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Forum Name Gameplay
Topic subjectToday's PSA!
Topic URLhttps://forums.carrionfields.com/dcboard.php?az=show_topic&forum=6&topic_id=43591
43591, Today's PSA!
Posted by Rayihn on Wed 31-Dec-69 07:00 PM
We do not publish PBF's to put a handy desc out there for you to use. Please make some effort to be creative? You guys know who you are.
43765, This whole thread is ridiculous.
Posted by Graatch on Wed 31-Dec-69 07:00 PM
There is no defense to plagiarizing and recycling. Period. Write a desc. It's part of the job. This is not an interpretation question, or a sometimes yes and sometimes no issue. It's a right and wrong, black and white, yes and no.

This entire thread is a waste and should be locked, wiped, and replaced with a simple two line post:

You must write a new description for each character. Period.
43774, A'men.n/t
Posted by wareagle on Wed 31-Dec-69 07:00 PM
43812, Much as I hate to say this... People learn from CF.
Posted by Alston on Wed 31-Dec-69 07:00 PM
It's a social group and we exert pressures on each other like it or not.

I've altared my behavior after feedback from "You people" has mad me reevaluate my stances on some things.

I like the thread personally, but I don't think a lot of the players have solid core values so some of them simply do not think past instant gratification and look at broader ramifications of the actions.

I hear you though.
43850, Totally agree, totally disgusted n/t
Posted by The-me on Wed 31-Dec-69 07:00 PM
43743, Someone actually is being a jerk
Posted by Dallevian on Wed 31-Dec-69 07:00 PM
or severely uninformed or misinformed.

**I assume I will be in the desc room and have appropriately written a new desc from one of my old saved files**

Connected to host

-<!!!MMM$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$X!: The Carrion Fields
'<M! !!!MMM$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$MMMX!X!
!M!--!!!MMM$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$MMM!X$! A Playerkilling/Roleplaying
-!8!:!!!MMMMM$$$$$$$$$$$$RMMMX8RX- MUD
!!:-MRX!-!!MM$$$$8$$$$$$$$$MMMM$R!-! Original DikuMUD by
'!X:--?X!--!!!M$$$RMR$$$$RMMRMM$R!!!X! Hans Staerfeldt, Katya
-XX 'MX:!!!!!?RRMMMMM!!XMMMM$R-<!!!! Nyboe, Tom Madsen, Michael
!?!-X$P"````----!M!!---`#*R$$M !<!!- Seifert, and Sebastian
-!MXf -!-!!!X! "k!!!- Hammer
'!!!X !X!M?X '!!!-
-<!XM X!!R!! !M!-'
:!XMMX : ::s@---!!!Mbx:!!<::X8k ! Based on Merc 2.1 by
!!!$$$MTMM8$#!! ! MXX!R$W86SW$$!!! Hatchet, Furey, and
!!!M$$#TT!!!!!- ! X!!!!!!RR#M!!! Khan
`!MW$M- -!!M!! ! !!:!-- #$R?!!
-:.. -XM!k:!#hHMX!!- ::- carrionfields.net 4449
-M! <!!!$X?XMMMB$!!! !!
!X! !XR!$MM$$$$$$?MM! '!! Created from ROM 2.3 by
`MX 'XXX t!@!H!X8X '!> Yuval Oren, Matt Hamby,
!!X!!X!" MM$M$RR*?.!!:X! Barbara Hargrove
?&M<!X>!MR$M> M9M5M!!XMM
M!?XX!!RRt?M@NRX?!XMX!R Maintained by
`!!MHXX!!Mt!MMXWMM!!! BoltThrower, Drokalanatym, Jullias,
`!XM$$$R9M$RTMMX- Nordewin, Pico, Sebeok, Valguarnera,
#$WXXW$$MXW$" Twist, Yanoreth, and Zulghinlour
Greeting screen designed by
Zapata (bsinger1@netcom.com)
There are currently 35 characters online.

** Roleplay and descriptions are required from all characters. Written
roles which explain your background are optional but encouraged. See
'help role' and 'help description' for more detail.

** Most frequently asked questions can be answered with our helpfile
system. Type 'help <keyword>' to read one. New to Carrion Fields?
See 'help starters' for suggestions on what to read first.

** *** IMPORTANT *** You are responsible for understanding and obeying
the rules ('help rules'). Multi-charing is *not* allowed here.

2010/08/02 Added a scaled skill learning bonus (41 characters online = 1%, 60
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2010/09/11 Welcome Carrion Fields to the Twitter-verse

2010/12/24 If you log back in from a crash within 15 minutes you will receive
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2010/12/25 Carrion Fields History Lesson - See HELP NEWS

2010/12/26 Racial kinship can be leveraged for weapons, armors and keys.

2011/04/17 Updated Cabal Wars command - See HELP CABALWARS

2011/05/09 New Immortal: See HELP REKSAH

2011/06/15 New Area: Abandoned Siege Encampment

2011/07/28 New Area: Enpolad's Game Garden replaces the Chessmaster's Tower

2011/08/10 New command: Bonus - This will show you the current learning and
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end time, it will also show you that.

2011/09/05 New Area: Prison of Glymarach replaces the Sirine Island

2011/09/16 Necromancers can create special greater undead. See HELP

2011/09/24 New Immortal: See HELP AKRESIUS

2011/10/14 New Immortal: See HELP WHIYSDAN

2011/12/07 New Religion: See HELP FJARN

2011/12/12 Changes to item destruction through many different skills.

2012/1/18 New seasonal race: HELP FROST GIANT

2012/2/19 Sixteen new Edges are available

2012/2/20 Orc berserkers get a bit sneakier. See HELP SKULK

=========> READ THE MOTD - LAST MODIFIED: 2011/12/12 <=========

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Welcome to The Carrion Fields. Let the bloodshed begin!
It is 2 o'clock AM, Day of Deception
16th of the Month of the Grand Struggle in the year 1778.
The Realm of the Dead

NOTES : You have six new notes waiting.

<100%hp 100%m 89%mv 2720tnl> 2 AM civilized

<100%hp 100%m 89%mv 2720tnl> 2 AM civilized wher
People near you:

<100%hp 100%m 89%mv 2720tnl> 2 AM civilized desc -
Your description is:
From under the cowl of his robe you see his calm blank stare, deeper and
colder than the depths of the sea, focusing on nothing, yet seeing
everything. The corners of his dark eyes, like ebon pearls draining warmth
and light from all that his gaze falls upon, are creased with age but have
lost none of their malice with the passing of years. His thin lips are pale
and belie the presense of life in the body of this man. His face, worn with
time, does not stand out but you can sense hidden below the surface a great
power that you can not put your finger on. A well trimmed salt and pepper
beard frames his cruel, pale white toothed mouth. His short hair is black,
like crushed charcoal, though wings of grey are beginning to show at his
temples. Robes of impenetrable pitch black cloak his thin frame in darkness.
The shadows seeming to seep from the folds of his garments, he continues

<100%hp 100%m 89%mv 2720tnl> 2 AM civilized desc -
desc -
desc -
Your description is:
From under the cowl of his robe you see his calm blank stare, deeper and
colder than the depths of the sea, focusing on nothing, yet seeing
everything. The corners of his dark eyes, like ebon pearls draining warmth
and light from all that his gaze falls upon, are creased with age but have
lost none of their malice with the passing of years. His thin lips are pale
and belie the presense of life in the body of this man. His face, worn with
time, does not stand out but you can sense hidden below the surface a great
power that you can not put your finger on. A well trimmed salt and pepper
beard frames his cruel, pale white toothed mouth. His short hair is black,
like crushed charcoal, though wings of grey are beginning to show at his
temples. Robes of impenetrable pitch black cloak his thin frame in darkness.

<100%hp 100%m 89%mv 2720tnl> 2 AM civilized Your description is:
From under the cowl of his robe you see his calm blank stare, deeper and
colder than the depths of the sea, focusing on nothing, yet seeing
everything. The corners of his dark eyes, like ebon pearls draining warmth
and light from all that his gaze falls upon, are creased with age but have
lost none of their malice with the passing of years. His thin lips are pale
and belie the presense of life in the body of this man. His face, worn with
time, does not stand out but you can sense hidden below the surface a great
power that you can not put your finger on. A well trimmed salt and pepper
beard frames his cruel, pale white toothed mouth. His short hair is black,
like crushed charcoal, though wings of grey are beginning to show at his

<100%hp 100%m 89%mv 2720tnl> 2 AM civilized desc -
desc -
desc -
desc -
desc -
desc -
desc -
desc -
Your description is:
From under the cowl of his robe you see his calm blank stare, deeper and
colder than the depths of the sea, focusing on nothing, yet seeing
everything. The corners of his dark eyes, like ebon pearls draining warmth
and light from all that his gaze falls upon, are creased with age but have
lost none of their malice with the passing of years. His thin lips are pale
and belie the presense of life in the body of this man. His face, worn with
time, does not stand out but you can sense hidden below the surface a great
power that you can not put your finger on. A well trimmed salt and pepper
beard frames his cruel, pale white toothed mouth. His short hair is black,

<100%hp 100%m 89%mv 2720tnl> 2 AM civilized desc -
desc -
desc -
desc -
desc -
desc -
Your description is:
From under the cowl of his robe you see his calm blank stare, deeper and
colder than the depths of the sea, focusing on nothing, yet seeing
everything. The corners of his dark eyes, like ebon pearls draining warmth
and light from all that his gaze falls upon, are creased with age but have
lost none of their malice with the passing of years. His thin lips are pale
and belie the presense of life in the body of this man. His face, worn with
time, does not stand out but you can sense hidden below the surface a great
power that you can not put your finger on. A well trimmed salt and pepper

<100%hp 100%m 89%mv 2720tnl> 2 AM civilized desc -
desc -
desc -
desc -
desc -
desc -
Your description is:
From under the cowl of his robe you see his calm blank stare, deeper and
colder than the depths of the sea, focusing on nothing, yet seeing
everything. The corners of his dark eyes, like ebon pearls draining warmth
and light from all that his gaze falls upon, are creased with age but have
lost none of their malice with the passing of years. His thin lips are pale
and belie the presense of life in the body of this man. His face, worn with
time, does not stand out but you can sense hidden below the surface a great

<100%hp 100%m 89%mv 2720tnl> 2 AM civilized Your description is:
From under the cowl of his robe you see his calm blank stare, deeper and
colder than the depths of the sea, focusing on nothing, yet seeing
everything. The corners of his dark eyes, like ebon pearls draining warmth
and light from all that his gaze falls upon, are creased with age but have
lost none of their malice with the passing of years. His thin lips are pale
and belie the presense of life in the body of this man. His face, worn with

<100%hp 100%m 89%mv 2720tnl> 2 AM civilized Your description is:
From under the cowl of his robe you see his calm blank stare, deeper and
colder than the depths of the sea, focusing on nothing, yet seeing
everything. The corners of his dark eyes, like ebon pearls draining warmth
and light from all that his gaze falls upon, are creased with age but have
lost none of their malice with the passing of years. His thin lips are pale

<100%hp 100%m 89%mv 2720tnl> 2 AM civilized Your description is:
From under the cowl of his robe you see his calm blank stare, deeper and
colder than the depths of the sea, focusing on nothing, yet seeing
everything. The corners of his dark eyes, like ebon pearls draining warmth
and light from all that his gaze falls upon, are creased with age but have

<100%hp 100%m 89%mv 2720tnl> 2 AM civilized Your description is:
From under the cowl of his robe you see his calm blank stare, deeper and
colder than the depths of the sea, focusing on nothing, yet seeing
everything. The corners of his dark eyes, like ebon pearls draining warmth

<100%hp 100%m 89%mv 2720tnl> 2 AM civilized Your description is:
From under the cowl of his robe you see his calm blank stare, deeper and
colder than the depths of the sea, focusing on nothing, yet seeing

<100%hp 100%m 89%mv 2720tnl> 2 AM civilized Your description is:
From under the cowl of his robe you see his calm blank stare, deeper and

<100%hp 100%m 89%mv 2720tnl> 2 AM civilized Your description is:

<100%hp 100%m 89%mv 2720tnl> 2 AM civilized No lines left to remove.

