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Topic subjectThe Tournament of Thirteen (your thoughts?)
Topic URLhttps://forums.carrionfields.com/dcboard.php?az=show_topic&forum=6&topic_id=47142
47142, The Tournament of Thirteen (your thoughts?)
Posted by Whiysdan on Wed 31-Dec-69 07:00 PM
Well, the first tournament of thirteen has been completed. There were three no shows, but three others stepped up bigtime and I REALLY appreciate them doing that. Hooray for agreeing to be thrown into the fire! I'd like to hear your thoughts, good and bad, about how it went. There are definitely things I would change for future tournaments, but I consider this one a success.

So, that being said, what are your thoughts? What did you like? What did you not like? Anything at all that you want to say? I'd like to hear from you (even if you weren't there for it)! Do you like things like this?

47229, You have an opportunity here that I think you're failing to see...
Posted by Bubthegreat on Wed 31-Dec-69 07:00 PM
The rules were circumvented...so roll with it and make it a running theme. You can say "Well, don't circumvent my rules, or there will be consequences" and then try and find every single loophole that someone might try and find. That's going to be incredibly tedious, and if you make this a running event it will become frustrating for you. You'll have to nip that in the but a lot more harshly than you did. (I was there, you were pretty nice about it. Fits your RP as an IMM)

The other option is to laugh and commend them for being clever. You can also encourage circumvention of the rules. Basically the contest would be half about finding the best loopholes, etc, and also about being the best.

You can make it into an opportunity to show how clever the player is, and how strong they are. custom titles for both the winner and the most clever, and possible rewards for each. It would encourage players who may not be the best at PK to have a shot at being the clever one, and those who are good at PK to have a shot at the "reigning champ" title.

Anyway...I personally would like to see this tournament turn into a "new rules every time" and then see how creative people are at getting around the rules. I think it would really bring out some of the creativity of the playerbase that isn't uber PK savvy, and at the same time be an opportunity for you and everyone watching to laugh when something particularly clever is thought up.

I enjoyed the tournament though. :) Waiting to participate in the next!
47265, Great post nt
Posted by Splntrd on Wed 31-Dec-69 07:00 PM
47266, 2nd
Posted by Artificial on Wed 31-Dec-69 07:00 PM
Though any clear and direct violations of the rules should be very harshly punished if this is implemented.

47170, One thing
Posted by Gaspar on Wed 31-Dec-69 07:00 PM
Thank you for canoe-whacking the bard for interfering. It was bad enough for the rager having to fight a lich, let alone having some asshole come fiend you WHILE having to fight a lich.

Bard Al'ghul was a doosh-a-roo
47264, You're welcome. nt
Posted by Akresius on Wed 31-Dec-69 07:00 PM
47162, RE: The Tournament of Thirteen (your thoughts?)
Posted by Tremonti on Wed 31-Dec-69 07:00 PM
I actually appreciated the time. I don't usually get to play in the evenings so this was appreciated. If you have any more at this times on Friday or Saturday, I will definitely try and make those.

It would have been nice to be able to watch the fights. Maybe you can talk Santa Zulg into writing some code so we could watch the fights on a JumboTron.

For those complaining about Drek, if you knew you were going to lose, you could have used the rules to your advantage and worded/teleported and this wouldn't have left him a corpse.

I liked the Elemental Temple. Next time I wouldn't mind some wilderness for the outdoories types to live in. I did like the fact there was someplace people could hide especially if you scouted the area ahead of time and yes, I did have a key. Next time I would like to see 3 things in the area. Wilderness, a locked door, and a healer.
47149, RE: The Tournament of Thirteen (your thoughts?)
Posted by KrunkTheOrc on Wed 31-Dec-69 07:00 PM
Bad timing mostly. I'm not sure why the time that was picked was picked, but it was impossible to do for me for various reasons. I understand different folks play at different times, but the time picked isn't exactly high player count normally, so it seems like an odd choice. Not that big a deal, but annoying for me.
47157, RE: The Tournament of Thirteen (your thoughts?)
Posted by Whiysdan on Wed 31-Dec-69 07:00 PM
I appreciate the feedback.

