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Topic subjectMOBS in your group and ranking xp
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47193, MOBS in your group and ranking xp
Posted by laxman on Wed 31-Dec-69 07:00 PM
So do all mobs in your group have a detrimental affect on xp gains from ranking? Do they just function like pcs (so they could have a positive affect by raising a group number to 2 or 3).

Are all mobs the same...

Orc enslaves
Bought Mercenaries
Mobs created by items
Necro golems
Necro zombies
Scion Nightwalkers
Animist mobs
Outlander beastcall
Druid tree's
Druid staff's
Druid Call of the wilds
Ranger Bear
Ranger Wolf
47208, MOBS not in your group don't diminish exp.
Posted by CD on Wed 31-Dec-69 07:00 PM

Example: Outlander beastcall/nightwalker/conjurered pets for the Conjurer.
47195, In my experience... this is complicated.
Posted by Tac on Wed 31-Dec-69 07:00 PM
Nightwalkers might be counted like conjie pets, in that they don't count, but everything else on that list is probably going to hurt your exp gains.

Unless your pet is lower ranked and gets the killing blow*. Then sometimes you get more. There seems to be some funkiness in this function and I've never quite gotten a real handle on it, but generally speaking anything that isn't a cojie-ish pet, you aren't going to want to have ranking with you.

While the real answer isn't quite "they always hurt your exp gains" it is generally close enough that you can treat it as such.


* At least this is what I think I remember from the last time I tried to rank up a mage and ended up using pets a lot. I could be mis-remembering.