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Topic subject | Request to fix flawed game mechanics |
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47927, Request to fix flawed game mechanics
Posted by laxman on Wed 31-Dec-69 07:00 PM
There are 2 cabals that are built(in theory) around convincing people to adopt their philosophy, these are empire and fort (other cabals are not built around conversion as a high level ideal as opposed to destruction)
Unfortunately the imms have intentionally created mechanical penalties around align change that make it so only a masochist would want to participate in being converted. As a result the RP of those cabals suffer because players in them know going in that succeeding in their cabals supposed goal is impossible, causing them to generally keep it to shrineP or other meaningless chats. Admittedly thesis more an issue for fort because in empire conversion doesn't always come with align change.
Purposes solution. Leave penalties in place but have them sutomatically removed by joining empire or fort, perhaps limit oathing goods and neutrals to elite/higher or just the divine sect.
*autocorrect sucks
47928, Alignment change is the way it is for a reason.
Posted by Zephon on Wed 31-Dec-69 07:00 PM
It is not a trivial thing. The penalty is so high because you have to RP it well. The penalty gets removed often case if you RP the change well eventually. You arnt meant to change alignment in this game. It is a very hard thing to pull off fluidly.
I dont think the imms want any automatic way to remove the penalties.
47929, And that reason combined with the purpose of those cabals creates a systemic flaw
Posted by laxman on Wed 31-Dec-69 07:00 PM
Imms:Hey mr. Paladin go forth and turn evil to the ligh Imms:Hey mr. Evil if you want to turn to the light we are going to remove your ability to actually do anything but talk and get spam killed I hope you enjoy the process! Oh and just so you know because our chars last years we think 40-80 hours is a short time (despite being 25-50% of mortal char average lifespans) so don't worry if you talk good (because we have mechanically removed your ability to act out things) it will be a "short" time before you can fully participate in the game
That's the current trap. The fort should either drop their dogma about turning people away from darkness or the system should be modified in such a way they might succeed more then once a decade.
47930, I still don't understand why you even lose powers for align changes.
Posted by Tesline on Wed 31-Dec-69 07:00 PM
The conept baffles me..You have a change of heart in the middle of your life. You suddenly can't preform things you have been doing for over 300 years.
47931, Pretty sure it is to keep all dark-elves from playing good and elves from playing evil.
Posted by Zephon on Wed 31-Dec-69 07:00 PM
Because most elves are good and most dark-elves are evil. Same with storms and fire giants. Or gnomes from becoming evil. Without a penalty the alignment change means nothing. In other words, there is nothing to keep everyone from doing it.