I decided to do it earlier in the day (and on a weekend) because I thought maybe people would be able to get it over with early and still have the rest of their day (obviously, that only applies for people in the Americas/Canada/etc). So, while it wasn't the time with the highest player numbers, I figured people might could (or want to) schedule around that.

That's another thing that will change next time.

47163, Understandable timing, just impossible for me due to RL stuff
Posted by KrunkTheOrc on Wed 31-Dec-69 07:00 PM
Not your problem, and if they happen psuedo-regularly that can be worked around.

On the subject of battlefields, the Battlefield in the past, has a wide variety of terrain types, so that might be a decent option to consider. Or something like it.
47172, Thought it could have been better.
Posted by kontoln3 on Wed 31-Dec-69 07:00 PM
1. One on one tournaments are really boring if everyone cannot see what is going on. You just stand there and wait. (but it might be boring to have them all in the Arena) we almost need a few different arena grounds. But that would take a lot of coding, I think. It would not be so bad if multiple people were going at a time in the begining.
2. Was not clear to me where we got to prepair before the fight. I was still getting ready when my opponent caught me offguard.
3. Did not like that there were high-level mobs to get in the way. It is a disadvantage to all classes that have any sort of AOE ability and as you stated Bloodthirst. Low level mobs might be a distraction, but atleast they would not be a threat.

Other than those, I think all the Imm staff was great. The next one will probably be better.
47144, Well, I for one wasn't very happy. For obvious reasons...
Posted by Zameida on Wed 31-Dec-69 07:00 PM
... Okay, started writing a really long reply to this. Still kinda aggrevated over the whole thing...

Okay, just erased a second long reply...

Me, the player, is upset with what happened to me. And that's that.

Other than that, great idea for a tournament! It's a lot of fun and I for one always enjoy immteractions.

The only thing I'll point out is: Next time, think over the rules carefully, and I don't mean the rule that got me disqualified. I meant the rule that IMMs circumvented to aid their followers/cabal.

47145, Just out of curiosity...
Posted by Iunna on Wed 31-Dec-69 07:00 PM
>The only thing I'll point out is: Next time, think over the
>rules carefully, and I don't mean the rule that got me
>disqualified. I meant the rule that IMMs circumvented to aid
>their followers/cabal.

Which of these do you think were broken?

1) This is a single elimination tournament. Fighting is to the death. Of
. course, there are those that may not wish to spill each others blood. In
. these circumstances, a withdrawal can be discussed to decide who will move
. on without bloodshed.
2) The first tournament will be held in the Elemental Temple. Do not leave
. the Temple grounds.
3) You may use anything you can carry and bring with you, but you may receive
. no help from any other mortal. Also, you may not leave the Temple until
. *after* you are eliminated.
4) Out of respect for the tournament, the corpses of the fallen shall not be
. touched. None shall take a single thing from any them.
5) Any are welcome to watch, but beware, that any that breaks the above rules
. or causes trouble will have to deal with the consequences. Respect the
. tournament and its combatants.
47151, Did I even say that rules were broken?
Posted by Zameida on Wed 31-Dec-69 07:00 PM
No, I didn't. I said circumvented:

3) You may use anything you can carry and bring with you, but you may receive
. no help from any other MORTAL. Also, you may not leave the Temple until
. *after* you are eliminated.

Yeah, I was DQed because I DID brake the rules. The imms DIDN'T brake the rules but they did interfere in combat, aiding players. And yes, they are not mortals. I'd call that circumventing the rules. Not braking them. I thought I was the ESL here...

I would however say that it certainly ain't upholding the "Respect the tournament and it's combatants." Neither was my childish ending of it all by wording people out, that was also a violation of rule 5.

So all in all, I never said any imm broke any rules. I agreed to that I did brake the rules.

Ooh, and for Whysdian:

calling a portal and beckoning druk'tars are not the same thing.

