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Forum Name Gameplay
Topic subjectIdeas
Topic URLhttps://forums.carrionfields.com/dcboard.php?az=show_topic&forum=6&topic_id=4565
4565, Ideas
Posted by CaptainAverage on Wed 31-Dec-69 07:00 PM
Just one simple idea that could work:

Sleep is a very powerful and useful tool. I can't tell you how many times I've been helplessly slept or put out of commission by the spell or used it on some passing fool. However, it seems a tactic better suited to just necromancy. Anti-paladins too have the spell, but I would think it would be interesting to have something more unique that created virtually the same effect. For Anti-paladins, I would suggest a paralyze spell. It would have the same debilitating effect of sleep, but instead of putting one asleep, a person would be locked in their own body only able to look straight forward. Also, it would add more roleplay value to a cruel dark knight who whispered a few nasty words right before deafening his victim and then smiling wickedly as he took their sight from them. Not really changing the balance of the game, but adding a little more uniqueness to a class that has some of the worst roleplayers I've seen.

Also, I'd like to hear people quit complaining about cabal powers and overpowering, etc. Things will work out. New cabals come, old ones go, things change, blah, blah, blah, and in the longrun, nothing really matters concerning cabals. Yes, Outlanders are new and have different abilities and not all of them are as powerful as everyone wants them to be. Tough. Maybe you might have to rely on skill instead of cabal powers to get things done instead of having it all handed to you. Yes, Tribunal is powerful within the cities. I thought that was a given. So what if you're stopped from getting their item? Its all just spilt milk and there is way too much crying going on about it.

Simple answer to above paragraph:

Learn the game, study the areas, learn the limits, make do with what you've got. I've played an Outlander and its not tough to get along using the skills you already have. Powers are just the icing on the cake. You can still live without them and function. In fact, powers are the result of having the gumption to put a little extra into the depth of your character. The ones who complain are the ones who either are too lazy to put effort into their character, or lost interest in sticking to the ideals your character is supposed to have. Either way, who cares?
4572, RE: Ideas
Posted by incognito on Wed 31-Dec-69 07:00 PM
>Just one simple idea that could work:
>Sleep is a very powerful and useful tool. I can't tell you how
>many times I've been helplessly slept or put out of commission
>by the spell or used it on some passing fool. However, it
>seems a tactic better suited to just necromancy. Anti-paladins
>too have the spell, but I would think it would be interesting
>to have something more unique that created virtually the same
>effect. For Anti-paladins, I would suggest a paralyze spell.
>It would have the same debilitating effect of sleep, but
>instead of putting one asleep, a person would be locked in
>their own body only able to look straight forward. Also, it
>would add more roleplay value to a cruel dark knight who
>whispered a few nasty words right before deafening his victim
>and then smiling wickedly as he took their sight from them.
>Not really changing the balance of the game, but adding a
>little more uniqueness to a class that has some of the worst
>roleplayers I've seen.

I like the ap idea, but there are a few things you need to remember:

1. APs tend to lack rp because they tend to be powergamers. The class appeals tremendously to such players and when you play one, it starts to turn you into one (at least in my case). When they paralyze you, those with bad rp are unlikely to do much more than wave at you or moon at you. I doubt many would risk losing the charge(s) by rp'ing to you.

2. There are minor balance implications to being paralyzed and not slept. For example, you can see what wands an ap uses before he blinds you. You can see who walks in before he blinds you. Does an attack on you remove the paralysis? What else removes it? Remove paralysis supp, or awaken?


>Also, I'd like to hear people quit complaining about cabal
>powers and overpowering, etc. Things will work out. New cabals
>come, old ones go, things change, blah, blah, blah, and in the
>longrun, nothing really matters concerning cabals. Yes,
>Outlanders are new and have different abilities and not all of
>them are as powerful as everyone wants them to be. Tough.
>Maybe you might have to rely on skill instead of cabal powers
>to get things done instead of having it all handed to you.
>Yes, Tribunal is powerful within the cities. I thought that
>was a given. So what if you're stopped from getting their
>item? Its all just spilt milk and there is way too much crying
>going on about it.
>Simple answer to above paragraph:
>Learn the game, study the areas, learn the limits, make do
>with what you've got. I've played an Outlander and its not
>tough to get along using the skills you already have. Powers
>are just the icing on the cake. You can still live without
>them and function. In fact, powers are the result of having
>the gumption to put a little extra into the depth of your
>character. The ones who complain are the ones who either are
>too lazy to put effort into their character, or lost interest
>in sticking to the ideals your character is supposed to have.
>Either way, who cares?