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Topic subjectCabal powers and Anti gang code.
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4684, Cabal powers and Anti gang code.
Posted by Rutsah on Wed 31-Dec-69 07:00 PM
5 years ago this argument croped up in a fairly big way. It was announced then that there was no viable reason for anything to be changed. Recently however I've thought on this situation again and I honestly dont think that there is NOT a viable reason anymore. Before monsters were just that, meat bags that hit hard and droped gear.

Times have changed, the type of the mob dictages what it does. Warriors using spec skills, monsters using shifter form skills (or other wicked progs). Mages barriered/shield/aura/ghostly zapping with wands and hurling spells every round (faster than such spells should be cast).

I think the time has come that cabal skills should work against monsters like they do against players. I see no reason that they should not. There are so many things you can do to "circumvent" a players skills/powers when your progging a mob.

Id like to see spellbane work on mobs, Id like to see other powers like Volley work on mobs. Battle is getting confined more and more recently.

Some new zones and some old ones have flying/swimming/magic heavy sections which are just close to impossible to explore or even attempt due to restrictions. Its almost common knowledge that having a shield bitch (invoker) is a must for exploration.

In reguards to anti-gang code. Was this aspect removed ? I thought that skill affects on outnumbered people were reduced to atleast give them a chance at escaping once. I actually remember experiencing this multiple times when being tripped and bashed hugely buy groups of 5. Yet recently I've also run into a few gangs and have noted that I've been permalagged for 15-20 rounds straight, sometimes only as many as two people.

Any feed back appreciated, any flames well #### off in advance :)
4723, RE: Cabal powers and Anti gang code.
Posted by Valguarnera on Wed 31-Dec-69 07:00 PM
No change that I'm aware of has been made to the anti-ganging code. However, if you are being tripped and bashed by five people, yes, there is a decent chance that your next command will be at your pit. The code reduces the chance, but does not eliminate it.

4687, RE: Cabal powers and Anti gang code.
Posted by Nhiala on Wed 31-Dec-69 07:00 PM
Most cabal powers already do work against mobs. Of the maran powers that are applicable, I can think of maybe one that might not work. And that's just because I never tested it. Deathblow works against mobs. Resist. Truesight. Black shroud. Imperial training. Nightwalkers. Other than tribunal powers, about the only ones I can think of that don't work against mobs are the two you named, i.e. volley and spellbane.

As for the anti-gang code, I can't comment other than to say that if it had been removed I'd expect there to have been an announcement.
4688, Any reason now however why the cabal powers shouldnt work ? txt
Posted by Rutsah on Wed 31-Dec-69 07:00 PM
I mean, black shroud is considered a major skill for the divine sect.
Say.. Shove for the blade sect, which allows them to shove mobs.

Spellbane is probably the most important power for a villager, yet it only works on players. Any reasons these days as to why ?
4689, RE: Any reason now however why the cabal powers shouldnt work ? txt
Posted by Zulghinlour on Wed 31-Dec-69 07:00 PM
>Spellbane is probably the most important power for a villager,
>yet it only works on players. Any reasons these days as to why

Same reason deafen doesn't. Same reason worldbind doesn't. While mobs are smarter...they aren't smart enough to walk away from a fight they can't win. They aren't smart enough to gather preps and use them against someone that comes after them. They aren't smart enough to track you down and kill you when you flee like a player can. They make the fight between PC & NPC completely and utterly devoid of skill. I don't see this changing ever.
4691, RE: Any reason now however why the cabal powers shouldnt work ? txt
Posted by Romanul on Wed 31-Dec-69 07:00 PM
Lets not forget about cabal raiding. Such a change would make the Archmage laugh-able.
4685, Disagree with both.
Posted by sarnac on Wed 31-Dec-69 07:00 PM
I disagree with both your points. First, making cabal powers such as the ones you mention work against mobs is a little over the top. Yes, mobs have evolved, but not all that much. Mobs remain dumb programs, which cannot adapt to new situations. I don't know, perhaps when they learn how to switch tactics then we can make them as vulnerable as players, but right now they're just the same old stupid mobs.

On the anti-ganging aspect, I think your hopes are a little too high here. You say "I thought that skill affects on outnumbered people were reduced to atleast give them a chance at escaping once". Or essentially, 0% chance of permalagging someone when you've got more than one person in your group. That doesn't make much sense, since a lone player with the right skill will still be able to permalag you but not a group? The idea is of anti-ganging is to reduce chance of permalagging when you're ganged, not negate it completely. It's to encourage people to gang a little less and to make ganged people have a little chance of escape. But the natural laws remain unchanged: you should have more chances to keep someone in a fight if you are a group, than if you are alone...