Druk'tars won't steal ####, only attack everyone every now and then. + they didn't go away when the sun went up as I expected. Thus they would've been with us the WHOLE tournament attacking everyone. Something I did not know. (I've never ever had druk'tars in the elemental temple before so kinda hard to forsee.) So, for me there was 2 options:
1: Word out, get rid of the Druk'Tars.
2: Stay, let the Druk'tars attack everyone, and get DQed for disturbing the tournament. It was a lose lose situation, when we were told beforehand that cabal powers would be allowed.

Anyways, done is done. Zameida is close to age-death, so I'm just gonna forget about this whole deal.
47153, RE: Did I even say that rules were broken?
Posted by Iunna on Wed 31-Dec-69 07:00 PM
>No, I didn't. I said circumvented:
>3) You may use anything you can carry and bring with you, but
>you may receive
>. no help from any other MORTAL. Also, you may not leave the
>Temple until
>. *after* you are eliminated.
>Yeah, I was DQed because I DID brake the rules. The imms
>DIDN'T brake the rules but they did interfere in combat,
>aiding players. And yes, they are not mortals. I'd call that
>circumventing the rules. Not braking them. I thought I was the
>ESL here...

Break, not brake. Also:


Find a way around (an obstacle).
Overcome (a difficulty), typically in a clever and surreptitious way.

deceive - cheat

>I would however say that it certainly ain't upholding the
>"Respect the tournament and it's combatants." Neither was my
>childish ending of it all by wording people out, that was also
>a violation of rule 5.

That's one view point.

>Anyways, done is done. Zameida is close to age-death, so I'm
>just gonna forget about this whole deal.

Probably for the best.
47164, Well, guess I'll have to bite my tongue there.
Posted by Zameida on Wed 31-Dec-69 07:00 PM
Either way, I did not mean to imply that IMMs were cheating. Just wanted to clarify that IMMs aided people in combat, which was allowed by the rules. Thus my comment to Whyisdian to look over the rules.
47147, RE: Well, I for one wasn't very happy. For obvious reasons...
Posted by Whiysdan on Wed 31-Dec-69 07:00 PM
Sorry that your unhappy. I really am. I didn't want to disqualify you. I think the tournament would have been better with you in it, I really do.

(for those not in the know, Zameida was DQ'ed for leaving the Temple grounds)

Basically, she asked me if she could open up a portal. I told her sure, but if I was attacked, I'd hold her personally responsible (which meant bad things for her). So after she won her opening round, she worded and came back so that I wouldn't get attacked by the Druk'Trar. A clear violation of rule #2:

2) The first tournament will be held in the Elemental Temple. Do not leave
. the Temple grounds.

Like I said, I really would have liked to see you go on through the tournament, but being DQ'ed was the consequence of your own choices, as much as it sucks.

I did think it clever that a couple of people had trustall activated and got worded by some stander-by's, but that was also a clear violation of the "thou shall not interfere" rule, so it was overlooked. Since Zameida left of her own volition, she got the ax from the tournament.

Again, sorry if it rubbed you the wrong way. I understand your perspective and your frustration, but hopefully you can see things from my point of view as well.

As to the rule about not helping, I worded the rules very carefully for a reason. It was definitely a ploy to try and get other immortals involved/interested, as well. I figured they might take an interest, too (and they did, thankfully!).

Thanks again for participating.

47150, So how did the lich not get disqualified?
Posted by laxman on Wed 31-Dec-69 07:00 PM
It seems like he was making phylacs from corpses which appears to be a violation of the respecting corpses rule. I mean if that doesn't break the rule then was this just a phylactery pharming event for him? If you have future tournaments perhaps make that not the case?

47154, This was addressed at the event. (n/t)
Posted by Iunna on Wed 31-Dec-69 07:00 PM
47155, RE: This was addressed at the event. (n/t)
Posted by N b M on Wed 31-Dec-69 07:00 PM
This attitude is precisely why you see a rift at times between the administration and the player base.

