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Topic subjectRole Recycling??
Topic URLhttps://forums.carrionfields.com/dcboard.php?az=show_topic&forum=6&topic_id=45415
45415, Role Recycling??
Posted by Contemplating on Wed 31-Dec-69 07:00 PM
I was curious what the imms/PC's perspective is on recycling a role that was written by the player wishing to reuse the role. I know there was a recent long discussion on re-using Descriptions, but I do believe those considerations/worries arose from plagiarism and lack of character depth.

Some important considerations.
1)The original character with the role never got above lvl 16.
2)The character never had the role published.
3)The character had limited PC/Immteraction.
4)I did receive Imm XP for the role (though at this mention I am curious how deep the Imms look at the roles when newly posted or if it is just a pat on the back/"Oh we see you have a role now!" sort of thing.)

I had a role/character concept I really wanted to explore but had to be deleted early due to extenuating circumstances.
45424, RE: Role Recycling??
Posted by Daevryn on Wed 31-Dec-69 07:00 PM
When I notice it (which might be a big if in my case) it really bothers me.
45416, My general rule of thumb..
Posted by Lhydia on Wed 31-Dec-69 07:00 PM
If you didn't interact with a lot of people, if it's been over a year, if you changed the name, if you weren't an empowerment character, if you had fewer than 25 hours, if you believe that nobody really 'noticed' you. You're probably okay to reuse the role itself.

However, remember that even if any of the above isn't true, you can always reuse the IDEA of the role. Don't copy paste the old role word for word, but rather focus on the key concepts of what you were trying to say.

Felar assassin who was raised in Galadon by the Wizard and had a love affair with the wizard's golem that changed his life can be turned into human thief that swept floors in the mage consortium and had a love affair with a silver construct that changed his life pretty easily without the character concept changing much.

However felar assassin that was sphere greed and hogged it's mothers booby milk from its litter mates probably doesn't copy paste over very well into a human assassin role to be reused. Stupid Jil.