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Forum Name Gameplay
Topic subjectRoleplaying Experience (rpxp)
Topic URLhttps://forums.carrionfields.com/dcboard.php?az=show_topic&forum=6&topic_id=50396
50396, Roleplaying Experience (rpxp)
Posted by Hutto on Wed 31-Dec-69 07:00 PM
I get the feeling the Imms are spread pretty thin these days and I thinking it would be cool if there were ways the playerbase could point out characters we run into that we think have original, creative, excellent roleplaying that deserve a little attention and Imm-loving. Could pray or write a note, but those seem kind of disorganized and I'm not sure how many people do it. I know I don't. So here's the idea I was thinking.

Roleplaying Experience (rpxp)
Kind of like Imm xp, Observation xp, Exploration xp, and Commerce xp, except it is given out between characters. It would be purely positive, kind of how Facebook only has Like buttons and no Dislike button. We want to promote positive characters, not use it to tear down ones we don't like. By itself it does nothing, although it would be great if it could show up on the PBF at some point. The Imms could look at a list of characters to see who has lots and deserve a little snooping or GM action or whatever. Entirely up to their discretion if they choose to do anything or not. Or, if they fall in love with this idea, it could play a small part in getting edges.

Avoiding abuse
We don't want people to make level 1s and run around giving bonuses to their friends. So there needs to be some kind of requirement before you are able to do this, and some kind of limitation about how many times you can do it. On the other hand, it would be great if you could do it at a low level, as a lot of great RP comes out then.

Half-Baked Solution
After you get 1000 Imm exp (a basic role) you see an echo that says, "You have gained one use of the rpxp command. See HELP RPXP for details." If you enter "rpxp Hahrgor" and it will give Hahrgor a rpxp. You can't do it to yourself.

How often can you do it? How about you can do it once every 100 hours, and once every 1000 Imm exp thereafter? So after you cross the 100 hour mark you get that echo again, "You have gained one use of the rpxp command. See HELP RPXP for details." Or does someone else have a suggestion for how to limit how often you can do it? It would be great if people thought of it like, "This is consistently one of the best character I've come across" or "That interaction just blew my mind, have a rpxp." and not something to just casually toss around when someone doesn't loot you to encourage them to continue to not loot you.

To show an echo or not to show an echo? I think it would be nice to show an echo similar to how the Imm exp does, to signal to the player that you enjoyed their RP and are impressed with the character overall.

Would love to hear what others thought of this, and if there are potential abuses I'm not thinking of. I think it could lead people to trying to RP more both so they can try to find people to give rpxp and hopefully get some for themselves.

Coding wise, I don't think it would be too hard to reuse some of the Imm exp code to fashion a nearly similar system that players can use. Hardcode the value, remove the comments, add the usage limitations.

Thoughts? Suggestions? Critiques?

Hutto, the Sleepy
50405, pray and/or write it into your role
Posted by highbutterfly on Wed 31-Dec-69 07:00 PM
Pray "wow, that orc Krunk has style"


+ role

Krunk is awesome. He converted me from orderly good to chaotic evil by the sheer brilliance of his clever repartee

Doesn't really need new coding work.