Whiysdan did ask for commentary from the those involved and those NOT involved, now that there is a chance for open discussion this quick axe chop of a question specific to the tournament isn't very helpful.

47158, Wasn't meant to come off that way.
Posted by Iunna on Wed 31-Dec-69 07:00 PM
I didn't know how much IC information Whiysdan wanted out in the open
for people who weren't at the event.
47160, Word. Thank you for the clarification nt
Posted by N b M on Wed 31-Dec-69 07:00 PM
47156, RE: So how did the lich not get disqualified?
Posted by Whiysdan on Wed 31-Dec-69 07:00 PM
Yeah, at first he was farming phylacteries, then we decided that wasn't kosher and just agreed to let him have any that he actually got the kill on. I think there was a little miscommunication between he and I at first. So I think he got a couple for free before we addressed it and agreed he wouldn't be doing that any more throughout the rest of the tournament.

Another something I'd change (or at least put more consideration into ahead of time) the next time around.

47165, Couple things
Posted by Drekvah on Wed 31-Dec-69 07:00 PM
First, good job on the Tournament. Even though it had bumps and hiccups, I have to say first and foremost thank you to Whiysdan and the other immortals that took the time out of their schedule to put this on. Events and things like this only make CF better, so for the effort and action itself, I commend it.

I am well aware people were a little sour about me entering and winning. A few things though...

First, I noted Whiysdan immediately after he sent out the event invite, and I made sure I would be allowed to use my army in the fight. In a fight to the death, and I knew ragers would be involved, and at losing a con a death, I wasn't coming in unprepared. That's just not how I roll, sorry. If he said no army, I would have respectfully declined. Why should ragers get to use spellbane and deathblow and their weapon specs, and I shouldnt be able to use my class skills?

Second off, the event was at 8 am. I took this thing seriously, I got up at 4 am, logged in, gathered all my defensive preps, despoils, pets, zombies and offense preps. I sat logged in for 4 hours preparing and waiting for this.

Third off, I had no intention of phylacing every corpse. None whatsoever. I had assumed the corpses I made would be mine to ritual, but none more. However, when we were discussing rules, Whiysdan seemed to think (at first) that it would be ok for me to ritual fallen corpses, and it would be OTHER MORTALS jobs to stop me. IE, the outlander there could have skinned the corpses, a charity paladin coulda sacred burialed, ragers could poncho their mage kills, rangers could butcher....etc etc. No mortals even tried, not a single one. Instead, they cried to the imms about me ritualing corpses which I was ok with completely (even the ones I made, but whatever) I was 100% in agreement when they told me I could only phylac my own kills, and I think I got 1 or 2 free ones before they decided that. Big deal, I got a couple crappy phylacs that crumble in 2 RL hours and have 1 use because I didn't get the last hit on the kill. If any of you think scavenged phylacs changed the outcome of the tournament in the slightest, you're pretty sadly mistaken. Most of you, had you been playing a lich, would have tried to get away with it too. Im a power hungry lich after all :P

And lastly, while it was immensely fun, I felt that it was a bit unfair. Any class 1v1 against a prepped lich in a closed battlefield isn't generally going to win. So in the future, I will not be participating in such things as to maximize the fun for the rest of the playerbase and people involved. Remember guys, im a player too, and you only get to lich once probably in your CF career. Just trying to have a good time like you all, I am not in any way trying to step on the fun of other players. Anyone thats died to me and returned to a full corpse can vouch I like everyone to have fun around me. I try to make CF a little more fun for everyone when I can.

I liked it, I hope there are more, overall I would call it a positive experience and will be looking forward to watching the next. After thoughts though? I shouldn't have entered in the name of sportsmanship for the other competitors, and the imms were right to not let me phylac corpses that weren't mine. We all live and learn, looking forward to the next big thing.
47167, Truths! n/t (Like)
Posted by Perpetual_Noob on Wed 31-Dec-69 07:00 PM
47168, Well said. n/t
Posted by Homard on Wed 31-Dec-69 07:00 PM
47148, RE: Well, I for one wasn't very happy. For obvious reasons...
Posted by Whiysdan on Wed 31-Dec-69 07:00 PM
Sorry that your unhappy. I really am. I didn't want to disqualify you. I think the tournament would have been better with you in it, I really do.

