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Topic subjectAnybody got a little help or wisdom for me?
Topic URLhttps://forums.carrionfields.com/dcboard.php?az=show_topic&forum=6&topic_id=44520
44520, Anybody got a little help or wisdom for me?
Posted by SideStrider on Wed 31-Dec-69 07:00 PM
I've recently been trying to step my game up a little bit. Actually putting forth some real effort, but the fact of the matter still remains, I am horrible at PK, REALLY just terrible at it, my roles are only so-so. I have nanosecond attention span so its hard for me to have roles chapters that have some interconnection sometimes. In reflection I made my current character in an effort to mellow out a little bit and try to focus. I think I am doing very well to that end. I long to be one of those truely special characters I desire so badly. Am I totally jacked because of the PK issue? I know my roles need work thats a must, but the question to you masses is do you think there is a chance I could pull it off with out a UBER PKer? Any wisdom from gestalt conscious of all you IMMS, Alt IMMS, and players out there?

S'okay I done.

44535, RE: Anybody got a little help or wisdom for me?
Posted by Kalageadon on Wed 31-Dec-69 07:00 PM
If I were to give one tip it would be for you to pick only a couple aspects of your role, maybe just one to begin with, and make sure that you rp the heck out of it. If your jaw was broke and you have a lisp, do that, if you hobble a little then being slow to get up or down would be a start, if you really dislike one race then avoid them or talk bad about them or whatever. All the time you do this or these couple things, make sure that you're in the mindset of your character and not a person living in 2012.

Good Luck to ya.
44554, If I were to give you one tip...
Posted by Tsunami on Wed 31-Dec-69 07:00 PM
It would be wear sunscreen.
44525, A special character is usually RP driven
Posted by lasentia on Wed 31-Dec-69 07:00 PM
Very few characters are remembered solely for their PK numbers, because just killing people without RP doesn't give lasting impressions to people a lot of times.

Look at Skeeta- this char was well known, widely everyone liked her, and she probably never PK'd anybody, but she RP'd all the time and did something notable with the Heraldic Post. Everyone knew who she was, and enjoyed interacting with her. That's what you do to create a truly special character, make it so people want to, and enjoy, interacting with you. The key to this is RP far more than PK skill.

A char will gain notoriety for various reasons, one of them is they kick lots of ass (but really it has to be a lot- like 200+ PKs on a strong build or racking up a lot with what was thought to be a fairly weak build), but others are having consistent RP, having something truly unique about them or being generally long lived- and I mean 250 + hours- to the point everyone just knows who your char is. Being a cabal leader will also tend to get you noticed, and give you a chance to leave an impression on people.

Notoriety (not always good or bad) for a character after they are dead is not always easy, but I find most of those who attain it have decent RP so that they can leave a mark on the game- or they were one of the truly elite PKers. In lots of cases, they were both (See Twist played characters), but for all his PK skills I tend to like Twist chars more for the RP he brings to the table with all of them then I do his ability to PK.

With all my chars to date, you could find references to two of them in Thera- and they were two of the chars I had the most fun playing and ones I RP'd the most with. If I listed all my actual characters, maybe one of them would be widely recognized by people. It's not an easy task to create that special character, but I'd say the main focus is on the RP if that's your goal. When you're having fun, people around you will as well, and that's what makes a notable character. They enhance the CF environment for the better.
44526, RE: A special character is usually RP driven
Posted by SideStrider on Wed 31-Dec-69 07:00 PM
Yeah, I figured as much. With my current character I am making the attempt to try and even out how I make my role chapters mesh together. I think my main problem in the past is derailing and not having any kind of rational context to my roles. Always seem to get a hey look "butterflies!" moment and go off on some tangent that makes no sense for the direction I was trying to go. Hopefully my little experiment has some fruition this time so at least I know I am taking some steps in the right direction instead of taking staggering steps in the wrong one.

I appreciate the time y'all have taken to help out a struggling moron. You would think after, gee's I don't even know how long its been since I started, but its been a good chunk of my life here, that I would have tried to get this information before and even myself out a bit. I've grown bored with the way I used to play and want to keep progressing. It's has always been so entertaining but after so many years, I figure what hey, I want to try giving it a real go this time.

Thanks again y'all

44524, My advice:
Posted by Homard on Wed 31-Dec-69 07:00 PM
Is to focus on the RP and let the rest fall into place over time.

If you play a well RPed character people will want you around. They will help you in-game with tactics, help you find those exotic preps, and show you things that will help improve your PK game.

Also, try being a dedicated follower of an IMM. Pray a lot, bring them things, do what they ask of you. I don't say this because I think it will help you get rewarded. I say this because some of the best RPers to play this game are the IMMs and in their presence you'll have to step up your game.

In the end playing a memorable character is about how you interact with others, not about how many PKs you have. And let me tell you, that if a sub-par PKer like myself can get MageSlayer, you can achieve what you want, too.
44521, Unless your role revolves around being highly successful as a killer, why should PK enter into it?
Posted by Vladamir on Wed 31-Dec-69 07:00 PM
Work on your roles if that's what you want to focus on. I find the RP aspect of the game far more important than the PK aspect. I COULD make a character that is super careful and hardly ever dies, but that's not my playstyle. That bores me, because it would require time spent doing boring things like prep gathering, would require fleeing from close fights instead of going balls out, etc.
44523, RE: Unless your role revolves around being highly succe...
Posted by SideStrider on Wed 31-Dec-69 07:00 PM

My last character was a orc. The whole careful approach does not really apply to me either. I generally am not a huge fan of the "RUN AWAY! RUN AWAY!" then heal play and return twelve times approach myself. I do know how to be one hell of a prep whore though and it actually helps pass the boring times running around collecting them. Just have never seemed to seal the deal too often and have been looking for idea to how I might make a different approach.

Thank you for the input. I appreciate it.