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Topic subjectEdges: What's still missing?
Topic URLhttps://forums.carrionfields.com/dcboard.php?az=show_topic&forum=6&topic_id=44129
44129, Edges: What's still missing?
Posted by Daevryn on Wed 31-Dec-69 07:00 PM
In broad terms, like:

"There still aren't champion and monk paladin edges"


"I think some kind of edge that would make me consider using elbow in PK would be cool"

I have a few things on my own list but I'm curious to see what everyone elses' opinions are.
44975, What about....
Posted by Vladamir on Wed 31-Dec-69 07:00 PM
I have a few ideas. An edge to add morale boosts to created foods would be good.

So would an edge to allow people with first aid to cure malaisions (like malaria and the cold and influenza, basically orc malaisions) with herbs and the like, or maybe at least shorten their durations.

44953, Some love for thieves
Posted by Sneaky on Wed 31-Dec-69 07:00 PM

Notorious Reputation-- Your notorious reputation intimidates some merchants and will get them buy/sell to you even when you are wanted by the law. (maybe items cost more and are worth less when flagged, like the opposite of barter?)...this would be awesome for commonly flagged thieves that need to buy a quick trap or poison ingredients in a pinch, or want to keep making gold while flagged.

Grabby Hands-- Your grabby hands sometimes steal more than you bargained for. (Occasionally steal a 2nd item at random, occasionally/randomly steal from other players and mobs in the room... and as a bonus, you occasionally/randomly grab the buttocks of other characters in the room!).

Mob Boss-- As a thief guild leader, you are able to temporarily enter any thief guild, for refuge or business, so long as you have not been blackballed from that guild.
44946, Felar Shapeshifter Edge
Posted by Dragomir on Wed 31-Dec-69 07:00 PM
I looked thinking there might already be some, but could not find any.

Something like:

Claw familiarity: Do to your use of your own claws, those forms that have claws strike harder and faster.

Or something like that. Not sure I have seen too many felar shifters out there and thought that might liven the play alittle. assuming you get a claw attack form...

Or something like cave fisher but Felar based.

Just a thought.
44945, RE: Edges: What's still missing?
Posted by Kalageadon on Wed 31-Dec-69 07:00 PM
Caverndwellers have found enhanced abilities to fight with stone weapons after spending abundant time in surroundings that these materials are used more often.

How about brawling type edges like. After all, I almost never see any of these skills used beyond low level.

Mischievous Scrapper- A person with this edge has learned to carefully place their elbow strikes in such a way to break or dislocate the jaw of their enemy causing a reduction in the ease of spell casting and a speech impediment for a short time. (Thinking disrupt organ's throat closing type hindering but only an hour or a few rounds)

Spiteful Bruiser- Men and women from more physical backgrounds have learned, through disreputable combat, the means to aim their kneeing attacks at the more tender places in an opponents midsection and can, at times, cause a loss of breath from such painful strikes. (Possible round or two stun)

Kicker's Insight- Adventurers who have great experience in hand to hand combat understand that the legs are the support for the body and have developed a keen understanding of where to kick an opponent's lower body to hamper their mobility or agility. (Drop opponents mv, or -dex)

These could simply also be a conglomeration type edge for masters of brawling.

The Battered Brawler- After an apparent lifetime of unarmed fighting, a master brawler with this edge has gained further insight into landing more hampering elbows, knees, and kicks.
44939, Humans
Posted by Gaspar on Wed 31-Dec-69 07:00 PM
They get a bonus to their class prime stat but how about an edge for their classes? Seems to be lots of racial edges for classes other than humans. Assassins, bards, and so on down the list.

The human edges are pretty bleh really. Always super cheap on the list.
44927, Synergistic weapon spec edges
Posted by Tsunami on Wed 31-Dec-69 07:00 PM
Pole Master:
Warriors specialized in both polearms and staff/spear get further bonuses to their distance/spin skills, charge, and thrust.

Blade Master:
Warriors specialized in both daggers and swords... Something really crappy because that is already a good combination of specs.

Brute Master:
Warriors specialized in both axe and mace are better trained at hitting quick/dodgy opponents.

Wiggle Woggle Master:
Warriors specialized in both unconvential weapon styles, hand/whip, gain some bonus to lash, evasion, or something.
44919, Wilderness edges for all classes
Posted by Splntrd on Wed 31-Dec-69 07:00 PM
Off the top of my head I can't think of any, but that doesn't mean they don't exist I guess. Anyway.

The premise: Edge-based rewards for nature-focused guys who aren't necessarily outlanders, druids, or rangers. Use wilderness % + whatever else is relevant to determine eligibility for these edges.

Specific ideas when I get home from work, if someone hasn't already slapped me for repeating an idea or suggesting something that already exists.
44926, RE: Wilderness edges for all classes
Posted by Splntrd on Wed 31-Dec-69 07:00 PM
(Just idea farming - I'm formatting these as edges for brainstorming purposes. All of these assume some requirement of wilderness %)

Adds roughit skill - poor man's camp. Better than sleeping, not as good as the ranger version. Expensive?

Your experience navigating thick wilderness gives you an edge in recognizing wilderness traps. Helps (a little) against snare, deadfall, thiefishtraps that might be in the wilderness, that sort of thing. Kind of like "detect trap", wilderness-only.

