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Forum Name Gameplay
Topic subjectJust an Idea
Topic URLhttps://forums.carrionfields.com/dcboard.php?az=show_topic&forum=6&topic_id=49535
49535, Just an Idea
Posted by Slack on Wed 31-Dec-69 07:00 PM
We all love this game, no doubt about it. Thank you IMMs, I sincerely believe that you guys make this game awesome and addictive.

No matter what, I am addicted to this game. I recently started back after 2yrs hiatus and I still suck.

I was looking at the logs of rewards for IMM played chars and they somehow they seem to win RCs, get extra legacies, quest forms and whatnot every time. After 10yrs of playing, I got 1 honorable mention.

I was wondering if Twist/Nep would play a char that is not that heavily rewarded and still rocked in PvP. A combination they haven’t played.

Also, I am not sure if the IMM played chars do this. But I hope you guys reward people if you saw something good from another person while playing your mortals.
49536, Well...
Posted by Twist on Wed 31-Dec-69 07:00 PM

>I was wondering if Twist/Nep would play a char that is not
>that heavily rewarded and still rocked in PvP. A combination
>they haven’t played.

I believe Faolai, possibly Zoslaun, maybe Bonthos(?) depending on your definition of heavily rewarded (and of "rocked in PvP"). Maybe not.

Faolai approached 100 PKwins with only 7 losses. He did get Enlilth's tattoo, so maybe you consider that heavily rewarded. He was my first thief since they had dual backstab (in fact I screwed up on the point allocation - I stupidly thought they continued to get more points past level 42). Faolai also got a lastname and a solid amount of immxp from his roles/roleplay.

Zoslaun was 58/3 when I deleted him. He did win a role contest, but the prize that he received (Spoils of the Hunt, a quest skill that makes "super steaks" if you butcher a PCcorpse that you made) was never used - I didn't kill anyone after winning the RC and getting the reward. This was my first ranger post-ranger-revamp.

Bonthos I'm not sure of WRT pkwin/loss (no PBF, pre-purge sadly) but I do know that I lost a 50+ charge weapon at hero, so he couldn't have been terrible. First AP past level 30 (fire giant, Tribunal).

>Also, I am not sure if the IMM played chars do this. But I
>hope you guys reward people if you saw something good from
>another person while playing your mortals.

I generally try to leave what my mortals see down amongst the mortals, both good and bad. That said, if I know, from playing a mortal with/against someone, that they are a class act (whether enemy or ally) and genuinely make the game better, I'm definitely predisposed to watching them while I'm on as Twist and being ready to reward anything that is reward-worthy.