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49352, Peeves
Posted by SideStrider on Wed 31-Dec-69 07:00 PM
Whats peeves you out most in game? This is not a effort to flame any particular player so we don't need names or such here folks please. I am just generally curious to make sure I'm not a spaz. I know this a PK oriented game, but I have accepted I am terrible at PK. So lately I've been spending most of time trying to correct the nuissances of the obviously "Noob" play and trying to make the game more enjoyable for everyone. Working on speech patterns, emote, expressions and such to make a new player feel a bit more "cultured". With my current character I've generally been making it a point to mind my own business, but after the last few days of me dying to obviously celebrated characters with their last names, titles and room strings only to make an attempt to have a legit RP conversation with them only to receive a "because I felt like it." from a non evil character makes my skin crawl a little and sometimes my eyes see Purdy shades of red colors x(. Which is why I have not played my character in the last few days and have been content on hearing whats what from my son and his experience with his assassin. The reason I ask is it just seems to invalidate what I've been trying to do lately by providing very, very poor examples from a seemingly "respectable" character.
Just a poll to see what makes other people squirm in their RL skin a bit?
*OFF TOPIC* Is it strange that in fourteen years I've never played a good align character.....?
49367, Cabal Assumptions
Posted by Tsunami on Wed 31-Dec-69 07:00 PM
I hate that every first interaction I have with someone they have to ask me what cabal I am in or I'm going to be in. Who are your enemies? Are you joining the Tree (I play rangers a lot)?
Or, when they assume you have an affiliation with a cabal or are a particular type of character. Just because I'm a ranger doesn't mean I'm not orderly or that I dont' know about the laws/tribunal/etc.
I won't ramble on about the issue, but suffice it to say, a cabal does not make your roleplay. Don't forget characters have a race, class, alignment, background, ethos, and sphere. Not everything has to be so cabal-centric. Even if you're in the cabal you don't have to epitomize everything about it. Have a little conflict, internal or otherwise.
49358, People throwing their role away when it suits them
Posted by incognito on Wed 31-Dec-69 07:00 PM
e.g. I am a defender of the weak. Unless it looks like there's a small chance of my death, in which case, screw the weak.
49354, Everything connection-related.
Posted by Murphy on Wed 31-Dec-69 07:00 PM
Losing link in the middle of combat and mob-dying.
Losing link in the middle of combat and being killed and looted.
Killing someone, only to realize they were link-dead or lagging.
Logging on and finding that every minute or so the mud stops reacting to my commands. And then someone demands that I go retrieve. Big reason I stopped joining cabals.
No, doing "ping carrionfields.net" doesn't always show it reliably. Sometimes ping is fine, yet I find I am lagging when I log on.
It usually happens at a certain time of the day so it's not that bad. Still, drives me nuts as that time is exactly when I happen to be free and able to play.
49353, When the RP sucks.
Posted by Homard on Wed 31-Dec-69 07:00 PM
I'll restrict this to the realm of killing or being killed, as there are a lot of valid reasons that a character engaged in a lot of other activities might not want to stop and RP.
But, after a PK (or PK attempt, even) I hate it when any attempt to roleplay out the encounter goes unanswered.
Now, I know that there are times when someone who just killed me is running, bleeding, and has someone else on their tail. I get that.
What I can't stand are the players who play characters that are little more than mobs that range across multiple areas.
If Graazur'Ukal RPs better than you, you're doing it wrong.
49355, RE: When the RP sucks.
Posted by SideStrider on Wed 31-Dec-69 07:00 PM
I agree completely and is mostly my beef.
49382, I think the total other way on it.
Posted by Meh on Wed 31-Dec-69 07:00 PM
I would much rather people don't try to RP with me after I kill them. Unless they are legit. 75% of the time its whining bitching bad RP disguised versions of "Don't loot me" "Why did you loot me" "I am going to loot you sooo hard".
I hate the corpse guard factor of this game for that reason. I kill someone and then I sit there protecting their #### from others, even though in my role I hate them and want nothing more then to destroy them forever. But I do it because as a player I know that it sucks to get fulled by a lowbie. If there is #### I am not going to loot, then some rank 12 shouldn't get it because your slow or too busy bitching rather then running back to GAC. Then again, as a lowbie I love looting cool #### you wouldn't other wise get on your own. That being said 95% of the time you are better off murdering the #### out of your lowbie range and taking cool #### that way you learn the PK dynamics of the class and also weaken your foes as you grow.
Sure sometimes it happened where someone dies and comes back and there is mutual respect and its a good showing and you both can jib it out friendly as players but in char and that is the real greatness of CF shining. PVP with class, and RP. But that happens far less then people actually believe. Mostly it's #### talking RP AT YOU!!! and that just blows goats.
49387, Then people need to step it up.
Posted by Homard on Wed 31-Dec-69 07:00 PM
One of the main points of conflict, and thus one of the main opportunities for RP, is the PK situation.
Maybe it's because I grew up reading comic books (a lot of comic books,) but I find the whole notion of "I hate you so much I won't talk to you" to be the worst way to play this game. (Personally I think people play characters like that because they're emotionally disturbed and can't handle even text-based interactions with strangers.)
CF is a fantasy realm where things are bigger and bolder than in real life and I feel that things should play out that way. If you've just killed someone based on ideological differences, here's a chance to show them just why your particular ideology is superior to theirs.
If someone has just killed you based on ideological differences, here's a chance for you to question them about the validity of their ideologies (in many cases.)
Unfortunately, a good portion of the playerbase is too autistic to begin to grasp how this should work, and that's why many interactions go as poorly as they do.
The good news is that each of us can improve the quality of each interaction simply by improving the quality of how we interact.
The craziest among us can produce characters who RP successfully. There's no reason that this should escape any of the rest of us.
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