<100%hp 100%m 89%mv 2720tnl> 2 AM civilized No lines left to remove.

<100%hp 100%m 89%mv 2720tnl> 2 AM civilized No lines left to remove.

<100%hp 100%m 89%mv 2720tnl> 2 AM civilized No lines left to remove.

<100%hp 100%m 89%mv 2720tnl> 2 AM civilized No lines left to remove.

<100%hp 100%m 89%mv 2720tnl> 2 AM civilized No lines left to remove.

<100%hp 100%m 89%mv 2720tnl> 2 AM civilized No lines left to remove.

<100%hp 100%m 89%mv 2720tnl> 2 AM civilized No lines left to remove.

<100%hp 100%m 89%mv 2720tnl> 2 AM civilized No lines left to remove.

<100%hp 100%m 89%mv 2720tnl> 2 AM civilized No lines left to remove.

<100%hp 100%m 89%mv 2720tnl> 2 AM civilized No lines left to remove.

<100%hp 100%m 89%mv 2720tnl> 2 AM civilized desc + As you look upon the striking figure before you, his stark blue eyes catch your
desc + gaze in a firm lock. By the way he stands and returns your stare, you gain the
desc + impression of pride and knowledge, as though nothing escapes his notice. The
desc + contempt, though, is obvious, and you recognize that to this human you are of
desc + little importance and station in life. He furrows his brow in intense thought,
desc + his face a mask of determination and resoluteness. Darkened hair lies close to
desc + his scalp in a short cut, his face free of grime but not stubble. It is a proud
desc + face, clean and sharp features of what many consider handsome, almost winsome.
desc + Fine clothing and polished armors adorn his moderate frame and many valuable
desc + charms and jewelry are appropriately worn.
Your description is:
As you look upon the striking figure before you, his stark blue eyes catch yo

<100%hp 100%m 89%mv 2720tnl> 2 AM civilized Your description is:
As you look upon the striking figure before you, his stark blue eyes catch yo
gaze in a firm lock. By the way he stands and returns your stare, you gain th

<100%hp 100%m 89%mv 2720tnl> 2 AM civilized Your description is:
As you look upon the striking figure before you, his stark blue eyes catch yo
gaze in a firm lock. By the way he stands and returns your stare, you gain th
impression of pride and knowledge, as though nothing escapes his notice. The

<100%hp 100%m 89%mv 2720tnl> 2 AM civilized Your description is:
As you look upon the striking figure before you, his stark blue eyes catch yo
gaze in a firm lock. By the way he stands and returns your stare, you gain th
impression of pride and knowledge, as though nothing escapes his notice. The
contempt, though, is obvious, and you recognize that to this human you are of

<100%hp 100%m 89%mv 2720tnl> 2 AM civilized Your description is:
As you look upon the striking figure before you, his stark blue eyes catch yo
gaze in a firm lock. By the way he stands and returns your stare, you gain th
impression of pride and knowledge, as though nothing escapes his notice. The
contempt, though, is obvious, and you recognize that to this human you are of
little importance and station in life. He furrows his brow in intense though

<100%hp 100%m 89%mv 2720tnl> 2 AM civilized Your description is:
As you look upon the striking figure before you, his stark blue eyes catch yo
gaze in a firm lock. By the way he stands and returns your stare, you gain th
impression of pride and knowledge, as though nothing escapes his notice. The
contempt, though, is obvious, and you recognize that to this human you are of
little importance and station in life. He furrows his brow in intense though
his face a mask of determination and resoluteness. Darkened hair lies close t

<100%hp 100%m 89%mv 2720tnl> 2 AM civilized Your description is:
As you look upon the striking figure before you, his stark blue eyes catch yo
gaze in a firm lock. By the way he stands and returns your stare, you gain th
impression of pride and knowledge, as though nothing escapes his notice. The
contempt, though, is obvious, and you recognize that to this human you are of
little importance and station in life. He furrows his brow in intense though
his face a mask of determination and resoluteness. Darkened hair lies close t
his scalp in a short cut, his face free of grime but not stubble. It is a pr

<100%hp 100%m 89%mv 2720tnl> 2 AM civilized Your description is:
As you look upon the striking figure before you, his stark blue eyes catch yo
gaze in a firm lock. By the way he stands and returns your stare, you gain th
impression of pride and knowledge, as though nothing escapes his notice. The
contempt, though, is obvious, and you recognize that to this human you are of
little importance and station in life. He furrows his brow in intense though
his face a mask of determination and resoluteness. Darkened hair lies close t
his scalp in a short cut, his face free of grime but not stubble. It is a pr
face, clean and sharp features of what many consider handsome, almost winsome

<100%hp 100%m 89%mv 2720tnl> 2 AM civilized Your description is:
As you look upon the striking figure before you, his stark blue eyes catch yo
gaze in a firm lock. By the way he stands and returns your stare, you gain th
impression of pride and knowledge, as though nothing escapes his notice. The
contempt, though, is obvious, and you recognize that to this human you are of
little importance and station in life. He furrows his brow in intense though
his face a mask of determination and resoluteness. Darkened hair lies close t
his scalp in a short cut, his face free of grime but not stubble. It is a pr
face, clean and sharp features of what many consider handsome, almost winsome
Fine clothing and polished armors adorn his moderate frame and many valuable

<100%hp 100%m 89%mv 2720tnl> 2 AM civilized Your description is:
As you look upon the striking figure before you, his stark blue eyes catch yo
gaze in a firm lock. By the way he stands and returns your stare, you gain th
impression of pride and knowledge, as though nothing escapes his notice. The
contempt, though, is obvious, and you recognize that to this human you are of
little importance and station in life. He furrows his brow in intense though
his face a mask of determination and resoluteness. Darkened hair lies close t
his scalp in a short cut, his face free of grime but not stubble. It is a pr
face, clean and sharp features of what many consider handsome, almost winsome
Fine clothing and polished armors adorn his moderate frame and many valuable
charms and jewelry are appropriately worn.

<100%hp 100%m 89%mv 2720tnl> 2 AM civilized pray Hey-o!
You pray to the heavens for help!

<100%hp 100%m 89%mv 2720tnl> 2 AM civilized wher
People near you:

<100%hp 100%m 89%mv 2720tnl> 2 AM civilized who
Players found: 0

<100%hp 100%m 89%mv 2720tnl> 2 AM civilized l
The Realm of the Dead
You are standing on an immense, gray stone floor that stretches as far as you
can see in all directions. Rough winds plunging from the dark, starless sky
tear savagely at your fragile body.

**snip note reading while waiting**

<100%hp 100%m 98%mv 2720tnl> 3 AM civilized
An Immortal says 'Hi.'

<100%hp 100%m 100%mv 2720tnl> 5 AM civilized say Hello.
You say 'Hello.'

<100%hp 100%m 100%mv 2720tnl> 6 AM civilized say I figured I would be in here, wrote my desc in advance.
You say 'I figured I would be in here, wrote my desc in advance.'

<100%hp 100%m 100%mv 2720tnl> 6 AM civilized tip
You tip your hat gallantly.

<100%hp 100%m 100%mv 2720tnl> 6 AM civilized
An Immortal says 'So, reusing a reused description, huh?'

**talking about why I'm in here to begin with, yes, guilty**

<100%hp 100%m 100%mv 2720tnl> 6 AM civilized nod

An Immortal says 'Good...is it in?'

<100%hp 100%m 100%mv 2720tnl> 6 AM civilized You nod.

<100%hp 100%m 100%mv 2720tnl> 6 AM civilized nod
You nod.

<100%hp 100%m 100%mv 2720tnl> 6 AM civilized blush
Your cheeks are burning.

<100%hp 100%m 100%mv 2720tnl> 7 AM civilized
An Immortal says 'Look at the formatting...I think you truncated it.'

**thank you, this imm was fairly nice throughout**

<100%hp 100%m 100%mv 2720tnl> 7 AM civilized l self
As you look upon the striking figure before you, his stark blue eyes catch yo
gaze in a firm lock. By the way he stands and returns your stare, you gain th
impression of pride and knowledge, as though nothing escapes his notice. The
contempt, though, is obvious, and you recognize that to this human you are of
little importance and station in life. He furrows his brow in intense though
his face a mask of determination and resoluteness. Darkened hair lies close t
his scalp in a short cut, his face free of grime but not stubble. It is a pr
face, clean and sharp features of what many consider handsome, almost winsome
Fine clothing and polished armors adorn his moderate frame and many valuable
charms and jewelry are appropriately worn.
Me, a male human, is in perfect health.

Me is using:
<worn on finger> a wide copper ring
<worn on finger> a wide copper ring
<worn around neck> a fine leather cloak
<worn on body> black robes trimmed with onyx
<worn on head> a fine leather hat
<worn on legs> a pair of fine leather leggings
<worn on feet> some leather traveling boots
<worn on hands> a pair of fine leather gloves
<worn on arms> some black leather sleeves
<worn about body> (Glowing) a shaman's robe
<worn about waist> a fine leather belt
<worn around wrist> a fine leather bracer
<mainhand wielded> (Glowing) an expertly balanced practice sword
<worn as shield> a highly polished buckler

<100%hp 100%m 100%mv 2720tnl> 7 AM civilized grunt
With nothing better to say, you grunt something vague.

<100%hp 100%m 100%mv 2720tnl> 8 AM civilized say Ah, hells bells.
You say 'Ah, hells bells.'

<100%hp 100%m 100%mv 2720tnl> 8 AM civilized
An Immortal says 'catch yo - gaze, gain th - impression'

<100%hp 100%m 100%mv 2720tnl> 8 AM civilized say And I closed the notepad of it too.
You say 'And I closed the notepad of it too.'

**found it in zmud, reediting it**

<100%hp 100%m 100%mv 2720tnl> 8 AM civilized
An Immortal says 'You should be able to copy it off of your mud window into notepad, add the missing chars, and slap it into a wrapchop program like on Dio's.'

<100%hp 100%m 100%mv 2720tnl> 9 AM civilized
An Immortal says 'Also, it says here you were an asshole in the description room and tried to copy/paste from another player who was also in there.'

**wait, wha??**

<100%hp 100%m 100%mv 2720tnl> 9 AM civilized say Eh? Not me, must be confused with someone else.
You say 'Eh? Not me, must be confused with someone else.'

<100%hp 100%m 100%mv 2720tnl> 10 AM civilized say Yah, I had it in my zmud queue.
You say 'Yah, I had it in my zmud queue.'

<100%hp 100%m 100%mv 2720tnl> 10 AM civilized say I'm nothing but polite, pretty sure. And generally respectful.
You say 'I'm nothing but polite, pretty sure. And generally respectful.'

<100%hp 100%m 100%mv 2720tnl> 10 AM civilized
An Immortal says 'Really? I'll wait for the imms that dealt with you then.'

