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Topic subjectTrust cabal and Gate
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49394, Trust cabal and Gate
Posted by Etion on Wed 31-Dec-69 07:00 PM
When you trust a cabal you should be able to gate to a cabal mate without them having nosum off?
49405, Nosum should act like as it's off when you gate to a cabalmember who trusts you.
Posted by Shapa on Wed 31-Dec-69 07:00 PM
When i was playing a healer i also found it very strange that cabalmembers who trust you must also have nosum off and it's not automatical.

The thing is that you have to explain your cabalmembers IC that they also have to turn nosum off as well as trust you and it takes a lot of time, looks like half-ooc and often cabalmembers die before they can figure it out.
49408, RE: Nosum should act like as it's off when you gate to a cabalmember who trusts you.
Posted by etion on Wed 31-Dec-69 07:00 PM
This is what I was trying to convey.
49411, There is very cheap healer edge what makes nosum totally pointless command when dealing with a healer.
Posted by Shapa on Wed 31-Dec-69 07:00 PM
Rapid Response - Gate to a Trusting person almost without fail.

I remember this edge is very cheap. So after healer learns this edge there is no longer the point in the nosum command, because you will gate to a person who trusts you almost without fail.

I think the way trust > nosum on/off works for shamans could be the same. So we could remove nosum command at all. So shamans could summon people who trust them and healers could gate to those people without turning nosum on/off at all.

At the same time summon and gate will work the way like nosum is always on when they deal with the people whom they don't trust.
49416, RE: There is very cheap healer edge what makes nosum totally pointless command when dealing with a healer.
Posted by Etion on Wed 31-Dec-69 07:00 PM
Have that edge as well, perhaps just having bad luck gating to cabalmates. They are protected a lot unless I tell them to allow me to gate to them which is just annoying.
49396, If they are in PK you can gate.
Posted by Scrimbul on Wed 31-Dec-69 07:00 PM
That is of course provided the room they are in isn't preventing it (cabals, guilds, certain noexit rooms)

If they have nosummon on, then they have to make a save. This is specifically what you're asking if trustcabal circumvents and I believe it does.

If they are not in PK, the gater has to overcome the target's save. This usually makes it simple for higher level healers to assist lower level characters as a matter of RP but the inverse is also true to prevent tracking without retaliation.