You can take cues from the local wildlife, giving you a chance to avoid aggressive creatures in wilderness.
44917, Arial Druids
Posted by Amora on Wed 31-Dec-69 07:00 PM
First, thank you so much for your work with edges. I think they add so much flavor to the game and increase the replay value of carrion fields.

It worked for me in considering returning to Druids after a long break...as an arial. Great idea on the longer bird form but then it fell short.

I realized, beyond humans other advantages, they STILL beat out the arial edge simply because they can get a 6th herbset (natural) easily match or surpass the new arial edge. (not to mention the powerful 6th herb can be used for other things)

Here is some additional ideas. Please realize I trust you for balance, so some combination AND/OR stronger versions of these could fit the arial Druid flavor:

Different Ideas
1) lose vulnerability in bird form (clouds already get resist for condor AND bear)
2) retain arial dex or get a "bird skill" in bird form
3) quicker movement or less tiring, combinable with general condor movement edge
4) Spider's grace like edge for dex, maybe wilderness only
5) improved call lightning (frequency OR strength) arial Druids while vulnerable to lightning have learned to master their fear and use it as masters and worshipers of the sky

The above is my idea for improving the condor arial edge and adding another arial edge for dex.

Now here is my "favorite" idea that accomplishes the above, adds flavor, and maintains balance.

Initiate of the Skies: REMOVES other 2 initiate options for balance, arial only, and gives a combination of condor/lightning/weather/dex specialty.
44885, RE: Edges: What's still missing?
Posted by Splntrd on Wed 31-Dec-69 07:00 PM
Hunger/Thirst affecting flaws/edges might be neat. Maybe something like

Bottomless Pit - your high metabolism makes you more susceptible to the hazards of hunger and thirst, and harder to fill up.

And an equivalent, slowed metabolism that might make one easy to fill up, and less susceptible to hunger. For fat characters, you know?

Another thought along the same lines.

Ascetic: You have spent much of your life experiencing hunger and thirst - training your body to go for longer periods of time without requiring sustenance. Unfortunately, your fasting habits make you more susceptible to illness and poison.
44886, I'd take bottomless pit on every single character. nt
Posted by Artificial on Wed 31-Dec-69 07:00 PM
44900, Yeah
Posted by Splntrd on Wed 31-Dec-69 07:00 PM
I know. All the pills.

I'm sure there's a way to write it such that the negative side effects would be sufficiently hampering, without being too unrealistic, but I'm a little dry on how.

Just fertilizing the idea farm.
44873, Caverndweller Edges nt
Posted by Tsunami on Wed 31-Dec-69 07:00 PM
44871, Elven hearing
Posted by laxman on Wed 31-Dec-69 07:00 PM
edge for elves/dark elves/wood elves that lets them hear sneaking people. Part of the whole elves have sharper senses then most other races thing.
44869, RE: Edges: What's still missing?
Posted by Knac on Wed 31-Dec-69 07:00 PM
It would be cool if there's some sort of synchronizing attribute between the legacy and the weapon spec.


Fist of titan + hand to hand = stronger crushing blow
Incarnadine wave + sword/flurry = incarnadine when flurrying.

Dunno if warriors need it, frankly, but it would still be cool.
44661, RE: Edges: What's still missing?
Posted by WooDie. on Wed 31-Dec-69 07:00 PM
How about something that allows Wood-elves, non rangers, to know desert areas as wilderness and/or is counted as wilderness for their other edges/acute-vision type. They can see rangers in the desert but not hidden people for example.
44600, Note about Tainted Blood
Posted by Torak on Wed 31-Dec-69 07:00 PM
I think you're going to need a lot more than just resist poison/disease to make it worthwhile taking a half-breed as an AP.

See, the felar edges are something you can't get anywhere else (and pretty strong for arguably the strongest yet hardest race for an AP - quoting you on that). Tainted Blood can be offset by any healer, a huge amount of preps, gear options, and even simple things like periapts. With all the penalties you receive as a half-breed (more damage, limited EQ/weapon options, vulnerabilities, exp penalty, no top notch racial gear, etc).....you need more than something so easily replaced in-game. The only use at all I can see is if you took Champion of Man which you're already really crippling yourself with.

My advice?

Tainted Blood makes it so you're resistant to disease and poison *and* you're better at landing both disease and poison.

Now see that's something you can't replace in-game and gives someone a reason to actually go a half-breed... they may not be as hard as a felar to play but they're easily the weakest AP option all-around.

Some other options:

1) Self-inflicted Pain - a half-breed can wear/wield the material they are vulnerable too because they enjoy pain
2) Tainted Skin - they carry random diseases like Orcs and can pass them to others in combat (perhaps through their Aura of Despair)
3) Tainted Mind - a mixed heritage makes it harder to coerce them with songs as the rhythm of their mind is offbeat

2 cents...
44601, I see this and...
Posted by Bajula on Wed 31-Dec-69 07:00 PM
immediately start filking the old softcell song in my head.
Strangely you don't have to change the lyrics all that much. :)
44631, I like the idea of 1 and 3 but..
Posted by Abernyte on Wed 31-Dec-69 07:00 PM
1) Should be limited to non-body or head armor. Too much pain and or too much distraction from headgear limit it. UNless there is a second echelon edge called 'Masochistic Armorer'

3) I just think the idea of this edge is great but how can you make it ONLY for half-race APs, otherwise the entire village will become half-race to avoid bard-rape!
44638, Well that's easy
Posted by Torak on Wed 31-Dec-69 07:00 PM
It's the demon voices in their head that mess up the beat ;) Tada, AP only.
44598, Ranger hunter.
Posted by Tesline on Wed 31-Dec-69 07:00 PM
I think it needs the edge.