<100%hp 100%m 100%mv 2720tnl> 11 AM civilized desc + As you look upon the striking figure before you, his stark blue eyes catch
desc + your gaze in a firm lock. By the way he stands and returns your stare, you
desc + gain the impression of pride and knowledge, as though nothing escapes his
desc + notice. The contempt, though, is obvious, and you recognize that to this
desc + human you are of little importance and station in life. He furrows his brow
desc + in intense thought, his face a mask of determination and resoluteness.
desc + Darkened hair lies close to his scalp in a short cut, his face free of grime
desc + but not stubble. It is a proud face, clean and sharp features of what many
desc + consider handsome, almost winsome. Fine clothing and polished armors adorn
desc + his moderate frame and many valuable charms and jewelry are appropriately
desc + worn.
Your description is:
As you look upon the striking figure before you, his stark blue eyes catch yo
gaze in a firm lock. By the way he stands and returns your stare, you gain th
impression of pride and knowledge, as though nothing escapes his notice. The
contempt, though, is obvious, and you recognize that to this human you are of
little importance and station in life. He furrows his brow in intense though
his face a mask of determination and resoluteness. Darkened hair lies close t
his scalp in a short cut, his face free of grime but not stubble. It is a pr
face, clean and sharp features of what many consider handsome, almost winsome
Fine clothing and polished armors adorn his moderate frame and many valuable
charms and jewelry are appropriately worn.
As you look upon the striking figure before you, his stark blue eyes catch

<100%hp 100%m 100%mv 2720tnl> 12 PM civilized Your description is:
As you look upon the striking figure before you, his stark blue eyes catch yo
gaze in a firm lock. By the way he stands and returns your stare, you gain th
impression of pride and knowledge, as though nothing escapes his notice. The
contempt, though, is obvious, and you recognize that to this human you are of
little importance and station in life. He furrows his brow in intense though
his face a mask of determination and resoluteness. Darkened hair lies close t
his scalp in a short cut, his face free of grime but not stubble. It is a pr
face, clean and sharp features of what many consider handsome, almost winsome
Fine clothing and polished armors adorn his moderate frame and many valuable
charms and jewelry are appropriately worn.
As you look upon the striking figure before you, his stark blue eyes catch
your gaze in a firm lock. By the way he stands and returns your stare, you

<100%hp 100%m 100%mv 2720tnl> 12 PM civilized Your description is:
As you look upon the striking figure before you, his stark blue eyes catch yo
gaze in a firm lock. By the way he stands and returns your stare, you gain th
impression of pride and knowledge, as though nothing escapes his notice. The
contempt, though, is obvious, and you recognize that to this human you are of
little importance and station in life. He furrows his brow in intense though
his face a mask of determination and resoluteness. Darkened hair lies close t
his scalp in a short cut, his face free of grime but not stubble. It is a pr
face, clean and sharp features of what many consider handsome, almost winsome
Fine clothing and polished armors adorn his moderate frame and many valuable
charms and jewelry are appropriately worn.
As you look upon the striking figure before you, his stark blue eyes catch
your gaze in a firm lock. By the way he stands and returns your stare, you
gain the impression of pride and knowledge, as though nothing escapes his

<100%hp 100%m 100%mv 2720tnl> 12 PM civilized Your description is:
As you look upon the striking figure before you, his stark blue eyes catch yo
gaze in a firm lock. By the way he stands and returns your stare, you gain th
impression of pride and knowledge, as though nothing escapes his notice. The
contempt, though, is obvious, and you recognize that to this human you are of
little importance and station in life. He furrows his brow in intense though
his face a mask of determination and resoluteness. Darkened hair lies close t
his scalp in a short cut, his face free of grime but not stubble. It is a pr
face, clean and sharp features of what many consider handsome, almost winsome
Fine clothing and polished armors adorn his moderate frame and many valuable
charms and jewelry are appropriately worn.
As you look upon the striking figure before you, his stark blue eyes catch
your gaze in a firm lock. By the way he stands and returns your stare, you
gain the impression of pride and knowledge, as though nothing escapes his
notice.The contempt, though, is obvious, and you recognize that to this

<100%hp 100%m 100%mv 2720tnl> 12 PM civilized Your description is:
As you look upon the striking figure before you, his stark blue eyes catch yo
gaze in a firm lock. By the way he stands and returns your stare, you gain th
impression of pride and knowledge, as though nothing escapes his notice. The
contempt, though, is obvious, and you recognize that to this human you are of
little importance and station in life. He furrows his brow in intense though
his face a mask of determination and resoluteness. Darkened hair lies close t
his scalp in a short cut, his face free of grime but not stubble. It is a pr
face, clean and sharp features of what many consider handsome, almost winsome
Fine clothing and polished armors adorn his moderate frame and many valuable
charms and jewelry are appropriately worn.
As you look upon the striking figure before you, his stark blue eyes catch
your gaze in a firm lock. By the way he stands and returns your stare, you
gain the impression of pride and knowledge, as though nothing escapes his
notice.The contempt, though, is obvious, and you recognize that to this
human you are of little importance and station in life.He furrows his brow

<100%hp 100%m 100%mv 2720tnl> 12 PM civilized Your description is:
As you look upon the striking figure before you, his stark blue eyes catch yo
gaze in a firm lock. By the way he stands and returns your stare, you gain th
impression of pride and knowledge, as though nothing escapes his notice. The
contempt, though, is obvious, and you recognize that to this human you are of
little importance and station in life. He furrows his brow in intense though
his face a mask of determination and resoluteness. Darkened hair lies close t
his scalp in a short cut, his face free of grime but not stubble. It is a pr
face, clean and sharp features of what many consider handsome, almost winsome
Fine clothing and polished armors adorn his moderate frame and many valuable
charms and jewelry are appropriately worn.
As you look upon the striking figure before you, his stark blue eyes catch
your gaze in a firm lock. By the way he stands and returns your stare, you
gain the impression of pride and knowledge, as though nothing escapes his
notice.The contempt, though, is obvious, and you recognize that to this
human you are of little importance and station in life.He furrows his brow
in intense thought, his face a mask of determination and resoluteness.

<100%hp 100%m 100%mv 2720tnl> 12 PM civilized Your description is:
As you look upon the striking figure before you, his stark blue eyes catch yo
gaze in a firm lock. By the way he stands and returns your stare, you gain th
impression of pride and knowledge, as though nothing escapes his notice. The
contempt, though, is obvious, and you recognize that to this human you are of
little importance and station in life. He furrows his brow in intense though
his face a mask of determination and resoluteness. Darkened hair lies close t
his scalp in a short cut, his face free of grime but not stubble. It is a pr
face, clean and sharp features of what many consider handsome, almost winsome
Fine clothing and polished armors adorn his moderate frame and many valuable
charms and jewelry are appropriately worn.
As you look upon the striking figure before you, his stark blue eyes catch
your gaze in a firm lock. By the way he stands and returns your stare, you
gain the impression of pride and knowledge, as though nothing escapes his
notice.The contempt, though, is obvious, and you recognize that to this
human you are of little importance and station in life.He furrows his brow
in intense thought, his face a mask of determination and resoluteness.
Darkened hair lies close to his scalp in a short cut, his face free of grime

<100%hp 100%m 100%mv 2720tnl> 12 PM civilized Your description is:
As you look upon the striking figure before you, his stark blue eyes catch yo
gaze in a firm lock. By the way he stands and returns your stare, you gain th
impression of pride and knowledge, as though nothing escapes his notice. The
contempt, though, is obvious, and you recognize that to this human you are of
little importance and station in life. He furrows his brow in intense though
his face a mask of determination and resoluteness. Darkened hair lies close t
his scalp in a short cut, his face free of grime but not stubble. It is a pr
face, clean and sharp features of what many consider handsome, almost winsome
Fine clothing and polished armors adorn his moderate frame and many valuable
charms and jewelry are appropriately worn.
As you look upon the striking figure before you, his stark blue eyes catch
your gaze in a firm lock. By the way he stands and returns your stare, you
gain the impression of pride and knowledge, as though nothing escapes his
notice.The contempt, though, is obvious, and you recognize that to this
human you are of little importance and station in life.He furrows his brow
in intense thought, his face a mask of determination and resoluteness.
Darkened hair lies close to his scalp in a short cut, his face free of grime
but not stubble. It is a proud face, clean and sharp features of what many

<100%hp 100%m 100%mv 2720tnl> 12 PM civilized Your description is:
As you look upon the striking figure before you, his stark blue eyes catch yo
gaze in a firm lock. By the way he stands and returns your stare, you gain th
impression of pride and knowledge, as though nothing escapes his notice. The
contempt, though, is obvious, and you recognize that to this human you are of
little importance and station in life. He furrows his brow in intense though
his face a mask of determination and resoluteness. Darkened hair lies close t
his scalp in a short cut, his face free of grime but not stubble. It is a pr
face, clean and sharp features of what many consider handsome, almost winsome
Fine clothing and polished armors adorn his moderate frame and many valuable
charms and jewelry are appropriately worn.
As you look upon the striking figure before you, his stark blue eyes catch
your gaze in a firm lock. By the way he stands and returns your stare, you
gain the impression of pride and knowledge, as though nothing escapes his
notice.The contempt, though, is obvious, and you recognize that to this
human you are of little importance and station in life.He furrows his brow
in intense thought, his face a mask of determination and resoluteness.
Darkened hair lies close to his scalp in a short cut, his face free of grime
but not stubble. It is a proud face, clean and sharp features of what many
consider handsome, almost winsome. Fine clothing and polished armors adorn

<100%hp 100%m 100%mv 2720tnl> 12 PM civilized Your description is:
As you look upon the striking figure before you, his stark blue eyes catch yo
gaze in a firm lock. By the way he stands and returns your stare, you gain th
impression of pride and knowledge, as though nothing escapes his notice. The
contempt, though, is obvious, and you recognize that to this human you are of
little importance and station in life. He furrows his brow in intense though
his face a mask of determination and resoluteness. Darkened hair lies close t
his scalp in a short cut, his face free of grime but not stubble. It is a pr
face, clean and sharp features of what many consider handsome, almost winsome
Fine clothing and polished armors adorn his moderate frame and many valuable
charms and jewelry are appropriately worn.
As you look upon the striking figure before you, his stark blue eyes catch
your gaze in a firm lock. By the way he stands and returns your stare, you
gain the impression of pride and knowledge, as though nothing escapes his
notice.The contempt, though, is obvious, and you recognize that to this
human you are of little importance and station in life.He furrows his brow
in intense thought, his face a mask of determination and resoluteness.
Darkened hair lies close to his scalp in a short cut, his face free of grime
but not stubble. It is a proud face, clean and sharp features of what many
consider handsome, almost winsome. Fine clothing and polished armors adorn
his moderate frame and many valuable charms and jewelry are appropriately

<100%hp 100%m 100%mv 2720tnl> 12 PM civilized Your description is:
As you look upon the striking figure before you, his stark blue eyes catch yo
gaze in a firm lock. By the way he stands and returns your stare, you gain th
impression of pride and knowledge, as though nothing escapes his notice. The
contempt, though, is obvious, and you recognize that to this human you are of
little importance and station in life. He furrows his brow in intense though
his face a mask of determination and resoluteness. Darkened hair lies close t
his scalp in a short cut, his face free of grime but not stubble. It is a pr
face, clean and sharp features of what many consider handsome, almost winsome
Fine clothing and polished armors adorn his moderate frame and many valuable
charms and jewelry are appropriately worn.
As you look upon the striking figure before you, his stark blue eyes catch
your gaze in a firm lock. By the way he stands and returns your stare, you
gain the impression of pride and knowledge, as though nothing escapes his
notice.The contempt, though, is obvious, and you recognize that to this
human you are of little importance and station in life.He furrows his brow
in intense thought, his face a mask of determination and resoluteness.
Darkened hair lies close to his scalp in a short cut, his face free of grime
but not stubble. It is a proud face, clean and sharp features of what many
consider handsome, almost winsome. Fine clothing and polished armors adorn
his moderate frame and many valuable charms and jewelry are appropriately

<100%hp 100%m 100%mv 2720tnl> 12 PM civilized say No. Really.
You say 'No. Really.'

