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Forum Name Gameplay
Topic subjectRole PSA
Topic URLhttps://forums.carrionfields.com/dcboard.php?az=show_topic&forum=6&topic_id=49303
49303, Role PSA
Posted by Amaranthe on Wed 31-Dec-69 07:00 PM
If you're going to write a long role (or even a short one that you plan on building upon), please title each entry with something indicating what that role entry is about. I know you all write brilliant and creative roles worthy of reading and re-reading with gusto, but sometimes us imms might want to simply reference *only* your origin story, *only* your religious beliefs, *only* your cabal motivations, etc.

Role entry titles that just read "Chapter 1, 2, 3" or "A weather-beaten journal entry, blood-splattered journal entry" are not particularly useful points of reference.

Remember, the primary purpose of a role is not to enter role contests or farm imm XP - it's to serve as a way to communicate with imms may want to know understand your motivations for the purposes of evaluating character actions and immteraction.
49307, On that note...
Posted by Anonymous on Wed 31-Dec-69 07:00 PM
How do you guys generally feel about purely OOC role entries? I feel like with my current I should do an entry that is explicitly WHY I chose my current role, and how I, the player, envision it (in the absolutely most general sense) playing out.

Is that a legit thing to do an entry about?

Similarly, if I have sort of IC backstory entries, is it OK to do a purely OOC "here is how I, the player, see this character behaving, thinking, etc."?

49308, Absolutely fine...
Posted by Amaranthe on Wed 31-Dec-69 07:00 PM
In fact, I myself have used role entries for that purpose on my mortal. Usually, I use a combination, where I have story and background told from an IC perspective, and then a smaller entry or two explaining something clearly and briefly OOC if I feel it's necessary. Someone once ran a role contest where they asked for an entry that included an executive summary - I kind of liked that and found it useful.

That said, role contests and imm XP favor the IC content almost exclusively.

What is frowned upon: begging(ICly or OOCly) that your character should receive a particular reward or benefit because of their role. I just encountered this today, in fact. If you want to write a role that your elf is from a tribe of moon elves, fine - but don't include something like "And upon reaching middle-age, all moon elf shapeshifters learn how to become displacer beasts!" Just, no. In a *few* cases it's OK to use your role to indicate you want something (such as, your character wants a particular tattoo, or your character gets married and uses role to request a last name change), but for the most part, if you want to roleplay some variant on a standard race and class that might theoretically mean your character operates differently than usual in a mechanical sense, fine, but keep in mind the imms decide when, if, and how that happens - not you - and your role as-written should be written with the assumption that you will never operate any differently in a game mechanics sense than your chosen race/class.
49304, Thanks for the tip!
Posted by Splntrd on Wed 31-Dec-69 07:00 PM
I've thought about tabbing it usefully like that - but I always end up preferring colorful titles thinking it'll keep someone interested/entertained.

Good to hear a for certain preference that makes sense for everyone.