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Forum Name Gameplay
Topic subjectWhere has the immteraction gone?
Topic URLhttps://forums.carrionfields.com/dcboard.php?az=show_topic&forum=6&topic_id=4674
4674, Where has the immteraction gone?
Posted by Aiekooso on Wed 31-Dec-69 07:00 PM
This is one of the rare occasions that I actually find myself
agreeing with Jyrbian.  One of the things that initially drew
me to cf was the amount of imm ran quests that used to go on. 
Somewhere over the year this seems to have been lost.  The
last few I have been involved with took months upon months to
complete and even those were years ago.  Please bring back the
quest that takes maybe a month to do, but at the same time has
events occurring every couple of days or once a week.  If a
god goes inactive then have the players of an opposing god
seek at an item to destroy them.  If that god comes back and
wants to return as that imm, then have them find an item to
resurrect him or her ie Amaranthe.  Don’t get me wrong,
I’m sure we all love the little changes we see, but how
about bringing back that trade mark immteraction.  Anymore it
seems like the wizinvis command has become way to popular.  In
this fantasy world it just seems like there are too many lost
opportunities to make it the game more fun for you as imms and
us as players.  When Macalla was introduced there were a few
warriors involved in getting the legacies, but why weren’t
the mages trying to oppose them?  New thieves were introduced,
but how did that come about?  Why weren’t the thief guilds
searching for these new methods and why didn’t the assassin
guilds seek to prevent it?  Like I said the changes are great,
but could we please add a little more rp to these situations? 
4675, I'm pretty content with the amount of immteraction I get.
Posted by Vladamir on Wed 31-Dec-69 07:00 PM
I've gotten quite a bit of immteraction with my currect
character (more than I wanted at times). I like that new
things are being coded and added and tweaked and changed, I
don't always need a pretty picture to go with it. Also, if you
remember the LASt thing mortals got involved with in a questy
way, it was to bring back Empire. Can't really say I consider
this a positive thing for the mud.