<100%hp 100%m 100%mv 2720tnl> 12 PM civilized desc -
Your description is:
As you look upon the striking figure before you, his stark blue eyes catch yo
gaze in a firm lock. By the way he stands and returns your stare, you gain th
impression of pride and knowledge, as though nothing escapes his notice. The
contempt, though, is obvious, and you recognize that to this human you are of
little importance and station in life. He furrows his brow in intense though
his face a mask of determination and resoluteness. Darkened hair lies close t
his scalp in a short cut, his face free of grime but not stubble. It is a pr
face, clean and sharp features of what many consider handsome, almost winsome
Fine clothing and polished armors adorn his moderate frame and many valuable
charms and jewelry are appropriately worn.
As you look upon the striking figure before you, his stark blue eyes catch
your gaze in a firm lock. By the way he stands and returns your stare, you
gain the impression of pride and knowledge, as though nothing escapes his
notice.The contempt, though, is obvious, and you recognize that to this
human you are of little importance and station in life.He furrows his brow
in intense thought, his face a mask of determination and resoluteness.
Darkened hair lies close to his scalp in a short cut, his face free of grime
but not stubble. It is a proud face, clean and sharp features of what many
consider handsome, almost winsome. Fine clothing and polished armors adorn
his moderate frame and many valuable charms and jewelry are appropriately

<100%hp 100%m 100%mv 2720tnl> 12 PM civilized desc -
desc -
desc -
desc -
desc -
desc -
desc -
desc -
desc -
desc -
desc -
Your description is:
As you look upon the striking figure before you, his stark blue eyes catch yo
gaze in a firm lock. By the way he stands and returns your stare, you gain th
impression of pride and knowledge, as though nothing escapes his notice. The
contempt, though, is obvious, and you recognize that to this human you are of
little importance and station in life. He furrows his brow in intense though
his face a mask of determination and resoluteness. Darkened hair lies close t
his scalp in a short cut, his face free of grime but not stubble. It is a pr
face, clean and sharp features of what many consider handsome, almost winsome
Fine clothing and polished armors adorn his moderate frame and many valuable
charms and jewelry are appropriately worn.
As you look upon the striking figure before you, his stark blue eyes catch
your gaze in a firm lock. By the way he stands and returns your stare, you
gain the impression of pride and knowledge, as though nothing escapes his
notice.The contempt, though, is obvious, and you recognize that to this
human you are of little importance and station in life.He furrows his brow
in intense thought, his face a mask of determination and resoluteness.
Darkened hair lies close to his scalp in a short cut, his face free of grime
but not stubble. It is a proud face, clean and sharp features of what many
consider handsome, almost winsome. Fine clothing and polished armors adorn

<100%hp 100%m 100%mv 2720tnl> 12 PM civilized desc -
desc -
desc -
desc -
desc -
desc -
desc -
desc -
desc -
desc -
Your description is:
As you look upon the striking figure before you, his stark blue eyes catch yo
gaze in a firm lock. By the way he stands and returns your stare, you gain th
impression of pride and knowledge, as though nothing escapes his notice. The
contempt, though, is obvious, and you recognize that to this human you are of
little importance and station in life. He furrows his brow in intense though
his face a mask of determination and resoluteness. Darkened hair lies close t
his scalp in a short cut, his face free of grime but not stubble. It is a pr
face, clean and sharp features of what many consider handsome, almost winsome
Fine clothing and polished armors adorn his moderate frame and many valuable
charms and jewelry are appropriately worn.
As you look upon the striking figure before you, his stark blue eyes catch
your gaze in a firm lock. By the way he stands and returns your stare, you
gain the impression of pride and knowledge, as though nothing escapes his
notice.The contempt, though, is obvious, and you recognize that to this
human you are of little importance and station in life.He furrows his brow
in intense thought, his face a mask of determination and resoluteness.
Darkened hair lies close to his scalp in a short cut, his face free of grime
but not stubble. It is a proud face, clean and sharp features of what many

<100%hp 100%m 100%mv 2720tnl> 12 PM civilized Your description is:
As you look upon the striking figure before you, his stark blue eyes catch yo
gaze in a firm lock. By the way he stands and returns your stare, you gain th
impression of pride and knowledge, as though nothing escapes his notice. The
contempt, though, is obvious, and you recognize that to this human you are of
little importance and station in life. He furrows his brow in intense though
his face a mask of determination and resoluteness. Darkened hair lies close t
his scalp in a short cut, his face free of grime but not stubble. It is a pr
face, clean and sharp features of what many consider handsome, almost winsome
Fine clothing and polished armors adorn his moderate frame and many valuable
charms and jewelry are appropriately worn.
As you look upon the striking figure before you, his stark blue eyes catch
your gaze in a firm lock. By the way he stands and returns your stare, you
gain the impression of pride and knowledge, as though nothing escapes his
notice.The contempt, though, is obvious, and you recognize that to this
human you are of little importance and station in life.He furrows his brow
in intense thought, his face a mask of determination and resoluteness.
Darkened hair lies close to his scalp in a short cut, his face free of grime

<100%hp 100%m 100%mv 2720tnl> 12 PM civilized Your description is:
As you look upon the striking figure before you, his stark blue eyes catch yo
gaze in a firm lock. By the way he stands and returns your stare, you gain th
impression of pride and knowledge, as though nothing escapes his notice. The
contempt, though, is obvious, and you recognize that to this human you are of
little importance and station in life. He furrows his brow in intense though
his face a mask of determination and resoluteness. Darkened hair lies close t
his scalp in a short cut, his face free of grime but not stubble. It is a pr
face, clean and sharp features of what many consider handsome, almost winsome
Fine clothing and polished armors adorn his moderate frame and many valuable
charms and jewelry are appropriately worn.
As you look upon the striking figure before you, his stark blue eyes catch
your gaze in a firm lock. By the way he stands and returns your stare, you
gain the impression of pride and knowledge, as though nothing escapes his
notice.The contempt, though, is obvious, and you recognize that to this
human you are of little importance and station in life.He furrows his brow
in intense thought, his face a mask of determination and resoluteness.

<100%hp 100%m 100%mv 2720tnl> 12 PM civilized Your description is:
As you look upon the striking figure before you, his stark blue eyes catch yo
gaze in a firm lock. By the way he stands and returns your stare, you gain th
impression of pride and knowledge, as though nothing escapes his notice. The
contempt, though, is obvious, and you recognize that to this human you are of
little importance and station in life. He furrows his brow in intense though
his face a mask of determination and resoluteness. Darkened hair lies close t
his scalp in a short cut, his face free of grime but not stubble. It is a pr
face, clean and sharp features of what many consider handsome, almost winsome
Fine clothing and polished armors adorn his moderate frame and many valuable
charms and jewelry are appropriately worn.
As you look upon the striking figure before you, his stark blue eyes catch
your gaze in a firm lock. By the way he stands and returns your stare, you
gain the impression of pride and knowledge, as though nothing escapes his
notice.The contempt, though, is obvious, and you recognize that to this
human you are of little importance and station in life.He furrows his brow

<100%hp 100%m 100%mv 2720tnl> 12 PM civilized Your description is:
As you look upon the striking figure before you, his stark blue eyes catch yo
gaze in a firm lock. By the way he stands and returns your stare, you gain th
impression of pride and knowledge, as though nothing escapes his notice. The
contempt, though, is obvious, and you recognize that to this human you are of
little importance and station in life. He furrows his brow in intense though
his face a mask of determination and resoluteness. Darkened hair lies close t
his scalp in a short cut, his face free of grime but not stubble. It is a pr
face, clean and sharp features of what many consider handsome, almost winsome
Fine clothing and polished armors adorn his moderate frame and many valuable
charms and jewelry are appropriately worn.
As you look upon the striking figure before you, his stark blue eyes catch
your gaze in a firm lock. By the way he stands and returns your stare, you
gain the impression of pride and knowledge, as though nothing escapes his
notice.The contempt, though, is obvious, and you recognize that to this

<100%hp 100%m 100%mv 2720tnl> 12 PM civilized Your description is:
As you look upon the striking figure before you, his stark blue eyes catch yo
gaze in a firm lock. By the way he stands and returns your stare, you gain th
impression of pride and knowledge, as though nothing escapes his notice. The
contempt, though, is obvious, and you recognize that to this human you are of
little importance and station in life. He furrows his brow in intense though
his face a mask of determination and resoluteness. Darkened hair lies close t
his scalp in a short cut, his face free of grime but not stubble. It is a pr
face, clean and sharp features of what many consider handsome, almost winsome
Fine clothing and polished armors adorn his moderate frame and many valuable
charms and jewelry are appropriately worn.
As you look upon the striking figure before you, his stark blue eyes catch
your gaze in a firm lock. By the way he stands and returns your stare, you
gain the impression of pride and knowledge, as though nothing escapes his

<100%hp 100%m 100%mv 2720tnl> 12 PM civilized Your description is:
As you look upon the striking figure before you, his stark blue eyes catch yo
gaze in a firm lock. By the way he stands and returns your stare, you gain th
impression of pride and knowledge, as though nothing escapes his notice. The
contempt, though, is obvious, and you recognize that to this human you are of
little importance and station in life. He furrows his brow in intense though
his face a mask of determination and resoluteness. Darkened hair lies close t
his scalp in a short cut, his face free of grime but not stubble. It is a pr
face, clean and sharp features of what many consider handsome, almost winsome
Fine clothing and polished armors adorn his moderate frame and many valuable
charms and jewelry are appropriately worn.
As you look upon the striking figure before you, his stark blue eyes catch
your gaze in a firm lock. By the way he stands and returns your stare, you

<100%hp 100%m 100%mv 2720tnl> 12 PM civilized Your description is:
As you look upon the striking figure before you, his stark blue eyes catch yo
gaze in a firm lock. By the way he stands and returns your stare, you gain th
impression of pride and knowledge, as though nothing escapes his notice. The
contempt, though, is obvious, and you recognize that to this human you are of
little importance and station in life. He furrows his brow in intense though
his face a mask of determination and resoluteness. Darkened hair lies close t
his scalp in a short cut, his face free of grime but not stubble. It is a pr
face, clean and sharp features of what many consider handsome, almost winsome
Fine clothing and polished armors adorn his moderate frame and many valuable
charms and jewelry are appropriately worn.
As you look upon the striking figure before you, his stark blue eyes catch

<100%hp 100%m 100%mv 2720tnl> 12 PM civilized Your description is:
As you look upon the striking figure before you, his stark blue eyes catch yo
gaze in a firm lock. By the way he stands and returns your stare, you gain th
impression of pride and knowledge, as though nothing escapes his notice. The
contempt, though, is obvious, and you recognize that to this human you are of
little importance and station in life. He furrows his brow in intense though
his face a mask of determination and resoluteness. Darkened hair lies close t
his scalp in a short cut, his face free of grime but not stubble. It is a pr
face, clean and sharp features of what many consider handsome, almost winsome
Fine clothing and polished armors adorn his moderate frame and many valuable
charms and jewelry are appropriately worn.

