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Forum Name Gameplay
Topic subjectBecoming an Immortal
Topic URLhttps://forums.carrionfields.com/dcboard.php?az=show_topic&forum=6&topic_id=47874
47874, Becoming an Immortal
Posted by GreatGray on Wed 31-Dec-69 07:00 PM

I'm curious what responsibilities (and powers) go along with becoming a lower tier Immortal. Another post suggested that doing a good job as an avatar can eventually end up setting you up with a religion as an entirely different character/God. Is that true?

The helpfile and background info is pretty clear regarding what it takes to get there, but not really what the "reality" is like at that point. Like, do you hear prayers, can you watch players in action, can you read roles and imm comments about active characters. Trying to get a sense of whether I'd enjoy it or find it boring.

What duties are entailed at the avatar level? Are you mostly responding to newbie questions, monitoring prayers, or writing areas? Does this require coding knowledge or simply creative writing abilities?

Ultimately, what does it take to rise up into a position as an immortal that has a religion and maybe gets to develop some new areas? Is this something that's accomplished often by those of us who don't know jack about coding?
47875, some answers..
Posted by Balta on Wed 31-Dec-69 07:00 PM
I wont go into specifics about what powers come at what immortal level.. but here is a breakdown for hero imm

lvl 51 hero imm: You start off by handling newbie channel. Not long after imming you will be given an area to write. Completing your area becomes your main goal, when you are not doing this.. you will handle newbie channel, help people with descriptions in the description room, and basically anything else asked of you.. I personally also did some helpfile editing/additions as a lvl 51 hero imm...

lvl 52: Never been there but from what I saw, same duties as lvl 51, except you can read roles and possibly give some exp for them? you can also read descriptions I think.. and also have the ability to bring people to the description room without a higher lvl imm helping you..

some generic powers you can use is the goto command with room #, although lvl 51s and possibly 52s? are not allowed to go into open areas.. meaning any area that a mortal could get to.

During this whole process you will have a mentor (higher lvl imm to guide you)

I got too busy to complete everything so I stepped down.. but I will say everyone from the staff I met was extremely helpful and encouraged me towards success.. If you are serious with these questions, I recommend that you attempt a hero imm to experience it for yourself.

Also.. you need ZERO coding knowledge to write an area. Just make sure you use Rayihn's template *wink*

but if you are an experienced coder, you can have success in that department as well, I know Nreykre was allowed to do some coding as a hero imm.

hope this was helpful!
47876, oh.. couple more things....
Posted by Balta on Wed 31-Dec-69 07:00 PM
being a hero imm in of itself is pretty damn boring.. but if you focus that into writing your area, you probably wont be one too, too long...

and no, you cannot ready imm comments. no you cannot snoop players.

and let me stress this again.. YES, with ZERO coding knowledge but a creative mind, you can go very high as an imm. too be honest, besides Daev, Zulg, Scar, Nreykre, and *shudder* an attempting Enlilth.. I do not think any of the other imms know how to program.
47884, This is pretty much right.
Posted by Reksah on Wed 31-Dec-69 07:00 PM
This is pretty much right.

There's a link at the top of the Gameplay forum: "How to apply to the staff" or something like that. Other than Valguarnera not really being around, it is accurate.