Master baiter: Spending so much time in the woods alone.....
44599, Seconded. Genius. nt
Posted by Tsunami on Wed 31-Dec-69 07:00 PM
44527, High affinity invokers
Posted by ibuki on Wed 31-Dec-69 07:00 PM
I'd like to see more edges that encourage high affinity. I don't know about edge names or appropiate costs, but most of these should want above 5 affinity in their path.

Grease gains acidic damage when it lands, and on each tick while affected by it. Going underwater lowers damage and duration. And going underwater should help clear grease in general now, if it doesn't.

Vitriolic stream damages equipment.

More frequent blindness from wind wall, cyclone and wingwall edged wingsweep for arials. Two hour duration instead of one on the blindness.

Feint and possible disarm of light weapons when buffeted.

Anti-flyto for shield of winds. Increases movement cost and lag and sometimes evades it completely, like explorer rangers.

All fire spells can cause fires in the room they're cast in or spread exsiting fires.

The burning smoke affect that messes up look, scan and where added to controlled fireball, fireball and wall of fire.

Arcing bolt edge should affect lightning bolt as well as forked lightning.

A chance for a 0 tick choking affect for drown and engulf that has a chance to disrupt eating and drinking.

Anti-swimto for shield of waves. Just like the anti-flyto.

Having your own invoker shields dispelled does damage of that shield's element to your dispeller, based on an affinity comparison. Or:

Dispelling an invoker shield from someone else does damage of that shields element to the person being dispelled, again based on difference in affinty. Pick one or the other.

An affinity based penalty to an enemy's saves against spells in a path. Or:

A further lowering of mana costs in a path at high affinity. Right now it looks like it's 1 less mana for each point over 5 for spells that cost under ~50 mana, and 2 points of mana for each affinity point over 5 for the more expensive spells. So, how about it goes 1 less mana at 6 affinity, 2 at 7, 3 at 8, and so on. Then 2, 4, 6, for the higher cost spells. This would drop some low level spells at high affinity to below 0, so I'd just leave those at 1 mana. Again, one edge or the other. So you chose between more reliable spell damage or more endurance. These could be relatively inxpensive edges for each path, or more expensive and apply to all at once. If they do apply to all paths at once, then I think these edges should penalize spells in paths with affinity under 5.

Two touch attacks with both hands bare.

Minor maledictions with touch attacks, comparable to Incarnadine Wave in strength and duration. Ice lowers strength. Lightning lowers dexterity and movement. Fire lowers con and can heat metal items like standing in a fire. Acid lowers con and gives a minor acid malison.
44508, What if...
Posted by Wayward Knight on Wed 31-Dec-69 07:00 PM
You turned these nifty RP reward things that people get (title restrings, short desc restrings, even extra color tags like (Radiant) or (Decaying) or (Green Aura)

into edges!

Edges that they get rewarded with the ability to CHOOSE, and then customize the edge themselves in the choosing process. Or send a note involving their preferred customization of the edge.

It could take edge points or just be a gift.

Obviously certain things would have to be subject to IMM approval, but that's not difficult, is it? The only difficulty I see here is the potential implementation of the device to choose.

What do you think, imms and players?
44504, Edge ideas
Posted by Anonymously Anonymous on Wed 31-Dec-69 07:00 PM
Not going to go into details because I've not put thought into the actual edges, mostly because mine would mostly be unbalanced and sort of bias, but.

-How about some more transmuter edges that are not alignment based.
- A few more low mental resist racial edges.
-More orc edges
-Probably way too much of a pain, but I'll throw it out there. Warriors legacy edges
-A few (more? not sure if there are some) ethos based edges.
-Wanted and Justice (Would have to lose there if wanted somehow) based edges.
-A few shapeshifter greater enlivens based on edge selection?

Now be easy here folks no rants please, these are simple suggestions.
44466, An edge to pick an extra greater undead
Posted by Summoner on Wed 31-Dec-69 07:00 PM
That you were debating adding at some point when the new greater undead went in!
44455, Hunter ranger edges.
Posted by Wayward Knight on Wed 31-Dec-69 07:00 PM
I think I put a few onto the recent Santa Zulg thread.

I didn't read all of the replies either so someone else might have made their own similar reply but they didn't specify in the subject line.

Beastmaster rangers, to my knowledge (which is limited to two characters, admittedly) also could use a few beast-related edges...
44445, Arial bard
Posted by GinGa on Wed 31-Dec-69 07:00 PM
Really crappy charisma, no real edges specifically for it.

My idea I'd submit in this area would be Intonation of the Parrot. By changing the tone/pitch of their voice dramatically, an arial bard can compensate and boost songs in their repertoire that are normally weaker. For example tragedy and healing songs. Or comedy and damage songs.