<100%hp 100%m 100%mv 2720tnl> 12 PM civilized Your description is:
As you look upon the striking figure before you, his stark blue eyes catch yo
gaze in a firm lock. By the way he stands and returns your stare, you gain th
impression of pride and knowledge, as though nothing escapes his notice. The
contempt, though, is obvious, and you recognize that to this human you are of
little importance and station in life. He furrows his brow in intense though
his face a mask of determination and resoluteness. Darkened hair lies close t
his scalp in a short cut, his face free of grime but not stubble. It is a pr
face, clean and sharp features of what many consider handsome, almost winsome
Fine clothing and polished armors adorn his moderate frame and many valuable

<100%hp 100%m 100%mv 2720tnl> 12 PM civilized Your description is:
As you look upon the striking figure before you, his stark blue eyes catch yo
gaze in a firm lock. By the way he stands and returns your stare, you gain th
impression of pride and knowledge, as though nothing escapes his notice. The
contempt, though, is obvious, and you recognize that to this human you are of
little importance and station in life. He furrows his brow in intense though
his face a mask of determination and resoluteness. Darkened hair lies close t
his scalp in a short cut, his face free of grime but not stubble. It is a pr
face, clean and sharp features of what many consider handsome, almost winsome

<100%hp 100%m 100%mv 2720tnl> 12 PM civilized desc -
Your description is:
As you look upon the striking figure before you, his stark blue eyes catch yo
gaze in a firm lock. By the way he stands and returns your stare, you gain th
impression of pride and knowledge, as though nothing escapes his notice. The
contempt, though, is obvious, and you recognize that to this human you are of
little importance and station in life. He furrows his brow in intense though
his face a mask of determination and resoluteness. Darkened hair lies close t
his scalp in a short cut, his face free of grime but not stubble. It is a pr

<100%hp 100%m 100%mv 2720tnl> 12 PM civilized Your description is:
As you look upon the striking figure before you, his stark blue eyes catch yo
gaze in a firm lock. By the way he stands and returns your stare, you gain th
impression of pride and knowledge, as though nothing escapes his notice. The
contempt, though, is obvious, and you recognize that to this human you are of
little importance and station in life. He furrows his brow in intense though
his face a mask of determination and resoluteness. Darkened hair lies close t

<100%hp 100%m 100%mv 2720tnl> 12 PM civilized desc -
desc -
Your description is:
As you look upon the striking figure before you, his stark blue eyes catch yo
gaze in a firm lock. By the way he stands and returns your stare, you gain th
impression of pride and knowledge, as though nothing escapes his notice. The
contempt, though, is obvious, and you recognize that to this human you are of
little importance and station in life. He furrows his brow in intense though

<100%hp 100%m 100%mv 2720tnl> 12 PM civilized desc -
Your description is:
As you look upon the striking figure before you, his stark blue eyes catch yo
gaze in a firm lock. By the way he stands and returns your stare, you gain th
impression of pride and knowledge, as though nothing escapes his notice. The
contempt, though, is obvious, and you recognize that to this human you are of

<100%hp 100%m 100%mv 2720tnl> 12 PM civilized desc -
Your description is:
As you look upon the striking figure before you, his stark blue eyes catch yo
gaze in a firm lock. By the way he stands and returns your stare, you gain th
impression of pride and knowledge, as though nothing escapes his notice. The

<100%hp 100%m 100%mv 2720tnl> 12 PM civilized desc -
Your description is:
As you look upon the striking figure before you, his stark blue eyes catch yo
gaze in a firm lock. By the way he stands and returns your stare, you gain th

<100%hp 100%m 100%mv 2720tnl> 12 PM civilized Your description is:
As you look upon the striking figure before you, his stark blue eyes catch yo

<100%hp 100%m 100%mv 2720tnl> 12 PM civilized Your description is:

<100%hp 100%m 100%mv 2720tnl> 12 PM civilized No lines left to remove.

<100%hp 100%m 100%mv 2720tnl> 12 PM civilized No lines left to remove.

<100%hp 100%m 100%mv 2720tnl> 12 PM civilized No lines left to remove.

<100%hp 100%m 100%mv 2720tnl> 12 PM civilized No lines left to remove.

<100%hp 100%m 100%mv 2720tnl> 12 PM civilized desc + As you look upon the striking figure before you, his stark blue eyes catch
desc + your gaze in a firm lock. By the way he stands and returns your stare, you
desc + gain the impression of pride and knowledge, as though nothing escapes his
desc + notice. The contempt, though, is obvious, and you recognize that to this
desc + human you are of little importance and station in life. He furrows his brow
desc + in intense thought, his face a mask of determination and resoluteness.
desc + Darkened hair lies close to his scalp in a short cut, his face free of grime
desc + but not stubble. It is a proud face, clean and sharp features of what many
desc + consider handsome, almost winsome. Fine clothing and polished armors adorn
desc + his moderate frame and many valuable charms and jewelry are appropriately
desc + worn.
No lines left to remove.

<100%hp 100%m 100%mv 2720tnl> 12 PM civilized No lines left to remove.

<100%hp 100%m 100%mv 2720tnl> 12 PM civilized No lines left to remove.

<100%hp 100%m 100%mv 2720tnl> 12 PM civilized Your description is:
As you look upon the striking figure before you, his stark blue eyes catch

<100%hp 100%m 100%mv 2720tnl> 12 PM civilized Your description is:
As you look upon the striking figure before you, his stark blue eyes catch
your gaze in a firm lock. By the way he stands and returns your stare, you

<100%hp 100%m 100%mv 2720tnl> 12 PM civilized Your description is:
As you look upon the striking figure before you, his stark blue eyes catch
your gaze in a firm lock. By the way he stands and returns your stare, you
gain the impression of pride and knowledge, as though nothing escapes his

<100%hp 100%m 100%mv 2720tnl> 12 PM civilized Your description is:
As you look upon the striking figure before you, his stark blue eyes catch
your gaze in a firm lock. By the way he stands and returns your stare, you
gain the impression of pride and knowledge, as though nothing escapes his
notice.The contempt, though, is obvious, and you recognize that to this

<100%hp 100%m 100%mv 2720tnl> 12 PM civilized Your description is:
As you look upon the striking figure before you, his stark blue eyes catch
your gaze in a firm lock. By the way he stands and returns your stare, you
gain the impression of pride and knowledge, as though nothing escapes his
notice.The contempt, though, is obvious, and you recognize that to this
human you are of little importance and station in life.He furrows his brow

<100%hp 100%m 100%mv 2720tnl> 12 PM civilized Your description is:
As you look upon the striking figure before you, his stark blue eyes catch
your gaze in a firm lock. By the way he stands and returns your stare, you
gain the impression of pride and knowledge, as though nothing escapes his
notice.The contempt, though, is obvious, and you recognize that to this
human you are of little importance and station in life.He furrows his brow
in intense thought, his face a mask of determination and resoluteness.

<100%hp 100%m 100%mv 2720tnl> 12 PM civilized Your description is:
As you look upon the striking figure before you, his stark blue eyes catch
your gaze in a firm lock. By the way he stands and returns your stare, you
gain the impression of pride and knowledge, as though nothing escapes his
notice.The contempt, though, is obvious, and you recognize that to this
human you are of little importance and station in life.He furrows his brow
in intense thought, his face a mask of determination and resoluteness.
Darkened hair lies close to his scalp in a short cut, his face free of grime

<100%hp 100%m 100%mv 2720tnl> 12 PM civilized Your description is:
As you look upon the striking figure before you, his stark blue eyes catch
your gaze in a firm lock. By the way he stands and returns your stare, you
gain the impression of pride and knowledge, as though nothing escapes his
notice.The contempt, though, is obvious, and you recognize that to this
human you are of little importance and station in life.He furrows his brow
in intense thought, his face a mask of determination and resoluteness.
Darkened hair lies close to his scalp in a short cut, his face free of grime
but not stubble. It is a proud face, clean and sharp features of what many

<100%hp 100%m 100%mv 2720tnl> 12 PM civilized Your description is:
As you look upon the striking figure before you, his stark blue eyes catch
your gaze in a firm lock. By the way he stands and returns your stare, you
gain the impression of pride and knowledge, as though nothing escapes his
notice.The contempt, though, is obvious, and you recognize that to this
human you are of little importance and station in life.He furrows his brow
in intense thought, his face a mask of determination and resoluteness.
Darkened hair lies close to his scalp in a short cut, his face free of grime
but not stubble. It is a proud face, clean and sharp features of what many
consider handsome, almost winsome. Fine clothing and polished armors adorn

<100%hp 100%m 100%mv 2720tnl> 12 PM civilized Your description is:
As you look upon the striking figure before you, his stark blue eyes catch
your gaze in a firm lock. By the way he stands and returns your stare, you
gain the impression of pride and knowledge, as though nothing escapes his
notice.The contempt, though, is obvious, and you recognize that to this
human you are of little importance and station in life.He furrows his brow
in intense thought, his face a mask of determination and resoluteness.
Darkened hair lies close to his scalp in a short cut, his face free of grime
but not stubble. It is a proud face, clean and sharp features of what many
consider handsome, almost winsome. Fine clothing and polished armors adorn
his moderate frame and many valuable charms and jewelry are appropriately

<100%hp 100%m 100%mv 2720tnl> 12 PM civilized Your description is:
As you look upon the striking figure before you, his stark blue eyes catch
your gaze in a firm lock. By the way he stands and returns your stare, you
gain the impression of pride and knowledge, as though nothing escapes his
notice.The contempt, though, is obvious, and you recognize that to this
human you are of little importance and station in life.He furrows his brow
in intense thought, his face a mask of determination and resoluteness.
Darkened hair lies close to his scalp in a short cut, his face free of grime
but not stubble. It is a proud face, clean and sharp features of what many
consider handsome, almost winsome. Fine clothing and polished armors adorn
his moderate frame and many valuable charms and jewelry are appropriately

<100%hp 100%m 100%mv 2720tnl> 12 PM civilized


<100%hp 100%m 100%mv 2720tnl> 1 PM civilized
An Immortal says 'Oh, I see...you stole this from Oldchar.'

<100%hp 100%m 100%mv 2720tnl> 2 PM civilized say No, Irwin was me.
You say 'No, Oldchar was me.'

<100%hp 100%m 100%mv 2720tnl> 2 PM civilized
Divine influence saps some of your experience from you.

<100%hp 100%m 100%mv 3720tnl> 2 PM civilized
An Immortal says 'Don't care. See help desc.'

<100%hp 100%m 100%mv 3720tnl> 3 PM civilized say I didn't steal this at all. There is some similarity but the character is mine. The template was reused, but that's about it.
You say 'I didn't steal this at all. There is some similarity but the character is mine. The template was reused, but that's about it.'

<100%hp 100%m 100%mv 3720tnl> 3 PM civilized
An Immortal says 'Reusing a published description isn't tolerated.'

**guess it is on pbf, yep**

<100%hp 100%m 100%mv 3720tnl> 5 PM civilized say Just because the first line looks similar doesn't mean it is reused.
You say 'Just because the first line looks similar doesn't mean it is reused.'

<100%hp 100%m 100%mv 3720tnl> 5 PM civilized say No need to be obtuse about it.
You say 'No need to be obtuse about it.'

