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Topic subjectThe ehren edges
Topic URLhttps://forums.carrionfields.com/dcboard.php?az=show_topic&forum=6&topic_id=48444
48444, The ehren edges
Posted by Graatch on Wed 31-Dec-69 07:00 PM
Something I am curious about after reading a bunch of these logs: to what extent (if any) do things like tribunal guards, nightwalkers, beast call beasts, conjurer servitors, necro creations, etc. impact someone who took one or both of those edges? Are you screwing yourself up because they count and make you a ganger each time you have them with you?
48456, Gank meter question, then
Posted by highbutterfly on Wed 31-Dec-69 07:00 PM
Can someone clarify, then, how gank meter works? If I'm a nec and I sleep someone, and then their buddy hits them to wake them up, does that mean it counts as a 2% assist and +1 to gankmeter? If I'm expecting these sorts of situations, either my char needs to avoid them or not take the edge.
48460, Yes, it counts as a 2 v. 1
Posted by lasentia on Wed 31-Dec-69 07:00 PM
I made a comment a while back about this since I played bards a lot and people almost always get woken up by allies when they are lullabyed and got told pretty much that it is how it is, and it's not going to be changed.

So generally, if you use sleep and such, you're going to end up taking a slightly higher gang ratio due to their allies helping them since lots of times you kill the person anyway. Worst part, you kill the initial and the ally that woke him, you now have done 2 2 v. 1s even though it was you vs 2 of them. Just the way of things.
48445, RE: The ehren edges
Posted by Lhydia on Wed 31-Dec-69 07:00 PM
If it matters at all I decided never to take these edges because I always join a cabal. If you ever kill someone and get less than 100% of the killing hits, from what I understand both edges are negated.

As Qrtaw I had a PERFECT group pk RIGHT after I took these edges, I avoided and dodged every single 'in between' hit a group of three tried to throw at me. However, as SOON as I killed a Nexus retriever as a non-solo defender as a battlerager, I never reproduced that initial fight and from what I could tell the edges never worked again.

My guess is only PC fights count towards the edges since everything else is considered a cabal/class power for an individual.

If I'm wrong I'd be super happy and take the edges again.

48446, they are fine if you keep your ganking low
Posted by laxman on Wed 31-Dec-69 07:00 PM
If you keep your gank-o-meter around 1.5 its really nice. Thats very doable as a cabaled char. Just don't hunt in groups and if you are focused on it then the ganks will be evened out by the 1 on 1's

48448, My understanding is it's largely based on gank-o-meter
Posted by Java on Wed 31-Dec-69 07:00 PM
So if you have the occasional group PK, but mostly stick to solo fights you'll probably be ok.

My real worry with those edges is if you always fight a solo fight, you could still catch people after they fought someone else, or they could flee from you and die to someone else, and your gank meter still goes up. But if you tend to always have a relatively low (Solo-Killer) ranking, then it should stay beneficial.

From what Daevryn said a while back, some skills are inherently harder to land when you're part of a group (PC or mob doesn't matter). I think bash was an example. Ehren edges make those penalties more severe (slightly harder to land on you if you're the victim, significantly harder for you to land them if you're part of the gang).

So basically, it's two different parts of the Ehren edge, one that is an instantaneous calculation based on how many are fighting whom, and the other is cumulative based on (I think) your gank-o-meter ranking.
48450, This is basically correct (n/t)
Posted by Daevryn on Wed 31-Dec-69 07:00 PM
>So if you have the occasional group PK, but mostly stick to
>solo fights you'll probably be ok.
>My real worry with those edges is if you always fight a solo
>fight, you could still catch people after they fought someone
>else, or they could flee from you and die to someone else, and
>your gank meter still goes up. But if you tend to always have
>a relatively low (Solo-Killer) ranking, then it should stay
>From what Daevryn said a while back, some skills are
>inherently harder to land when you're part of a group (PC or
>mob doesn't matter). I think bash was an example. Ehren edges
>make those penalties more severe (slightly harder to land on
>you if you're the victim, significantly harder for you to land
>them if you're part of the gang).
>So basically, it's two different parts of the Ehren edge, one
>that is an instantaneous calculation based on how many are
>fighting whom, and the other is cumulative based on (I think)
>your gank-o-meter ranking.
48454, Sorry maybe I'm missing it
Posted by Charade on Wed 31-Dec-69 07:00 PM
But to answer the question then it is a waste of time to take these edges if you have a servitor type build. IE tribunal necro conjie etc since your pets are making you part of a group AND pets also add to your gank o meter. Killing both aspects of the code check. Correct?
48455, look up a necro PBF
Posted by laxman on Wed 31-Dec-69 07:00 PM
Pets don't contribute to gank-o-meter just to the current number of people beating on a guy part. otherwise necros would have an average group size of 4-6 per kill.
48458, RE: Sorry maybe I'm missing it
Posted by Daevryn on Wed 31-Dec-69 07:00 PM
If you're a necromancer with Ehren Soul and run around with a bunch of zombies, you're going to have an extremely hard time hitting with bash for several reasons.

Gank/Ganked-o-meter counts PCs only.
48459, I'll make an Ehren necro
Posted by Artificial on Wed 31-Dec-69 07:00 PM
If you give me the bash skill.