This allows an arial bard to cover the weaknesses of their chosen repertoire better - rather than adding an edge that tries to make them stronger.
44446, RE: Arial bard
Posted by Daevryn on Wed 31-Dec-69 07:00 PM

This old arial bard specific edge would like to huff indignantly at you.
44443, Racial Heritage Edges
Posted by laxman on Wed 31-Dec-69 07:00 PM
Similar to humans coming from a variety of backgrounds other races have some distinct developmental paths that might be reason for differentiation.

Dwarves - Hill/Mountain/Valley
drow/duergar/svirf - Oversider/undersider


Might be cool to have some of these have minor stat adjustments. Perhaps hill dwarves = current dwarf, mountain get +1 str/-1 con, valley get +1 dex/-1 con.
44441, Felar thug edge.
Posted by Alston on Wed 31-Dec-69 07:00 PM
That lets them use gouge and gutshot with a spear.
44250, Invoker edges
Posted by The Heretic on Wed 31-Dec-69 07:00 PM
I would really like to see edges choice for 9 and 10 point affinities. I'd like to see invokers having a choice of edges for affinities this high. For example, with a 10 in earth you could choose either.

Pebbles to boulders
An invoker with perfect affinity for earth may learn to throw a handful of pebbles at opposing groups. This edge is mutually exclusive to glancing boulder.


Glancing Boulder
An invoker with perfect affinity for earth my learn to guide a pebble slightly after leaving his hand. The rock will not stun with any greater frequency, but won't miss entirely. A miss of the torso will still hit an arm of leg leaving a lasting wound. This edge is mutually exclusive to pebbles to boulders.

In my opinion, invokers could use a mini-revamp of this sort. Something to differentiate a fire invoker from a water invoker.

44229, + Boreal Wind
Posted by Frost Giant on Wed 31-Dec-69 07:00 PM
Frost giants inherently adept at calling Boreal Wind. With new edge
they get a chance to stun their foe, weaken, dmg harder or something.

Frost giant ranger need Boreal wind edge yo.
44511, Bumpy bumpy.
Posted by Notafrostranger on Wed 31-Dec-69 07:00 PM
44221, Warrior Staff/Spear edges
Posted by GinGa on Wed 31-Dec-69 07:00 PM
'Stick Fencing'

The Staff is seen by many as an inconspicuous and often improvised weapon. Seeing sticks in every day life often clouds the imagination as to their applications in the field of battle. True Stick Duelists partake of the snob culture that insists a staffs simple design is what makes it THE most versatile of weapons. A staff can both control an opponents position and cause pain - from any distance! A staff wielding warrior with this mentality will be able to defend better than others. By incorporating short thrusts into their blocks, they also gain the ability to 'poke' at an opponents vulnerable legs and arms as they spin. These attacks are not as strong as regular melee attacks but come directly from a staff wielders strength. Not every spin provides an opportunity however, and faster warriors will find more.

This is mutually exclusive with Knife on a Stick.

The staff already offers some defensive advantages over the spear, but this edge offers more incentive for those who want to focus on staffs specifically. Spears have impale, crescent and pierce. Staffs are limited to pugil and are often parried very easily. Rather than offering more offensive skill options, this edge aims to focus on mostly increasing the defense but the added riposte effect brings out a passive attack option that can combine nicely with misdirect, leverage and legsweep. This also has more functionality when faced with multiple opponents, allowing a staff spec to hit them all.

'Knife on a Stick'

There is a mentality amongst the desert Nomads that separates them from spear Hunters and makes them spear Warriors. Rejecting the notion that they are using a hunting tool - they instead see their weapons as long-armed knives. Spear users that agree with this thinking use slashes and cuts as often as the more predictable thrusting techniques with their Spears. This makes them dangerously efficient at weakening a stronger foe before moving in for a coup de grace. Taking this edge increases their chances to land both Crescent and Piercing strikes, while adding a chance to cause bleeding with both. Those who have had their reflexes dulled by a successful piercing strike can also be impaled more successfully.

This is mutually exclusive with Stick Fencing.

This adds to the spears maledictive properties - causing long fights against a spear wielder to become more painful as they land more skills. It encourages the chaining of abilities already available to a spear user. The types of bleeding brought on by crescent/pierce would be different but not as long lasting as Impale. This spec is also less stat-dependant than the staff edge. It aims to bring some dagger-style elements to using spear skills but without the harsh, stat-specific maledictions a dagger has. It should be rewarding long fights with a spear where the spear was used to 'impale and switch out' before.