<100%hp 100%m 100%mv 3720tnl> 5 PM civilized
An Immortal says 'It's not just the first line.'

<100%hp 100%m 100%mv 3720tnl> 6 PM civilized
An Immortal says 'Look, you're being polite, despite the comments in your history that suggest different. So I'm not going to beat around the bush.'

**what comments?!?**

<100%hp 100%m 100%mv 3720tnl> 7 PM civilized
An Immortal says 'You either write a UNIQUE description for this character, or you hang out here.'

<100%hp 100%m 100%mv 3720tnl> 7 PM civilized
An Immortal shrugs indifferently.

<100%hp 100%m 100%mv 3720tnl> 7 PM civilized
An Immortal says 'Pray when you have one.'

<100%hp 100%m 100%mv 3720tnl> 8 PM civilized say Let's talk about these comments.
You say 'Let's talk about these comments.'

<100%hp 100%m 100%mv 3720tnl> 8 PM civilized
An Immortal says 'Nope.'

<100%hp 100%m 100%mv 3720tnl> 8 PM civilized say Why not? Do they not exist?
You say 'Why not? Do they not exist?'

<100%hp 100%m 100%mv 3720tnl> 8 PM civilized say I'm not fond of them being in there when they don't pertain to me or anything I have done.
You say 'I'm not fond of them being in there when they don't pertain to me or anything I h
43745, Part 2.
Posted by Dallevian on Wed 31-Dec-69 07:00 PM

<100%hp 100%m 100%mv 3720tnl> 8 PM civilized say I'm not fond of them being in there when they don't pertain to me or anything I have done.
You say 'I'm not fond of them being in there when they don't pertain to me or anything I have done.'

<100%hp 100%m 100%mv 3720tnl> 9 PM civilized say That just doesn't make sense.
You say 'That just doesn't make sense.'

<100%hp 100%m 100%mv 3720tnl> 9 PM civilized say Are they related to the cf message board or something?
You say 'Are they related to the cf message board or something?'

<100%hp 100%m 100%mv 3720tnl> 11 PM civilized boggle
You boggle at the concept.

<100%hp 100%m 100%mv 3720tnl> 12 AM civilized
An Immortal says 'I'm saying that there's a comment you already tried this once.'

<100%hp 100%m 100%mv 3720tnl> 12 AM civilized
An Immortal says 'Now you've done the same thing with a different character.'

<100%hp 100%m 100%mv 3720tnl> 12 AM civilized
An Immortal says 'All I want out of you, is a unique description for this character.'

<100%hp 100%m 100%mv 3720tnl> 12 AM civilized say That is inaccurate.
You say 'That is inaccurate.'

<100%hp 100%m 100%mv 3720tnl> 12 AM civilized say I have not been online to play since going to the desc room yesterday of which eventually began this entire thing.
You say 'I have not been online to play since going to the desc room yesterday of which eventually began this entire thing.'

<100%hp 100%m 100%mv 3720tnl> 1 AM civilized
An Immortal says 'This is not hard. Write a unique description...get out.'

<100%hp 100%m 100%mv 3720tnl> 2 AM civilized say It is unique.
You say 'It is unique.'

<100%hp 100%m 100%mv 3720tnl> 4 AM civilized say It does not mirror my previous character's desc but for a few parts and in the basic layout. Of which most descs generally do.
You say 'It does not mirror my previous character's desc but for a few parts and in the basic layout. Of which most descs generally do.'

<100%hp 100%m 100%mv 3720tnl> 5 AM civilized say Furthermore, from a char of my own from 2003.
You say 'Furthermore, from a char of my own from 2003.'

<100%hp 100%m 100%mv 3720tnl> 5 AM civilized say So I don't really understand the dilemma here.
You say 'So I don't really understand the dilemma here.'

<100%hp 100%m 100%mv 3720tnl> 6 AM civilized shrug
You shrug.

<100%hp 100%m 100%mv 3720tnl> 6 AM civilized People near you:

<100%hp 100%m 100%mv 3720tnl> 6 AM civilized
An Immortal says 'Ok, I have things to do.'

**that's understandable, I do too, at work**

<100%hp 100%m 100%mv 3720tnl> 6 AM civilized
An Immortal says 'That's not working for me. Write a unique one, or don't.'

<100%hp 100%m 100%mv 3720tnl> 6 AM civilized say Cool! On we go then, putting this behind us!
You say 'Cool! On we go then, putting this behind us!'

<100%hp 100%m 100%mv 3720tnl> 7 AM civilized
An Immortal says 'But once you're in 1212 taking immortal time...it's going to have to be really unique.'

<100%hp 100%m 100%mv 3720tnl> 7 AM civilized say It is unique. What isn't unique about it?
You say 'It is unique. What isn't unique about it?'

<100%hp 100%m 100%mv 3720tnl> 7 AM civilized say Really unique eh?
You say 'Really unique eh?'

<100%hp 100%m 100%mv 3720tnl> 8 AM civilized think
You pause to think.

<100%hp 100%m 100%mv 3720tnl> 8 AM civilized
An Immortal says 'As in, not everyother sentence the same.'

<100%hp 100%m 100%mv 3720tnl> 8 AM civilized say How about I change the first sentence then, since that and one other contain about the only overlap.
You say 'How about I change the first sentence then, since that and one other contain about the only overlap.'

<100%hp 100%m 100%mv 3720tnl> 9 AM civilized
An Immortal says 'Ok, here's the point we're not on the same page about....'

<100%hp 100%m 100%mv 3720tnl> 10 AM civilized
An Immortal says 'I don't care if Irwin, or the other one you tried to re-use, are yours or not.'

<100%hp 100%m 100%mv 3720tnl> 10 AM civilized


<100%hp 100%m 100%mv 3720tnl> 11 AM civilized
An Immortal says 'They're published...they're not just something on your harddrive that nobody remembers because you deleted at rank 10 or what have you.'

<100%hp 100%m 100%mv 3720tnl> 11 AM civilized say No, the first one was not.
You say 'No, the first one was not.'

<100%hp 100%m 100%mv 3720tnl> 11 AM civilized
An Immortal says 'You may not change a sentence here and there on a published one.'

<100%hp 100%m 100%mv 3720tnl> 11 AM civilized
An Immortal says 'You must write something completly original.'

<100%hp 100%m 100%mv 3720tnl> 12 PM civilized
An Immortal says 'Which, you could have done in the time it's taken to argue with me.'

<100%hp 100%m 100%mv 3720tnl> 12 PM civilized say I mean, it is pretty much original. You read the two and the imagery and depiction is pretty different.
You say 'I mean, it is pretty much original. You read the two and the imagery and depiction is pretty different.'

<100%hp 100%m 100%mv 3720tnl> 12 PM civilized say Nah, not one bit.
You say 'Nah, not one bit.'

<100%hp 100%m 100%mv 3720tnl> 1 PM civilized say You'd have wound up with a less descriptive desc.
You say 'You'd have wound up with a less descriptive desc.'

<100%hp 100%m 100%mv 3720tnl> 1 PM civilized
An Immortal says 'Ok, you're just trolling and I have things to do.'

<100%hp 100%m 100%mv 3720tnl> 2 PM civilized shake
You shake your head.

<100%hp 100%m 100%mv 3720tnl> 2 PM civilized say I do not troll.

An Immortal says 'So, I'm going to put a 10 minute freeze on you.'

<100%hp 100%m 100%mv 3720tnl> 2 PM civilized You say 'I do not troll.'

<100%hp 100%m 100%mv 3720tnl> 2 PM civilized nod
You nod.

<100%hp 100%m 100%mv 3720tnl> 2 PM civilized
An Immortal says 'Write a description. When I unfreeze you, I'll check to see if it's original.'

<100%hp 100%m 100%mv 3720tnl> 2 PM civilized say That's fine, I have a meeting in 3 minutes to run to. I'm sure I'll be in here when I log back on and can update accordingly.
You say 'That's fine, I have a meeting in 3 minutes to run to. I'm sure I'll be in here when I log back on and can update accordingly.'

<100%hp 100%m 100%mv 3720tnl> 3 PM civilized say Do put a note though that I'd like to talk to whoever inaccurately commented about me. That part just doesn't make sense.

An Immortal says 'If it's not...if it's an "edited" one that shares significant content with a published description, I'm just going to deny this character.'
You say 'Do put a note though that I'd like to talk to whoever inaccurately commented about me. That part just doesn't make sense.'

<100%hp 100%m 100%mv 3720tnl> 3 PM civilized
An Immortal says 'You do what you need to do, as far as meetings.'

<100%hp 100%m 100%mv 3720tnl> 5 PM civilized
You can't do ANYthing!

<100%hp 100%m 100%mv 3720tnl> 5 PM civilized say ANYthing?
You're totally frozen!

**And meeting time**

So. Something was lost in translation or inappropriately marked to the character. What gives? I'm fine with rewriting the desc a second time, really. When I have time. But what I don't need is a hatchet job to my reputation. I've already said that I'll reuse a desc or borrow one. Generally I update it later. Sometimes I do not. Punish accordingly going forward for that but additional commentary that is simply wrong does not belong.
43746, Desc comparison.
Posted by Dallevian on Wed 31-Dec-69 07:00 PM
New One

As you look upon the striking figure before you, his stark blue eyes catch your
gaze in a firm lock. By the way he stands and returns your stare, you gain the
impression of pride and knowledge, as though nothing escapes his notice. The
contempt, though, is obvious, and you recognize that to this human you are of
little importance and station in life. He furrows his brow in intense thought,
his face a mask of determination and resoluteness. Darkened hair lies close to
his scalp in a short cut, his face free of grime but not stubble. It is a proud
face, clean and sharp features of what many consider handsome, almost winsome.
Fine clothing and polished armors adorn his moderate frame and many valuable
charms and jewelry are appropriately worn.

Old One

As you look upon the ardent figure before you, his stark blue eyes catch your
gaze in a firm lock. By the way he stands and returns your stare, you gain
the impression of pride and knowledge, as though nothing escapes his notice.
He furrows his brow in intense thought, his face a mask of determination and
resoluteness. Darkened hair lies close to his scalp in a short cut, his face
free of grime but not stubble. The clothing he wears appears practical, and
few armors adorn his body.
43763, Are you joking?
Posted by Valkenar on Wed 31-Dec-69 07:00 PM
It's blatantly obvious those are the same description with a few tidbits changed here and there. And the you added some new stuff.

43801, I've bolded the parts you've reused for clarity.
Posted by DurNominator on Wed 31-Dec-69 07:00 PM
New One

As you look upon the striking figure before you, his stark blue eyes catch your
gaze in a firm lock. By the way he stands and returns your stare, you gain the
impression of pride and knowledge, as though nothing escapes his notice.
contempt, though, is obvious, and you recognize that to this human you are of
little importance and station in life. He furrows his brow in intense thought,
his face a mask of determination and resoluteness. Darkened hair lies close to
his scalp in a short cut, his face free of grime but not stubble.
It is a proud
face, clean and sharp features of what many consider handsome, almost winsome.
Fine clothing and polished armors adorn his moderate frame and many valuable
charms and jewelry are appropriately worn.

