failed first attempt chances of you landing it later were low. Fiend was fixed so now the more people you sing it to the less chances of power fiend you get. Previously it was very common to have 3 power fiends on 3 slept people now it's just not that. Also fiend seem to be significantly weaker. Back when even when people were wording from get go after power fiend they often couldn't kill it even from their full health. Now even without resist mental I just don't see it happening. They removed fiend+nocturne of fright trick. You can't make them flee if you don't fight them now. Also there was an edge that was making fear from nocturne of fright last for 2-3 ticks I don't remember last time when I saw that affect in logs. Could remove that affect at all. Don't know for sure. There were something else but that's from the top of my head."
50414, RE: How much of this is true?
Posted by Daevryn on Wed 31-Dec-69 07:00 PM
>"Between Kornuel and Eleia there was big drop in defenses. Not
>sure if they fixed swashbuckler or something else, but someone
>called Kornuel mongoose with invoker spells and I tend to
>agree with that. Eleia defenses were significantly worse and I
>was prepping much harder. They also changed prices of some
>edges(same swashbuckler for example which was one or two
>positions up from human racial edges before).

Edges got repriced a fair bit in the first couple years as I was noticing which ones people always or never took, so that part is probably true. I don't think the rest is.

>After Kyaltaru they made sleep; flee; return; sleep spam
>pretty useless. If you failed first attempt chances of you
>landing it later were low.

I don't remember exactly when flee/sleep was made less effective but I'm positive it was years before Kyaltaru.

>Fiend was fixed so now the more
>people you sing it to the less chances of power fiend you get.

No basis in fact.

>Previously it was very common to have 3 power fiends on 3
>slept people now it's just not that. Also fiend seem to be
>significantly weaker. Back when even when people were wording
>from get go after power fiend they often couldn't kill it even
>from their full health. Now even without resist mental I just
>don't see it happening. They removed fiend+nocturne of fright
>trick. You can't make them flee if you don't fight them now.

Not sure about this but only I really change this stuff and I don't think I did.

>Also there was an edge that was making fear from nocturne of
>fright last for 2-3 ticks I don't remember last time when I
>saw that affect in logs. Could remove that affect at all.
>Don't know for sure. There were something else but that's from
>the top of my head."

No idea what this is either -- same comment.
50435, I'd tell you if it worked if I could pick the edge
Posted by Ruosti on Wed 31-Dec-69 07:00 PM
Nocturne of Dread. C'mon Daev? What do ya say? How about making this available to all bards?
50489, RE: I'd tell you if it worked if I could pick the edge
Posted by Daevryn on Wed 31-Dec-69 07:00 PM
So far, I'm still happy with the way I designed it.
50500, RE: I'd tell you if it worked if I could pick the edge
Posted by Kulin on Wed 31-Dec-69 07:00 PM
Then would you be kind enough to put some sort of note about preferred repertoire in the prerequisite discussion, pertaining to this and any other "Rep Specific" edge, Please?

For now, it just says something about Skill: Nocturne of Fright, with no other clue. Not even the help file says anything about what type of singer can take it.
50502, Seconded!!
Posted by Ruosti on Wed 31-Dec-69 07:00 PM
That or in the file
50474, Perhaps there is a basis in fact
Posted by incognito on Wed 31-Dec-69 07:00 PM
About the singing to large groups.

Is it possible that large groups will, on average, have higher morale?

Could that higher morale then help against fiends?

Also, could large groups tend to be good aligned more, and good aligns tend to have higher int than their evil counterparts? (e.g. storm vs fire giant, elf vs drow, dwarf vs duergar -- not sure about that last one).