Both edges are expensive and enhance one side of a Spear/Staff wielders options in an interesting direction. I like the idea of a staff/spear warrior being able to diversify even more, as despite their weapon choice they still come across as one of the blandest specs out there. Both edges could be given together as RP-rewards but obviously their relative strength would discourage making this an option open to all.
44219, ranger stuff
Posted by -flso on Wed 31-Dec-69 07:00 PM
* entangle could get an edge so that it occasionally lags like trip

* me still thinks serpent kinship is useless and have yet to see anyone use it. possible outcomes at 100%: it can do damage, confusion, hold person, poison, can be dodged/evaded and serpents may not come.
for 2 rounds of lag and 6 possible outcomes, there are better options 99% of the time

* backrake edge for more powerful bleeding? don't think belly rake does this

* savage blow edge that reduces chances of opponent flying out the room

* something for forester spear/staffs? spear could cause bleeding, staff could stun (infrequent)

* (not edge related) ambush disarm can be neutralized with triggers
44284, re savage blow
Posted by Puhguly on Wed 31-Dec-69 07:00 PM
they only fly out of the room in certain terain, and based on the "image" i get of the skill, it makes a lot of sense for it to function that way in that terrain type
44218, There are already too many edges. nt
Posted by Murphy on Wed 31-Dec-69 07:00 PM
44217, I'd be so happy with this bard edge....
Posted by Kiraava on Wed 31-Dec-69 07:00 PM
Conscious of the Crowd

With this edge, bards singing apocalyptic overtures and vibratos have a chance to stop a song before they sing it should there be nothing around to hear them.
44200, Conjurer Edges like invokers and bards get
Posted by Clahier on Wed 31-Dec-69 07:00 PM
Would be great to have things like Civic Elementalist and the golden grimoire types for conjurers. Where the elementals and angel pillars won't hit other goodies for those that care, and civilians for tribby conjurers.

For the criminal sort of edges, it would also be great if there was one for goodies to try to dissuade lightwalking guards from attacking them on site, for their own safety. Not something like the guards are going against theur duty, but if you are far far stronger than them, you do the comedic equivalent to putting your hand on their forehead while their short arms try to swing at you. Something like they try to attack, but you dodge them, or something that keeps them from being harmed.

44196, RE: Edges: What's still missing?
Posted by Marcus_ on Wed 31-Dec-69 07:00 PM
Regarding edges:

I second criminal edges, and for the sake of fairness some for law-abiding ppl too.

In general, some edges for rangers, especially for weird combos like gnome rangers, would be nice.

Also some other ones:


This one is actually a flaw. If you don't see regular action at the tables, you get a cumulative -morale penalty. Maybe make it a double edge instead, so if you play a lot of high stakes, you get +morale..


Allow you to target your dents. Now that it is just a matter of repairing your eq, the skill seems kind of crappy otherwise. That would give it some strategic use like targetting helmets so you can cranial, etc.


Give leverage a reasonably big chance to hit everyone who is targetting you. (I do think spear seems like kind of a crappy spec compared to the others anyway, wouldn't mind it getting some love.)


Lol. Anyway, it makes it more difficult to make your saving throw against a high-wisdom shaman. High level only (45+).

44195, Good one this time Daev, I promise!
Posted by Tsunami on Wed 31-Dec-69 07:00 PM
Orc edges.

Orcs with the appropriate skill can now punt friendly (grouped) gnomes and svirfnebli at their opponents with no damage to the punted. Damage to target is based on gnome's main wield, dual wield, and GNOME GRENADE bonus. Make it somewhere between elbow damage and backstab damage. Missed punt causes bash lag to the orc. Missing the target causes the gnome to take damage and fly from room.

Orcs with this edge can ingest friendly (grouped) whole gnomes via the ingest skill. Once ingested the gnome appears in a special "orc gut" room. From here no one can see them and once the orc is in a room with the target, the gnome can ambush the target by popping out of an orcish orifice.

Orcs with this edge (mutally exclusive with ingest gnome) can ingest friendly (grouped) gnomes. During this process the gnome will take minor damage akin to acid blast streams. When the orc takes damage, they will release a cloud of noxious fumes from their rear that has the chance of inflicting various poison types.

44166, Edges that improve your use of an armor or weapon type.
Posted by Alston on Wed 31-Dec-69 07:00 PM
This would be like a minor DR and AC boost for an armor type you choose.

And an ability to do slightly more damage with a weapon type you declare. Sword, dagger, whip, etc.

44164, Personally I think we have too many edges already...
Posted by Not An Imm on Wed 31-Dec-69 07:00 PM
I'm going to try to rain on the parade of edge ideas here.

The problem with edges is they further reinforce the image that I must please somebody else to have fun in this game... IE, Imm-whoring. True, you can get a few decent ones with a few hours worth of exploring, but everything else comes from Imm exp. Anything that forces me to count on interaction with the immstaff to get what I want greatly reduces my fun factor. And I only say that because I've done it time and time again and been greatly disappointed with many of my characters.

Not that the imms aren't doing a great job. They are. There's just not enough time and attention for them to go around and they have to focus only on the people who are truly either exceptional, or lucky. That means everybody else gets nothing.

Sometimes I can do the exceptional RP dance in short bursts. And there are some people that can do it consistently over and over with role contests and knowing how to be in the right place at the right time. The rest of us that just like to play the game and have fun on our own schedule will never see most of these edges, unless we take either the minuscule edges that cost very little, or save up everything we have for a couple of the "must-have" edges that we would be stupid to avoid.

I would like to see more attention paid to the base skills and everyday character abilities so that everybody can benefit from them, and not just the people who know how to write good roles or always play on the edge of their seats like they know they are being watched (because they want to be rewarded).

I don't know how to do that exactly, I just know I cringe every time I see more things added to the game that I will never be able to take advantage of in a million years because there's other edges that will always take priority over them no matter how nifty they sound.