Old One

As you look upon the ardent figure before you, his stark blue eyes catch your
gaze in a firm lock. By the way he stands and returns your stare, you gain
the impression of pride and knowledge, as though nothing escapes his notice.
He furrows his brow in intense thought, his face a mask of determination and
resoluteness. Darkened hair lies close to his scalp in a short cut, his face
free of grime but not stubble.
The clothing he wears appears practical, and
few armors adorn his body.
43748, RE: Part 2.
Posted by Cyradia on Wed 31-Dec-69 07:00 PM
>So. Something was lost in translation or inappropriately
>marked to the character. What gives? I'm fine with rewriting
>the desc a second time, really. When I have time. But what I
>don't need is a hatchet job to my reputation. I've already
>said that I'll reuse a desc or borrow one. Generally I update
>it later. Sometimes I do not. Punish accordingly going
>forward for that but additional commentary that is simply
>wrong does not belong.

For what it's worth, I said there was a comment (not in your PBF history). We have to have a way to comment/note each other when we leave (or, you disconnect) in a "in trouble" room like the realm of the dead, so I have some idea of why you're in there and what I need to do/check/punish to get you out. The brief note I got had a tone that suggested you'd copped an attitude. I have no idea if that's true or not and it really doesn't matter. I think the log shows that that wasn't held against you...you just needed a reasonable description.

You're being entirely too paranoid about your "reputation" and not focused on what you needed to do to get out, which was write something that wasn't a rip-off of a PBF description. This is doubly true since you KNEW we were going to check to see if it was recycled since you were already all over this thread. Which, now that I know who you are, pisses me off that you said you wrote it before logging in because you knew you were in limbo waiting for a description.
43754, This is what staff does with it's time?
Posted by Oldril on Wed 31-Dec-69 07:00 PM
Wouldn't interacting with players rather than scolding them like children for ridiculous reasons be a lot more beneficial to the MUD?
43757, No.
Posted by Tsunami on Wed 31-Dec-69 07:00 PM
Getting rid of/correcting nonsense should be #1 priority. No, I don't care if it ends up just being me and 3 other people in CF. As long as they play by the spirit of the game.
43760, There are mobs in CF with awful descriptions.
Posted by Oldril on Wed 31-Dec-69 07:00 PM
If there weren't mobs with descs like Terminator I'd be less inclined to think description fixes were a waste of time.

Eh, whatever, its their time.
43791, I think the big key is awful, UNIQUE descriptions. NT
Posted by Straklaw on Wed 31-Dec-69 07:00 PM
43793, RE: There are mobs in CF with awful descriptions.
Posted by Daevryn on Wed 31-Dec-69 07:00 PM
>If there weren't mobs with descs like Terminator I'd be less
>inclined to think description fixes were a waste of time.

Anything that's 18 years old gets grandfathered in. :P
43794, I miss the old Arboria descriptions.
Posted by TMNS on Wed 31-Dec-69 07:00 PM
Though Arial city probably has the worst stuff now :)
43837, Yeah sure
Posted by Oldril on Wed 31-Dec-69 07:00 PM
This thread is complete ####. Im done with it because it is yet again the staff having more and more control over how we play the game.

If I make any other characters ever again I am going to purposefully steal descriptions now just to spite you guys over how much time has been wasted talking about a non-issue.

Its too bad the immortals bitching about descriptions can't go fix the bugs in the queue instead of going on a crusade about bad descriptions on the player side when the MUD is full of them on the staff side.

43859, descs and code
Posted by Scarabaeus on Wed 31-Dec-69 07:00 PM
Its too bad the immortals bitching about descriptions can't go fix the bugs in the queue

We do need more coders. But, regarding your concern, I don't think anyone who touches the code (Zulghinlour, Daevryn, and me) is spending time looking at descriptions.

I am going to purposefully steal descriptions now just to spite you guys over how much time has been wasted talking about a non-issue.

So, wait. You think this issue is a waste of time and so your answer is to waste MORE time because of it? Dude. Why purposely make trouble for the staff over a few lines of original prose? I haven't really followed this thread, but I can't believe this is as big of a burden as people are making it out to be.
43861, because the opposite is also true
Posted by laxman on Wed 31-Dec-69 07:00 PM
"So, wait. You think this issue is a waste of time and so your answer is to waste MORE time because of it? Dude. Why purposely make trouble for the staff over a few lines of original prose? I haven't really followed this thread, but I can't believe this is as big of a burden as people are making it out to be."

As someone who does grab descriptions this are my exact feelings towards someone forcing me to change my behavior. Its a stupid issue so let everyone just do their own thing as long as it isn't hurting anyone.

43863, RE: descs and code
Posted by Oldril on Wed 31-Dec-69 07:00 PM
>Its too bad the immortals bitching about descriptions
>can't go fix the bugs in the queue

>We do need more coders. But, regarding your concern, I don't
>think anyone who touches the code (Zulghinlour, Daevryn, and
>me) is spending time looking at descriptions.

I agree. I was saying I wish the desc nazis were coders. I know they aren't.

>I haven't really followed this thread, but I
>can't believe this is as big of a burden as people are making
>it out to be.

My thoughts exactly but eh. I was just jagging around I always do my own descs and in fact have caught others stealing ones from my old characters.
43860, RE: Yeah sure
Posted by Daevryn on Wed 31-Dec-69 07:00 PM
>Its too bad the immortals bitching about descriptions can't go
>fix the bugs in the queue instead of going on a crusade about
>bad descriptions on the player side when the MUD is full of
>them on the staff side.

You don't really want to get in an escalation contest with me. :P

I can not-fix bugs all day. It gives me more time to sleep.
43862, No you are fine
Posted by Oldril on Wed 31-Dec-69 07:00 PM
I meant the people spending time being desc nazis.

I realize the effort you guys put in on the bugs is more than I ever would :)
43865, RE: No you are fine
Posted by Daevryn on Wed 31-Dec-69 07:00 PM
Those people can't fix bugs. :)
43758, Today it is!
Posted by Cyradia on Wed 31-Dec-69 07:00 PM
>Wouldn't interacting with players rather than scolding them
>like children for ridiculous reasons be a lot more beneficial
>to the MUD?

Wouldn't spending 5 minutes to write a unique description instead of 5 minutes to browse through and rip-off an already published one be a lot more beneficial to the roleplay of your character?

I can check all the characters logged on in a very, very short period of time thanks to google query tools and some wicked fast copy/paste skills. Besides, what makes you think I'm not busting a RP move on the not-sucky-description chars? I mean...I only found those 4 this morning (and, Dall's char apparently was busted by someone before). You description recyclers seem to be a pretty vocal minority, and I'm stubborn enough to spend the time to stop the practice.
43762, Whatever floats your boat
Posted by Oldril on Wed 31-Dec-69 07:00 PM
We all have our pet peeves. Do what makes you happy
43808, RE: Today it is!
Posted by Splntrd on Wed 31-Dec-69 07:00 PM
>Wouldn't spending 5 minutes to write a unique description
>instead of 5 minutes to browse through and rip-off an already
>published one be a lot more beneficial to the roleplay of your

Yes - but that wasn't the question. He asked if you thought spending your time interacting would be more beneficial. He didn't ask if you thought the people you were scolding deserved it. Clearly they do.

I think he's right - why waste your time on the 8% that are misbehaving, when 92% are awesome and want your attention?

Don't get me wrong - I don't blame you for wanting to pick this bone - but I think you're just in a bone-picking mood, and deceiving yourself into thinking you're accomplishing something worthwhile.

>I can check all the characters logged on in a very, very short
>period of time thanks to google query tools and some wicked
>fast copy/paste skills. Besides, what makes you think I'm not
>busting a RP move on the not-sucky-description chars?

I find it really hard to believe that you're scanning fifty descriptions and roleplaying with 46 people in a single morning. Are you telling me you actually DID interact with some of these people? Or are you just blowing smoke?
43809, RE: Today it is!
Posted by Neltouda on Wed 31-Dec-69 07:00 PM
It sounds like you're trying to say... if someone isn't breaking the rules then they are awesome rpers that are deserving of attention. Lots of people really really suck at doing RP things, but they don't break the rules and/or the spirit of the game.

So in this example maybe she only gave 3 people immteraction because only 3 people were being awesome. The other 43 were just acceptable and 4 broke the rules/spirit of the game.
43835, No thats not what I was saying.
Posted by Oldril on Wed 31-Dec-69 07:00 PM
I was saying instead of wasting your time on the few lame asses with bad descriptions (Who I might point out not a single player complained about), how about spending a few minutes of your time interacting with good mortals? Why don't you guys try and do something positive about the MUD instead of pissing off players over something so ####ing trivial, my god this whole thread is so cunty it hurts to read, though I must admit I've never been a Cyradia fan either IC or OOC for more reasons than I care to name.

While you are championing descriptions, maybe take note that my last three caballed characters combined had less immortal interaction then Dallevian just got in the desc room and he isn't even in pk range. I am fairly certain I am not the only player who can say that.
43842, No immortal interaction?
Posted by Tsunami on Wed 31-Dec-69 07:00 PM
How does that even happen? Especially in a cabal. I barely play and nearly all of my characters (which are uncabaled) get some decent to good interaction by level 30 or so. Maybe it's you?
43844, Or my IP
Posted by Oldril on Wed 31-Dec-69 07:00 PM
As other players have been alleging but I've been disagreeing. Maybe there is some truth to that, but I hope not. I am hoping I've just had some really bad luck, is all.

Its funny, with Uhariz I got an absolute ton, maybe due to the RC win, but he was uncaballed.

43845, Huh,
Posted by Tsunami on Wed 31-Dec-69 07:00 PM
Maybe it is easier to stand out as uncaballed since you don't have any direct "competition." Or something...

I wouldn't fall back on IP checking conspiracy type stuff. More likely the bad luck thing than that. I did have one character that, I at least, thought was really bad ass a while back. Never got so much as role exp iirc.

Could be Uhariz taints your perception a bit too. Once you have a really well rewarded character, the less rewarded ones have a higher chance of feeling empty to you. I couldn't play for a while after Elorik because I kept worrying why I wasn't getting any loving. Then I remembered that I play because RP is fun, not for rewards, and stopped caring. Heh, funny how interactions improved after that.

Edit: I should point out that I consider negative consequences in an IC light are just as fun for me as positive. Speaking non-rule breaking stuff here of course. I totally expect to have my soul raped if I mistep dealing with Scarab/Enlilthy types, etc.
43858, RE: Huh,
Posted by Oldril on Wed 31-Dec-69 07:00 PM
>Could be Uhariz taints your perception a bit too. Once you
>have a really well rewarded character, the less rewarded ones
>have a higher chance of feeling empty to you.

Probably this :)
43839, RE: Today it is!
Posted by Splntrd on Wed 31-Dec-69 07:00 PM
That's exactly my point. In this situation, I find it really doubtful that we interacted positively and meaningfully with more people than we interacted negatively with. And the positive interactions are way more important to everyone involved than the bone she's picking with the four.

(Not that I want to agree with Oldril - I don't think any of this is cunty. Drama-hounding, maybe.)
43841, Except
Posted by Tsunami on Wed 31-Dec-69 07:00 PM
The "time it took" was minimal until you add in the unreasonable player who doesn't want to change his description and be in line with the basic rules of the game.

Notice that the other three said "oh, ok, let me fix that" and off they went. It's just one person that is trying to make it a personal battle.

I'm not in complete disagreeance with you, but there is nothing wrong with policing to make sure people are in compliance with the basic, easy-to-follow, rules of CF.
43834, RE: Today it is!
Posted by Oldril on Wed 31-Dec-69 07:00 PM
>I think he's right - why waste your time on the 8% that are
>misbehaving, when 92% are awesome and want your attention?
>Don't get me wrong - I don't blame you for wanting to pick
>this bone - but I think you're just in a bone-picking mood,
>and deceiving yourself into thinking you're accomplishing
>something worthwhile.

