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Topic subjectCry of Thunder. What does it do?
Topic URLhttps://forums.carrionfields.com/dcboard.php?az=show_topic&forum=6&topic_id=49754
49754, Cry of Thunder. What does it do?
Posted by Tesline on Wed 31-Dec-69 07:00 PM
Besides the 100 hp, hitroll bonus, and 0 tick damroll boost?

-Morale effect on enemy as the helpfile suggests?

Haste like effect?

Extra attacks?

More blocked attacks?

Higher chance to land attacks like flurry?
49763, RE: Cry of Thunder. What does it do?
Posted by xrus on Wed 31-Dec-69 07:00 PM
>Besides the 100 hp, hitroll bonus, and 0 tick damroll boost?
It gives +str/+con on the 0 tick timer too.
49759, Maybe some answers.
Posted by Kalageadon on Wed 31-Dec-69 07:00 PM
>Besides the 100 hp, hitroll bonus, and 0 tick damroll boost?
If this was all that it did, it would still be a nice legacy but yes it does more.

>-Morale effect on enemy as the helpfile suggests?
Unsure about morale.

>Haste like effect?
Yes, in my past experience you'd get haste similarly to bloodthirst would but only for the single hour.

>Extra attacks?
Haste equates to more attacks, so yes.

>More blocked attacks?
Haste seems to improve defenses too, so.. yes, likely.

>Higher chance to land attacks like flurry?
Haste seems to allow more hits to land so larger drum/pummel/flurry is likely.

It also shortens the duration of Warcry so that it can be done fairly often.
49760, I want an imm answer because I've been slowed and it didn't revert me to normal.
Posted by Tesline on Wed 31-Dec-69 07:00 PM
Xrus had the same issue. Either it doesn't give haste or there is a bug. I am going to say it doesn't give haste.
49762, This.
Posted by xrus on Wed 31-Dec-69 07:00 PM
Once I got slowed, and cry didn't help me get out of slow.
The other time I cried, and the guy slowed me next and I didn't get to normal speed, absolutely slowed me. And yes, I know about 0 tick timers. The slow casted in this period.
49771, RE: This.
Posted by Kalageadon on Wed 31-Dec-69 07:00 PM
>Once I got slowed, and cry didn't help me get out of slow.
>The other time I cried, and the guy slowed me next and I
>didn't get to normal speed, absolutely slowed me. And yes, I
>know about 0 tick timers. The slow casted in this period.

This is mostly correct, bloodthirst will not cure slow but if you are thirsted then you will slow to normal. The same effect was gained from Cry of thunder to the best of my knowledge. You may disagree or it may have changed but that is what I got from my experience. The effect isn't the haste spell so it works differently, which is why I referred to bloodthirst as an example.

To test this theory you could ask a transmuter to slow you the hour after you use it, a few times, to ensure what you've seen is correct in this day of age. Having said this, metabolic slowing isn't exactly slow, just as metabolic quickening isn't exactly haste, so either could yield varying effect interactions. Some skills/spells operate on a "round" timer rather than "hour" timer also, although this may have nothing to do with Cry of Thunder.

In either situation, it is still a good choice of legacy even if all of the veil of mystery surrounding it isn't completely illuminated and broken down in a formula.
49758, anyone, anyone...Bueller...Bueller...
Posted by Bayres123 on Wed 31-Dec-69 07:00 PM
Come one guise, someone must know this!! Twist, you have this with Olthonder, or whatever! Whaddit it do?
49770, Having fight alongside a few with this legacy
Posted by GreatGray on Wed 31-Dec-69 07:00 PM

It definitely seems to provide a haste-like boost during combat, but very temporarily. Not sure if it's for an entire hour or just a round or two of combat, but increased number of attacks per round definitely.

Can't speak to the actual speed affects. Sounds like it's different than haste if changing speed seems to be unaffected based on what others are saying, leaving one to wonder if you could also be hasted and get stacked benefits. Not sure (kinda doubt it).
49778, RE: anyone, anyone...Bueller...Bueller...
Posted by Daevryn on Wed 31-Dec-69 07:00 PM
If I remember correctly you do get a short (I think 0-tick) haste affect if not already hasted. This doesn't cancel slows on you; for the tick that you have both they largely cancel each other out.