44159, RE: Edges: What's still missing?
Posted by Thing One on Wed 31-Dec-69 07:00 PM
I think there are 3 classes that need some edge help: paladins, rangers, and shapeshifters.

No champion and monk edges, as you mentioned. But I would argue the sword/mace dedication is also under-served. Shield dedicants have many intriguing options.

Rangers, specifically forest terrain rangers, really have nothing special. I've also often thought armor for rangers should be jazzed up with an edge. It seems such an oddity for the class (except maybe animists), even savages get it.

Shapeshifters have a small number of edges. Anything that would make a suboptimal form or race better would be welcome. As would anything to give a shifter in form some additional options. I mentioned allowing air arial shifters an edge to wingsweep in form in a previous post as an example.

This is generic (and driven by class), I could offer specific examples if that would be helpful.
44150, Edge for dwarfs to sense what is damaged equipment
Posted by Golmuf on Wed 31-Dec-69 07:00 PM
Right now if somethin dented ye can't tell!
44507, RE: Edge for dwarfs to sense what is damaged equipment
Posted by SideStrider on Wed 31-Dec-69 07:00 PM
I am no all knowing Wizard of the game Golmuf, but I am pretty sure that little flag next your armor that says damaged or when its in your inventory broken means its been dented :P I've gotten into the habit of checking everytime I fight something with a mace these days, its almost become second nature.

Perhaps an edge that would let a player read on the movements involved with a dent and perhaps try to avoid the blow would not be such a bad investment in this age of pesky denting hordes or a merchantile edge to cut down on the cost of repairs? I am sure many would be pleased with the benefit if they were so inclined to choose it.
44528, They changed it after I posted!
Posted by Golmuf on Wed 31-Dec-69 07:00 PM
zulg for pres
44147, Improve my decision making ability...
Posted by Tac on Wed 31-Dec-69 07:00 PM
What I'd really like is to do a better cost/benefit analysis when choosing edges. For example, if I knew that overcome distortion is worth the same as quick healer, seasoned traveler, and undersight (or something) I'd probably take a lot more low cost edges.

As it is, I feel like I'm making blind guesses. Sort of like thief paths when they first came out and you couldn't see thief points.
44158, I think they're sorted by cost.
Posted by Straklaw on Wed 31-Dec-69 07:00 PM
Most expensive edges are on top, cheapest edges are on bottom. Or are you meaning value-wise? That part's sorta impossible to judge, since it's like anything else where certain things have more value to certain players or characters.
44161, I know they are sorted by cost.
Posted by Tac on Wed 31-Dec-69 07:00 PM
But I can't do opportunity cost. Meaning I can't tell if I take X, I'm giving up Y and Z because together they cost the same as X.
44145, RE: Edges: What's still missing?
Posted by Calion on Wed 31-Dec-69 07:00 PM
An idea to add at least a bit of value to (having spent the practices on) the brawling skills in the high ranks too:


Experienced brawlers have a chance to instinctively land an elbow or knee strike as their opponent closes in to bash, trip or throw them, especially when their opponent misses the maneuver completely. The most skilled of brawlers may also, though rarely, find the chance for a quick elbow or knee any time in combat.


I.e. occasional automatic elbows/knees (that might still miss). Low-moderate cost edge for all classes with the prereq skills.

I kind of like Quixotic's brawling edge ideas below too, though I think any additional effect would have to be relatively significant to really make elbow/knee worth considering in the high(er) ranks...

Here's a few more while I'm at it:

- Rangers:


Rangers with exceptional skill in working wood are able to create well-balanced staves and spears that are lighter than normal.


(I'd say ~3 lbs lighter; this one should probably include fashioned bows as well, but I have no idea how much they normally weigh. Low(ish) edge cost)


Expert trackers find the tell-tale signs of someone's passing more easily in all weather conditions, and to a degree can also apply their skill outside of wilderness areas.

See also: EDGES, TRACK

- Assassins (both with high-ish edge cost):


Some assassins have learned to ignore the effects of their pumping adrenaline, enabling them to find the calm of martial trance much more quickly after combat.



Certain assassins have learned to control their heavy breathing and can hide more quickly after combat.

See also: EDGES, HIDE

(hide 1 tick sooner, IIRC it's 3 ticks normally?)
44153, Ohh another tracking idea
Posted by laxman on Wed 31-Dec-69 07:00 PM
-instead of the track skills telling the user a direction the victim last took the skill actually causes them to move that direction.

I envision being able to spam track to follow a persons steps but with a fail rate/lag so they can't just set up triggers to chase people.

The net benefit is that it saves you one extra command if you are chasing someone and hit a crossroads to figure out which way instead of checking each branching area.

This can of course be done on the user end already with some triggers though.
44139, Making the mostly useless interesting
Posted by laxman on Wed 31-Dec-69 07:00 PM
Armor Spell Edges
-A variety that make the armor spell make more interesting armor. Perhaps a fancy armor thats + 1 charisma, jagged armor thats + 1 dam, armored helmet that acts like you are wearing a full helm for relevant skills.

Know Alignment
-Get extra info, maybe cabal affiliation, sphere, hometown

Enduring Invisibility
-Instead of invis always droping in combat give it a chance each round to fall.

