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Forum Name Gameplay
Topic subjectRoles and role exp
Topic URLhttps://forums.carrionfields.com/dcboard.php?az=show_topic&forum=6&topic_id=50181
50181, Roles and role exp
Posted by Bubthegreat on Wed 31-Dec-69 07:00 PM
Right...so I'm going out on a limb here because I'm trying to get better at actually doing the role thing, and I'm consistently coming up dry in the feedback department. Last char (Obaki) I wrote a ridiculous role that was only written because I was pissed at getting a zero imm exp role acknowledgement.

I got 1500 imm XP for the ridiculous role that I thought was stupid. So this time I prayed asking for some feedback, and presumably the Imm didn't want to deal with what they assumed would be a bitch fest, not an actual request for constructive (hell, I'll take destructive) criticism.

Where am I going wrong with my roles? What do you, as a player base, think I should work on from the RP side? Do I have tells that detract from the RP, like a way of speaking that isn't particularly "theran"?

I was honestly tempted to delete my description just so I could get some one on one feedback in rotd when I got pulled. Regardless, I'd like some help, so constructively or destructively criticize away.
50185, Seriously dude, its not worth it anymore. nt
Posted by Voralian on Wed 31-Dec-69 07:00 PM
50183, RE: Roles and role exp
Posted by Neltouda on Wed 31-Dec-69 07:00 PM
In general roles are judged by what you tell us about the character rather than how pretty you wrote it. If you told us something we didn't know about the character but maybe just one thing, then you get the minimum amount. If you told us lots of things about a character map (sphere, class, ethos etc etc you get the point) then 1500 is a good pick. If you told us everything about the character makeup, and you wrote it pretty then you just might get a maximum amount. All immortals will read things just a little differently. You might think you described your sphere beautifully, and I might agree or it or it might go totally over my head. Just some FYI about role updates, I personally like to see updates about how your character is progressing. All CF characters should have at least one dynamic episode in their lives. I mean they do grow from essentially teenagers to super old. I do not like to see updates about the original character map that you're just breaking up to milk xp. I've been known to give those updates zero points and say something like "more of the same".
50186, He was talking about, constructive feedback plz to someone on the rag. nt
Posted by Voralian on Wed 31-Dec-69 07:00 PM
50189, So I'm probably just not being clear enough on those then...that makes sense.
Posted by Bubthegreat on Wed 31-Dec-69 07:00 PM
I've always made logic jumps in my head that I expect others to make, and forget that everyone has different thought processes. :P

Thanks, I'll work on trying to make things clearer instead of just assuming you guys know. :)
50182, My take on roles, role xp and RP
Posted by Iklahn on Wed 31-Dec-69 07:00 PM
Each and every imm who is responsible for reading the roles will view them differently. There is a bit of a "standardized" scale for rating them, but the opinion of the person doing it tends to matter most.

For me personally, I am not overly interested in a giant elaborate backstory that is incredibly unbelievable or that paints the picture of your character being essentially immortal in a mortal shell. Again, I only speak for myself with this, but I prefer a simple backstory on initial roles and then I like to see some continued growth and evolution of the character through updates.

As far as RP is concerned, your role should be the smallest part of your roleplay. Players, not just imms who can read your role, should be able to get a grasp on who and what your character represents without you having to spell it out for them. Speech patterns and word choice probably don't matter much as long as your character is interesting to be around.

Hopefully that helps answer your questions some.
50188, Thanks, I'll keep that in mind. ~
Posted by Bubthegreat on Wed 31-Dec-69 07:00 PM