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Forum Name Gameplay
Topic subjectFlow of shadows myth dispelling
Topic URLhttps://forums.carrionfields.com/dcboard.php?az=show_topic&forum=6&topic_id=49045
49045, Flow of shadows myth dispelling
Posted by Valkenar on Wed 31-Dec-69 07:00 PM
Things I've read:
Does sneaking help? Does it matter whether it's inherent, or from gear?
Does enemy blindness help? (Extend to enemies unable to see you due to darkness)

Things I'd guess based on the helpfile:
Being smaller helps
It works less well in the dark against people with infravision
It works better in the dark against people with lights
It works better in the dark if you're not wearing glowing gear
It works better against people with blurry vision
Works better against lower int opponents.

How much of this is true?
49119, FoS characters
Posted by SideStrider on Wed 31-Dec-69 07:00 PM
My last FoS character was an arial and it seemed to work best at night in one of the cities. When I would run my buns off into the sewers or the underdark it didn't seem to make a whole lot of difference no matter the time of day, both in the amount it fired or the number of retaliation strikes (which were usually only one and very, very rarely two.)

Helpfile makes is sound dreamy, but its probably not a legacy I would choose again in the future. Mostly due to the fact that when it fires it doesn't fire "well." If it did I would use it even if it was very infrequent that the legacy fires off.
49046, RE: Flow of shadows myth dispelling
Posted by Daevryn on Wed 31-Dec-69 07:00 PM
>Things I've read:
>Does sneaking help? Does it matter whether it's inherent, or
>from gear?

Yes, sneaking helps. From gear probably isn't helpful since other than autosneaking you stop sneaking while fighting.

Quiet movement is better than nothing but not as good as sneaking.

>Does enemy blindness help? (Extend to enemies unable to see
>you due to darkness)

Not sure about blindness; darker rooms are better.

>Things I'd guess based on the helpfile:
>Being smaller helps

I don't think so.

>It works less well in the dark against people with

I don't think so.

>It works better in the dark against people with lights


>It works better in the dark if you're not wearing glowing

I don't think this is relevant.

>It works better against people with blurry vision

I don't think so, although that would make sense.

>Works better against lower int opponents.

I don't think so.

>How much of this is true?