Powdery Fog
-Faerie fog coats the ground in dust for 0 ticks and has a chance to strip sneak from people entering the room

Thermal Sensativity
-If someone has infravision racially or from the spell and are in a cold place they can sense the heat from people even when blind. (kind of like limited/situation maelstrom)

Water Man
-Don't need to be in water to cast drown.

-Tsunami on water surfaces can destroy boats

-Some form of improved fighting on water depending on your boat

-Entangle has a chance to cause a 1 round entwine (sort of like warshout stun but only affects fleeing)

Bless Edges
A number of edges that change out the hit/saves for other things like int/mental saves, con/hp, str/dam, etc

-Calms created by the healer also enhance regeneration rates slightly and cause more -hit/dam then normal.

-can hold two talismen (end up with just one punch attack) and when you brandish it causes both talismen to brandish at the same time.

College Reading Level
-Can recite scrolls in combat

The big ONE!
-Using earthquak indoors causes junk to fall from shelves/ceiling/etc which deal additional damage and has a small chance to lag.

Gourmet Field Cook
-When using butcher can occasionally create gourmet steaks that give + morale
44143, RE: Making the mostly useless interesting
Posted by Daevryn on Wed 31-Dec-69 07:00 PM
I don't know that I like any of these. :(
44144, Not even the invis to help out lowbie PK mages?
Posted by laxman on Wed 31-Dec-69 07:00 PM
sad panda
44149, RE: Not even the invis to help out lowbie PK mages?
Posted by Daevryn on Wed 31-Dec-69 07:00 PM
Eh I don't think we need to widen the gulf between people who can and can't get perma detect invis at those levels. Everyone who's a serious threat to you probably already has it.
44152, the idea comes from
Posted by laxman on Wed 31-Dec-69 07:00 PM
My frustration fighting a hero invoker with improved invis who kept dispelling my detect invis. Made it easier for them to use hit and run strats on me as well as made it a pain to seal the kill on them because it took an extra command or two to give chase.
44138, RE: Edges: What's still missing?
Posted by Invokah on Wed 31-Dec-69 07:00 PM
An incentive to take extreme affinity (9-10, or maybe 10 only) to particular elements, some unique advantage relevant to the element. First you must take Demielemental Transcendence and gain mastery of the element (i.e. perfect the final spell(s)), and then you can choose one element focus from your high-affinity ones on top of that.

For instance, Fire = shield of flames effect when attacked but at lower probability, Ice = can use shield of ice without getting vuln_bash, Earth = shield of earth without vuln_pierce, etc.
44140, Major shields have associated vulnerabilities? n/t
Posted by Homard on Wed 31-Dec-69 07:00 PM
44141, yeah... PINCER!!!!
Posted by laxman on Wed 31-Dec-69 07:00 PM

But no really I was aware of the minor dam redux of some vs damage types but I have not noticed dam vulns, then again I wasn't looking for that.
44142, I never noticed them.
Posted by Homard on Wed 31-Dec-69 07:00 PM
Either with my 7 path invoker.

Or killing invokers with my Villagers.

Damn, Pincer is a fine skill.
44146, RE: Major shields have associated vulnerabilities? n/t
Posted by Invokah on Wed 31-Dec-69 07:00 PM
Only earth and ice, probably to balance out the fact that they also give resists. Earth = res_bash vuln_pierce, Ice = res_slash vuln_bash.

Of course I could just be hallucinating the higher damage and whatever I've been taking, I want more of it.
44154, Probably hallucinating. Don't spout this stuff as fact unless it's proven to be, please.
Posted by fist-law on Wed 31-Dec-69 07:00 PM
CF doesn't need more misinfo being spread than it already has.
44157, Good thing it's proven
Posted by Invokah on Wed 31-Dec-69 07:00 PM
I went ahead and checked just for you: a considerable, consistent increase of damage vs. pierce with earth up, and exactly the same for ice vs. bash, on scale of wounds->decimates, mauls->devastates.

Maybe you should consider that you might not know everything before crying misinfo.
44506, You could post some stats, if you did any.
Posted by robdarken_ on Wed 31-Dec-69 07:00 PM
Otherwise I'm going to assume it's ####.

Hint: what you posted doesn't necessarily show anything but what you think, we don't know what kind of sample size you used to determine this, and for all we know the random anon doesn't even know how statistics work
44160, Hey Imms can we get someone to verify this?
Posted by ORB on Wed 31-Dec-69 07:00 PM
I've heard of the resist benefits of greater shields, but never the vuln. Seems like it would have been brought up way before this if it was true and might be good to add to their helpfile. Not exact details just that the shields causes resist/vuln to various damages.
44137, RE: Edges: What's still missing?
Posted by TJHuron on Wed 31-Dec-69 07:00 PM
I'd like to see some more edges for two-handed weapon specs.

The big one I'd like to see would be something for Crescent. Pierce and Thrust have combat advantages over Crescent that make them a bit more attractive than the extra damage you get from crescent (plus, pierce even has a + damage edge). If it's damage I want, I'll just switch to a staff and pugil. I think crescent is a pretty unused skill.

I realize that you gain a lot on the defense side by using a two-handed spec, but, you also lose so much offense (unless you're a felar) without dual wield. Maybe an edge to help here?