(for those not in the know, Zameida was DQ'ed for leaving the Temple grounds)

Basically, she asked me if she could open up a portal. I told her sure, but if I was attacked, I'd hold her personally responsible (which meant bad things for her). So after she won her opening round, she worded and came back so that I wouldn't get attacked by the Druk'Trar. A clear violation of rule #2:

2) The first tournament will be held in the Elemental Temple. Do not leave
. the Temple grounds.

Like I said, I really would have liked to see you go on through the tournament, but being DQ'ed was the consequence of your own choices, as much as it sucks.

I did think it clever that a couple of people had trustall activated and got worded by some stander-by's, but that was also a clear violation of the "thou shall not interfere" rule, so it was overlooked. Since Zameida left of her own volition, she got the ax from the tournament.

Again, sorry if it rubbed you the wrong way. I understand your perspective and your frustration, but hopefully you can see things from my point of view as well.

As to the rule about not helping, I worded the rules very carefully for a reason. It was definitely a ploy to try and get other immortals involved/interested, as well. I figured they might take an interest, too (and they did, thankfully!).

Thanks again for participating.

47152, Ooh, one more thing...
Posted by Zameida on Wed 31-Dec-69 07:00 PM
... The reason to why I got so upset, and still am are because I had to do a lot of planning to manage to participate in this tournament. It is SO rare that I am able to partake in different events due to europe hours etc, that since this was on a saturday afternoon for me there was a remote chance of me actually managing to go there.

So, a lot of planning RL-wise just to get DQed. :( And yes, following the rules to the letter was ofc correct. I do not argue that I didn't violate the rules. I guess I don't know your character well enough to know if he's orderly or not. Personally, I would've have cut some slack in that situation.
47159, RE: Ooh, one more thing...
Posted by Whiysdan on Wed 31-Dec-69 07:00 PM
Well, I'm glad you were able to make it and I appreciate the planning ahead of time to attend. I'm sorry it didn't end like you wanted, but look forward to more interactions in the future.

47143, The one thing that kept me from signing up was the location
Posted by Iklahn on Wed 31-Dec-69 07:00 PM

The idea behind it is great, and I hope that you had enough fun with it to want to do it again. If you wouldn't mind sharing, why did you pick the elemental temple for the battlegrounds?
47146, RE: The one thing that kept me from signing up was the location
Posted by Whiysdan on Wed 31-Dec-69 07:00 PM
Yeah, location is definitely something that I would change (I planned to change location every tournament, actually), but this one really put some classes at a disadvantage. But that's the case with every location. Someone will have an advantage. I like Elemental Temple for a few reasons, but I'm really glad with how some people used the surroundings wisely. A couple notes on that:

1) Bloodthirst was negated nicely in a fight.
2) There was some very clever use of the locked-off part of the Temple by a couple different people.
47161, Just a few comments
Posted by lasentia on Wed 31-Dec-69 07:00 PM
People did not appear to be able to watch the fights, just hear yells.that sort of makes there more down time for people wiring or just there to watch. I have no idea how that could be addressed though because doing it outside the arena I think is a good idea and allowing people to move round freely is. Problem when using area spells and such.

Could there be time limit? Like if nobody wins in 24 hours they are both eliminated? It would give people a bit less incentive to wait for perfect times to strike (like waiting out shifters and seeks and such) and to jut throw down

A lich with a full army is just a little ridiculous :) giving him free phylacteries essentially by mandating people fight him and his horde alone actually seems like a way to discourage people. Not sure tht this is a rel problem though since liches are not common.

Glad to See you did thi though and I hope to be part in one of these again someday because they are pretty fun. Just wished I didn't die right before it, would have been a good last hurrah.

And I think the winner should have fought you ;)

Sorry about typos, doing this on. Phone.