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Forum Name Gameplay
Topic subjectOutlander power addition idea
Topic URLhttps://forums.carrionfields.com/dcboard.php?az=show_topic&forum=6&topic_id=5024
5024, Outlander power addition idea
Posted by Rogue on Wed 31-Dec-69 07:00 PM
I have played a string of Outlanders recently, happy to say
i'm thoroghly enjoying the new cabal. Thanks for making it.

You have the survivalist kinda sorta idea of these radicals
that have a pretty good relationship with being in tune with nature.

You learn to move better in it, you learn to blend into it,
you even learn to hunt from it... Never needing to rely on
a city for food, protection, etc.

However... something I was always curious about and I'm sure it
was thought up during cabal creation, maybe just passed over.

Why cant I find water??

This is my proposition, a new power:

syntax taproot

With enhanced knowledge of the wilderness and
survivability, Outlanders have learned how search
for water by tapping roots within the earth.

Just for a little spice

Pro Short timer(2hrs?) and works like find water for rangers, basically. You keep attempting till it works.

Con Sipping from a root is not nearly like drinking from a fountain,
you will need to drink more often, however while holding the
cabal item, windwalk will have its benefits moreso.

Encourages more RP angles I think... any suggestions/criticism?