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Forum Name Gameplay
Topic subjectTribunal
Topic URLhttps://forums.carrionfields.com/dcboard.php?az=show_topic&forum=6&topic_id=4817
4817, Tribunal
Posted by Brian S on Wed 31-Dec-69 07:00 PM
Well, to the Imms that said they'd laugh, when this finally came up, start your laughing. I just got to witness a Provost, able to now take his guards, outside of the cities and hunt with them. Now, this wouldn't be so bad, but the super guards are following him around even outside of the city. I've seen him solo raid the outlander with 20 rounds, as the guards hit 8 times a round for mangles. Thats close to what two warriors can do. If the Provost wishes to be a vindicator, let him step down, or make it so when he leaves the cities, his guards are tuned down to the normal level of a tribunal, not the super level. Normal guards, I wouldn't care to much about, but the super guards are a bit to much. And as an aside, he can still call those guards and walk out of city with them, even when the spire doens't hold the scales. Now, vinds and just's don't get there powers, so why should he get his? If he wants to be a Vindicator, make him one, and find one to do the Job of the Provost.

Brian S.
4836, or perhaps you don't realise what the Provost is?
Posted by incognito on Wed 31-Dec-69 07:00 PM
The Provost is now a bit of Vindicator, Justiciar and Leader in one.
4863, RE: or perhaps you don't realise what the Provost is?
Posted by Velkurah on Wed 31-Dec-69 07:00 PM
I think you're blowing things a bit out of proportion. As it was set up before, the Provost was stuck being an induction-bitch, more or less. Justiciars and Vindicators are supposed to be beneath the Provost in the hierarchy, but they had way cooler powers. Trust me, the Justiciar and Vindicator have far more specialized powers then the Provost does, but the Provost now has a few little bonuses to go along with the job.

4864, I know I felt like a step down from Justiciar to Provost
Posted by Bobcat742 on Wed 31-Dec-69 07:00 PM
I always thought Provost gets the short end of the stick most times. And glad to see thats no more.

Thanks Velk