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Topic subjectIs there a way to tell how many PK's you have currently?
Topic URLhttps://forums.carrionfields.com/dcboard.php?az=show_topic&forum=6&topic_id=49452
49452, Is there a way to tell how many PK's you have currently?
Posted by Curious about death on Wed 31-Dec-69 07:00 PM
I have never been one for the E-Peen measuring stick of PK = skill.
I also do not believe that PK is the end all be all for fun in CF.

I have been curious as to lately if there is any way to see or keep tally of PK's in game. Some cabals have like a way to measure like battle but I do not think anyone but the leaders can see it, and I do think it only counts mage kills, and also I think its pretty vague like a range or something. Is there any other way in char to find this info out?

A few reasons it may be helpful for players:
A way for applicants to gauge how close they are to a goal or tasks.

A way for leaders to measure their cabalmates

A way for people to keep track for edge points

Role wise it would make sense for like tribunals to know how many criminals they have brought in in their time.

Maran may feel horrible about all the death they cause to not TRUE evils and the more that number grows the sadder they get.

Villagers can compete with each other gimili and legolas style over who killed more magi

Orcs could use it to measure prowess and worth to the clan

I would assume based on the PBF stuff that the number is scored somewhere, and for sake of in game reference it wouldn't like give any details besides "You have slain XXX amount of people."

It could measure on the whole "you land the killing blow" tally.

Any thoughts?
49456, Pen and paper works. nt
Posted by DurNominator on Wed 31-Dec-69 07:00 PM
49454, Not really
Posted by Rayihn on Wed 31-Dec-69 07:00 PM
Some cabals, IE Fort and Battle, measure mage pks and evil pks and their leaders have the members command to see approximately how many of each their people have, but otherwise no.
49455, RE: Not really
Posted by Splntrd on Wed 31-Dec-69 07:00 PM
I liked, at least, the thought that a character would at least know something about his past murders.

Maybe add it to the reputation command; semi-descriptive rankings like:

"You are drenched in the vital cadmiums of your enemies.
The blood of innocents stains your cuticles."