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Topic subjectIs this honestly RP.
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45169, Is this honestly RP.
Posted by Ghost. on Wed 31-Dec-69 07:00 PM
Everytime I die midranks I always get this same super sad ass thing. No matter what I say. Go cry elsewhere go cry go cry go cry. This comes off as classless and is obviously OOC response to IC complaints. It isnt one character I have heard it from its roughly 15-20. I wonder is this called RP or is it just people being Douches?
45286, The imms never did like arguing with my ooc while icc stuff.
Posted by Voralian on Wed 31-Dec-69 07:00 PM
It was to quasinomics or something

Seems like people are trying to set rules where the mud is going to be people playing without making choices since everything, including how long you can chase an enmey for is put in douche or not douche rules.

Geah. Leave something up to, eat balls.
45177, RE: Is this honestly RP.
Posted by Malakhi on Wed 31-Dec-69 07:00 PM
When players get frustrated, it is difficult to separate IC communication from OOC. Common moments of frustration occur after losing a PK, losing gear, inability to PK someone (whether that be because they're better than you or are doing a good job avoiding you), getting wanted when you didn't break the law, and when you think someone violated their RP in order to gain some advantage over you. It comes from being faced with your inability to control CF with respect to your character.

The best way to avoid the IC/OOC mixup is to avoid communicating with the source of your frustration while you are frustrated. Give it 20 minutes. Log out. You want to make sure you are able to initiate an RP interaction with a clear head so you can separate your motivations from what your character's would be. If you can do that, there is a lot less chance that your RP efforts will be misinterpreted as OOC complaining. And you'll be in a better state of mind to evaluate whether your time would be better served - and you would be have more enjoyment - RPing with someone else.
45178, The thing is I dont care if people go OOC sometimes and lose their tempers.
Posted by Tesline on Wed 31-Dec-69 07:00 PM
I played tribunal a few times and there was a lot of times where I would get people telling me to go #### myself because there is no way I knew they stole something and then sold it. It isnt like I had just saw the person with it..and I couldnt c locate object but that is just a funny thing that happened. People make me mad when they dismiss things by saying go cry. I would rather be told to #### off becxuse it at least shows the person lost their temper rather than them being a douche and trying to mask their OOC #### within an Psuedo-IC statement. Thats my feelings on it sorry I blew up a bit but I wrote four papers for college today. 18 pages total..damned term paper...I wont jump to conclusions so fast again..I kinda remind myself of pro right now...so I know a ####ed up.
45180, RE: The thing is I dont care if people go OOC sometimes and lose their tempers.
Posted by robdarken_ on Wed 31-Dec-69 07:00 PM
Those papers must have been really hard for you.

Considering grammar doesn't exist and all.
45192, Philosphy is obviously lost on you..and so is physics.
Posted by Tesline on Wed 31-Dec-69 07:00 PM
It is a logic based statement based on human perception. Nothing actually exists in form. Our being and awareness give it substance and put it into terms we can understand and make sense of. All things are just atoms floating and reacting with each other..The only thing that makes it exist is our minds. You may think its funny and make fun of me for it..I just find it interesting. Take it as you will troll away..troll away.
45193, Those papers must have been REALLY hard for you. (n/t)
Posted by robdarken_ on Wed 31-Dec-69 07:00 PM
Basically chemistry says you are fundamentally wrong.

Good day sir.
Posted by Tesline on Wed 31-Dec-69 07:00 PM
45194, l...o...l...
Posted by Tsunami on Wed 31-Dec-69 07:00 PM
That's not philosophy and physics. That's Pothead Theory mixed with a low level of educational background. I imagine first year college student?

It's ok to be a late bloomer.
45197, This. nt
Posted by Artificial on Wed 31-Dec-69 07:00 PM
45199, Fail.
Posted by Tesline on Wed 31-Dec-69 07:00 PM
Honestly bring to Qhcf if your going to do this. I have been reading physics books and pysch books since I was 10. It is sort of if noone is around to hear a tree fall doesnt it make a sound? It does but noone is around to give a #### about it. Im not responding anymore. Your agruement is only that your dismissing me and trying to deminish my point. Then again everyone who plays here think they know it all about everyrhing...no matter how obvious they are wrong.

PS. DB is overpowered.
45171, Need more info
Posted by Artificial on Wed 31-Dec-69 07:00 PM
There are several douches in cf, and some of them like to pk around 15-20 as a fire giant or orc because they have a huge advantage over everyone at those ranks and it takes very little skill to bash bash bash.

edit: There is nothing wrong with this, but some will only do this.

However, what you would call "ic complaints" might be interpreted by another as ooc whining.

Post a log with the names changed and I can tell you how I'd interpret it.
45173, I deleted my character because someone outed me by making an account named ghost.
Posted by Ghost on Wed 31-Dec-69 07:00 PM
So there goes a bunch of my time.

Edit: I know I dont have to but Im tired of it...CF shouldnt make me miserable just trying to have fun...Im leaving because the player base seems too shady. Seems like people were more chill last year..but then again it is likely me..this year has just been horrible. peace. Dont complaining, done playing.
45174, RE: I deleted my character because someone outed me by making an account named ghost.
Posted by Daevryn on Wed 31-Dec-69 07:00 PM
Unless I'm totally misunderstanding the situation that account is around a decade old.
45175, Thats likely true.
Posted by Tesline on Wed 31-Dec-69 07:00 PM
I was a bit angry still am...I forgot to put a peroid...Im being paranoid dont know why but this is my lasy post until I get my head out of my ass have fun.