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49095, Suggested cabal economy changes
Posted by Marcus_ on Wed 31-Dec-69 07:00 PM
Two cabal economy changes:
1) Centralized imperial bank
It doesn't really seem in character for this ultra-totalitarian society to rely on a third party for their banking solution and letting them have a cut of the profits. Especially when the hoarding of gold is so central to their mission. So I would propose a centralized imperial banking system (i.e. cabal bank) which would supplement donations. It would basically be like the normal bank except using a bank office in the imperial lands. The withdrawal fee would be higher than normal (a third?), and count towards the character's donations.
2) Ragers can't use banks
Because, uh, badass barbarians doesn't trust anyone to handle their gold. Also, it makes crude comments about filthy ragers more viable when they aren't the richest guys around just because they have nothing to spend their money on anyway. And it does seem more thematic for ragers to be poor.
49101, Flaw Idea!
Posted by Dragomir on Wed 31-Dec-69 07:00 PM
A flaw that does not allow you to deposit money into the banks! Maybe you allow them to withdraw money (otherwise would make being a Tribunal interesting) but you can not deposit any. I have not looked at the flaw list in a while, maybe this exists? "you do not trust others with your coppers."
Maybe make an edge that only people with this flaw can take? Hidden Money: Allows you to "hide" a certain amount or % of money on yourself. So if you are looted, you can at least keep some? Of course, not sure I want to know where a fully looted fire giant was hiding his gold...
This next part is probably way too much of a coding pain to be an edge, but if you wanted to expand it maybe do it so you can hide it in particular equipment? Hide the money in your boots and someone takes them and you lose the stash too? hmmm...maybe I do not like this last idea anymore.
Just some thoughts.
49097, RE: Suggested cabal economy changes
Posted by Amaranthe on Wed 31-Dec-69 07:00 PM
Without giving any serious thought to whether this would be a good idea or not, I'd say that the primary reason Battleragers might choose not to use banks is not because "barbarians don't trust anyone to handle their money". It'd more likely be because I can only imagine that bankers, with vast quantities actual commodity-based money stored in Thera's banks, use *every* available resource to safeguard it - including magic.
49098, Better question: What would villagers need much gold for?
Posted by laxman on Wed 31-Dec-69 07:00 PM
Don't use healers Don't buy preps.
So only buying weapon/armor (rare to be worthwhile after rank 30) Repairing weapons/armor
49099, The only real advantage is for thieves.
Posted by Homard on Wed 31-Dec-69 07:00 PM
Quas the character actually dumped 1,800 gold that he had just taken from some Scion mage's corpse on my Battle thief for letting him out of a locked room at one point.
I was able to get Enforcer in short order and oust the Imperial who had been bullying me. Was nice.
But other than that, there's practically no reason for Battle to have a lot of gold. My Villagers almost always end up with ridiculous amounts of coin that I usually end up dumping on the thieves.
Gourmet, morale boosting food is pretty expensive, but it's just further ridiculousness for Villagers to be pulling the fanciest foods out of their sacks, too.
49100, Well
Posted by Amaranthe on Wed 31-Dec-69 07:00 PM
While having a *massive* bank account has little purpose for a Battlerager beyond some RP situations I can dream up, having a *modest* bank account can provide relief, especially for a lower-level ragers or one not intimately familiar with CF. On the occasion of a total loss (which I know rarely happens these days, but it *can* happen), having a modest bank account is a huge help to getting back on your feet and geared in some basics. Considering Battleragers are more restricted than anyone in terms of whom they can turn to for help, what gear they can use, what resources they can use to get their gear, and how they travel, the savings does have some use.
Not to mention, there are other uses for money - including placing bounties, certain quests (both automated and imm-run), thief guild memberships, a few access points (the lift in Cragstone) - to say nothing of the RP situations I can dream up. And while a full looting is rare these days, a full moneygrub is not, and having absolutely *no* savings does impact things.
And I do think the "Battleragers Don't Bank" idea makes logical sense, but I wouldn't 100% trivialize the loss of bank access, especially for newer or casual players who don't have some *gear recovery plan* memorized and ready to roll in the event of total loss. Not using magic is probably a big adjustment in and of itself for those players.
49104, What about villagers who are not barbarians?
Posted by Vhloughvang on Wed 31-Dec-69 07:00 PM
I mean there could be thousands of reasons someone hates magic. Those people could be 100% civilized, cultured, highly intelligent, and fully reasoning. Nothing is hard coded that battleragers = barbarians. Sure there are lots of players who RP that way, but there are also lots who do not. I have had villagers who never bank, and some who have. I have had Imperials who did not bank at all, and some who did as well. Things like that I don't think follow hard coded needs of the cabal/community.
Lots of villagers refer to their own "hut" too but some I have seen talk about building their home in the wooded areas of the village. Or digging out hovels in the tunnel or so on depending on their race/class and so on.
49096, Prosperous reputation helps some with bank fees
Posted by lasentia on Wed 31-Dec-69 07:00 PM
The imperial thing is interesting, though of course the empire would probably say why are you keeping coins for yourself instead of giving to the empire.
What if in empire your individual donations was your account, you need a sustained balance for your echelon like you do now, and the empire still periodcally takes from it like it does, but a player can withdraw from the balance above what they have as their required level for their echelon?
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