In general, I think spear/staff is pretty much lacking on good edges. You may disagree but what I consider to be the three most useful skills, Impale, spin and misdirect don't have any edges.
44133, RE: Edges: What's still missing?
Posted by Quixotic on Wed 31-Dec-69 07:00 PM
Brawling edges
- Disconcerting Brawler: The barbarity of elbows and knees thrown during combat erode the morale of people directly fighting the brawler

- Hardened elbows: Receiving an elbow to the face has the potential to so disrupt the concentration that any skill or spell requiring concentration (mana cost) has a chance of failing until the next tick.

- Targeted groin: Someone receiving a knee strike from a brawler with this edge will find they move more slowly across the landscape for the next two ticks.

More non-thug thief edges.

There are edges that hinder key abilities of many classes. I would like to see edges that hinder shapeshifters or make people fighting shapeshifters more effective.

Hometown-specific edges (there should be some good reason to live in Seantryn)

Newbie edges: Imm-awarded edges to help obvious newbies, like Improved Outfit (outfit gear is slightly better than normal outfit gear) and Rich Uncle (outfit while dead gives 3 gold).

Edit: another newbie edge idea--Wealth of Lore: lore acts as if it were 10 points higher than it is, and observation experience improves lore faster than it normally does.
44135, RE: Edges: What's still missing?
Posted by Daevryn on Wed 31-Dec-69 07:00 PM
>More non-thug thief edges.

Dude I even have an edge in for hybrid poisoner/trapper! Can you be more specific in what you think is lacking?

>There are edges that hinder key abilities of many classes. I
>would like to see edges that hinder shapeshifters or make
>people fighting shapeshifters more effective.


>Hometown-specific edges (there should be some good reason to
>live in Seantryn)

I'm a Seantryn Modan junkie.
44136, re: Seantryn junkie
Posted by Quixotic on Wed 31-Dec-69 07:00 PM
Seantryn is great if you rarely die. For the rest of us, that is a long-ass walk back to your corpse.
44165, RE: re: Seantryn junkie
Posted by Splntrd on Wed 31-Dec-69 07:00 PM
Not if you have CMUD.

Then you have a mapping program and all you have to do is pull up the area and click on the box and it'll autowalk you there.
44148, RE: Edges: What's still missing?
Posted by Tac on Wed 31-Dec-69 07:00 PM
>>More non-thug thief edges.
>Dude I even have an edge in for hybrid poisoner/trapper! Can
>you be more specific in what you think is lacking?

There are no mystic related edges. No mystic + path related edges.
44151, RE: Seantryn
Posted by DurNominator on Wed 31-Dec-69 07:00 PM
Help! I'm being attacked by a faceless nightgaunt!

c word
44132, Wanted and Orderly edges.
Posted by Dallevian on Wed 31-Dec-69 07:00 PM
Also, I like what splntrd said in having more cheap, cosmetic, neat little edges.
44134, RE: Wanted and Orderly edges.
Posted by Daevryn on Wed 31-Dec-69 07:00 PM
I have some ideas on the backburner for wanted and orderly edges, but feel free to elaborate if you have ideas.

This was one of the items on my own list.
44155, Why cant there be a jail for hardened criminals
Posted by Oldril on Wed 31-Dec-69 07:00 PM
That would be so cool if there was a real jail that was tough to get out of and you couldnt suicide in :)
44156, A thread already exists somewhere
Posted by Dallevian on Wed 31-Dec-69 07:00 PM
back when you solicited for ideas...
44448, If it hasn't been brought up before
Posted by TJHuron on Wed 31-Dec-69 07:00 PM
An edge for hardened criminals that prevents low level npcs that would normally attack a criminal from attacking.

Basically, if I'm a front desk security guard and the Joker walks in I might think twice about trying to apprehend him.
44505, RE: Wanted and Orderly edges.
Posted by Anonymously Anonymous on Wed 31-Dec-69 07:00 PM
What about if those for order folk were made like the racial hatred edges for more damage against wanted.

An perhaps a increased dodge or parry buff for those that are wanted against those with a order edge?

I would forsee a pain here, wouldn't really necessisarily be fair to have wanted folks beating the snot out of someone that is orderly and doesn't have a edge because they chose to spend their edge points of something else, but hey thats not my call. I just throwing out random thoughts here.
44131, RE: Edges: What's still missing?
Posted by 34-inside on Wed 31-Dec-69 07:00 PM
The thing that bothers me most about the game is getting ganged on, so I'm in favor of anything that makes you better vs gangs but not necessarily better in even up situations or when you're doing the ganging.

Maybe edges that give you extra attacks against people who are fighting you but you're not tanking. Things like free elbows, kicks, knees.

I also like how assassin throw edge gives you free throws when people miss bash on you. So maybe if someone you aren't tanking tries to bash you and misses, you get a free disarm on him or maybe something character specific like free jab if you're sword spec?

I don't know. I think anything that makes you look better vs gangs is good.
44130, RE: Edges: What's still missing?
Posted by Splntrd on Wed 31-Dec-69 07:00 PM
I always felt like the long-term goal of this system should be to broaden it some more. More dirt cheap, easy-to-get low, low-level edges would be nice, in addition to fleshing out edges for specific classes. Edge points could come with slightly more frequency - and the best stuff could be more expensive.