43759, You did zap me of 1000 immexp.
Posted by Dallevian on Wed 31-Dec-69 07:00 PM
Unnecessarily. I didn't care to look through the graveyard to see if I had previously used this description before on a published character. I didn't think I had because the char didn't go anywhere 9 years ago. EDIT TO ADD - More to the point, I did heavily modify my old one to fit this char appropriately. END EDIT

Secondly, you would have likely dealt with me even more relaxed had some wrongly placed comment not suggested I had 1) previously copped an attitude and 2) stolen a desc from a different char in the desc room.

Your last comment does not make sense, I'm not sure what you're getting at or why you're pissed. I did write it beforehand because I want to abide by the new rules you all want for descs. I knew I had lifted one when I hit level 11 and wanted to keep ranking. So I wrote a new one based on an old one I have on file. So why are you pissed?

Regarding the zapped exp, does that put the char in the hole relating to edges? Do I now have to get a thousand just to break even?
43769, thank you for vindicating my argument
Posted by laxman on Wed 31-Dec-69 07:00 PM
That the only result of this policy would be interactions like these.
43747, And that person is you
Posted by Artificial on Wed 31-Dec-69 07:00 PM
I'll repost this here.

I'm sorry, you couldn't handle rewriting the first three lines? You don't get to reuse descriptions of established characters. Nothing else matters.
43706, You are a jerk
Posted by laxman on Wed 31-Dec-69 07:00 PM
So yeah you have managed to force your decision on the player base.

The end result, some new descriptions that we have already established from both imm and mortal perspectives are close to meaningless. And in return you have managed to annoy a fair number of players.

Bravo that is really constructive we get bad but no good!
43710, Re-laxman.
Posted by Alston on Wed 31-Dec-69 07:00 PM
She's right.
43719, Your "fair number of players" stats....
Posted by Cyradia on Wed 31-Dec-69 07:00 PM
92% of the descriptions I read were original and between average to excellent. Go team majority!

Four descriptions were plagiarized.

Only one of these four was below rank 30. One of these four was a cabaled hero.

Three of you were very pleasant to deal with, apologized, and pounded out a description so they could get back to the game within minutes.

One of these characters was not pleasant to deal with. Instead, he argued instead of wrote a description, wrote "griefer" and un-formatted descriptions to waste my time, and tried to give unsolicited advice to others. The exception to this rule was not the under-30 character.

So...I think I pretty much just annoyed you. Given the situation, I'm ok with that.

-Your friendly neighborhood jerk
43721, wow we had 200 players online?
Posted by laxman on Wed 31-Dec-69 07:00 PM
Your above statement equated 4 people to 2% when in reality it was closer to 10%
43722, Check Your Math n/t.
Posted by Cyradia on Wed 31-Dec-69 07:00 PM
Also, isn't the lunch break that I totally ruined for you over yet?
43724, RE: Check Your Math n/t.
Posted by laxman on Wed 31-Dec-69 07:00 PM
2/100 = 4/X
using cross multiplication we get
2X = 400
divide both sides by 2 we get
X = 200

I supose the piece missing from the first post is that there was ~40 players online.

4/40 = 10%

10% != 2%

Yeah you denied me leaving the description room because my role was formatted like this.


yeah that is such egrarious formating definentally desrves punishment.
43726, Calm down, sexy.
Posted by Vortex Magus on Wed 31-Dec-69 07:00 PM
From Cyradia:

>92% of the descriptions I read were original and between average to >excellent. Go team majority!

>Four descriptions were plagiarized.

Thus, 8% of the descriptions are plagiarized. There are four people with plagiarized descriptions.

That would suggest that there are 50 people online, 4 of them had plagiarized descriptions, totalling to 8% of the playerbase, and that 1 of the four (equating to 2%) was made really sad about it.
43727, RE: Check Your Math n/t.
Posted by Reksah on Wed 31-Dec-69 07:00 PM
Her post (which was edited 13 minutes before your first response) stated that there were 8% of people not complying, not 2% as you seemed to have read.
43729, That would be more accurate
Posted by laxman on Wed 31-Dec-69 07:00 PM
I believe when I read her post the claim was 98%
43730, RE: That would be more accurate
Posted by Reksah on Wed 31-Dec-69 07:00 PM
I'm not saying she changed the numbers like you are. I just brought that up so you couldn't claim that she did it after your brilliant mathology proved her wrong.
43731, RE: That would be more accurate
Posted by Cyradia on Wed 31-Dec-69 07:00 PM
I only edited it to correct my typo of advise -> advice. (and, as Rek pointed out, was done before your bizarro post of 200 online chars)

Your misreading of my percentages and funny math was all you, dude.
43732, I mis-read your original post
Posted by laxman on Wed 31-Dec-69 07:00 PM
This however doesn't change the fact that your power trip is not contributing anything positive to the playing experience of anyone, yourself included.
43735, Does too
Posted by Valkenar on Wed 31-Dec-69 07:00 PM
>This however doesn't change the fact that your power trip is
>not contributing anything positive to the playing experience
>of anyone, yourself included.

Adds something to mine.
43738, Seconded. NT
Posted by Batman on Wed 31-Dec-69 07:00 PM
Oh wait when Batman seconds something

It -1's it.

Someone better check my math.
43739, Cosign
Posted by Tsunami on Wed 31-Dec-69 07:00 PM
Always happy to know douchebags are being dealt with. A plagiarized description AT HERO?!

The rest below was somewhat debateable on personal preference MAYBE. Sure, level 1-15 slap something generic copied with the hopes to change it later. But...but... a HERO with a copied description AND a foul attitude when asked to change it? Might as well just ban them. It's one thing to be a #### or troll on the boards, it's another to pollute our lovely game.

Notice how the folks that calmly obliged and changed their description right then and there? Nothing happened to them untoward did it? No, because they were reasonable people answering a resonable request. You're just being an idiot.
43676, Depressed SBC is depressed...
Posted by Cyradia on Wed 31-Dec-69 07:00 PM
Oh my god. I knew it was happening. I had no idea it was happening in these numbers. This thread, specifically that amount of people posting support for plagiarism, makes me want to give up.

After skimming for some trends in posts...let me throw out a few points.

1. This game has a core tenet in roleplay. The game starts at level 1. Unique descriptions are mandatory by level 10. If you can't spend five minutes and imagine what your character looks like and write 4-5 sentences (they don't have to be very long!) giving everybody else an idea who this new and individual character is...then you're playing the wrong game.

2. Plagiarism is plagiarism even when you don't receive reward. It's not a concept only important when you turn in your homework. Changing 5 words doesn't make it not plagiarism.

3. The mentality of "it doesn't directly give me rewards" makes me think we've broken something by handing out experience for roles and active roleplay. This makes me really sad.

4. You're overthinking the task if you think it's a big burden. I, also, tend to write sometime simple with a newbie and enhance it in the mid-ranks. The difference is that it's my unique and creative work. It's usually not beautiful and I can almost always do it in the time I'm sleeping outside an area waiting for a repop. It does, however, do what it's intended to do...make me think about the new character more and start to feel how I want to act.

5. My own opinion on these suggestions of 'make it so you echo you've read my desc' and 'give me an acknowledgement/edge love' makes me want to newspaper smack people on the nose. I don't think this is a problem that needs the carrot. I think it needs the stick. Skimming descriptions off of the battlefield is not a mistake a new player would make. So I feel completly justified in using a stick if I catch this.
43678, RE: Depressed SBC is depressed...
Posted by Java on Wed 31-Dec-69 07:00 PM
The problem for some of us, is after a while it's really hard to imagine a unique "look" for a character.

How many characters have you had past lvl 10? I don't even play very much, but since my most recent comeback I've had about 4 or 5. All within the last 6 weeks or so. Imagine these guys who play hardcore. They might be playing hundreds of characters a year that need descriptions.

True, writing 4-5 sentences for a character isn't much. And I'm sure every person here is capable of writing one that's absolutely stellar. But when you need to do that for EVERY character past lvl 10, even if we don't know if we're going to stick with it?
These aren't like roles where you can hang out with the character for 15 or 20 levels and decide whether or not you'll play it out.. you have to have a desc almost immediately.

And keep in mind, almost no one in the game actually reads descriptions. Honestly, the only time I ever notice them is when something is glaringly wrong, or I'm interviewing an app in a cabal (and actually have time to sit there and pay attention).

And as you guys have already mentioned, it isn't as if anyone gets props for a really GOOD description. There is literally no motivation for anyone to write anything decent.
Do you think roles would be as high quality if there was no such thing as imm exp and role contests? And those are actually FUN to write.

Basically, what I'm getting at is it's easy to justify slacking off on something that (a) isn't fun, (b) takes a lot of time and (c) no one truly cares about.
As long as a desc isn't outright bad and distracting from RP (or plagiarized.. which I never claimed to be acceptable), I don't see that there's anything wrong with it.

43681, RE: Depressed SBC is depressed...
Posted by Cyradia on Wed 31-Dec-69 07:00 PM
I don't really think we're arguing. I think we're on the same page.

I'm addressing plagiarized descriptions. If you have an original template of an elf on your harddrive that nobody else uses that you tweak every time you roll an elf because that's how you see an elf (but you still tweak it!), and it's never hit a PBF in the form you're using it...go for it.

Actually, it's funny you ask about my mortals...because while putting off my dissertation chapters, I've run a bajillion mortals the last 6 months trying to get my CF legs again. I've deleted a bunch of rank 20ish chars. Wasted false starts? Maybe...but a description is less investment than say, running the happy boot quest. Each one had a 4-5 sentence description I made-up while sleeping outside a newbie ranking area. It's just not much of a burden...I'm practicing what I'm preaching here.

I tend to see things with an economic lens on, and so what I'm hearing you say is "it doesn't take a lot of time" (although this is in conflict with your point b at the bottom of your post) and "there isn't much reward". That seems in balance to me. Here's how I think descriptions are/should be playing out....

1. They take 5 minute to write. Seriously...we're arguing about something that takes almost no time to get something non-generic down. I'm pretty sure I can write 4 sentences into Dio's wrap chop before someone can read and pick out a PBF to steal, anyway.

2. Let's say you're right, and few people read the description (ie, there's no reward)...here's when it does come into play:

-It's a foundation for bored groupmates to RP with in "dead" times.

-It's a foundation for mortal cabal leaders to see/remember/talk to your character in an interview

-It makes YOU know your character more. This last one is actually the benefit I get out of my quick 5 sentence activity. I remember I'm not a human in a felar suit bc I wanted more dex/con for this build, or whatever...the exercise gives me a little foundation in what/how this character is going to act/be/do that's a little unique.
43682, Different people
Posted by Valkenar on Wed 31-Dec-69 07:00 PM
>Actually, it's funny you ask about my mortals...because while
>putting off my dissertation chapters, I've run a bajillion
>mortals the last 6 months trying to get my CF legs again. I've
>deleted a bunch of rank 20ish chars. Wasted false starts?
>Maybe...but a description is less investment than say, running
>the happy boot quest. Each one had a 4-5 sentence description
>I made-up while sleeping outside a newbie ranking area. It's
>just not much of a burden...I'm practicing what I'm preaching
>1. They take 5 minute to write. Seriously...we're arguing

Emphasis mine. You're writing a dissertation, and you have the CF Immortal skillset. It's not surprising you can write something respectable in 5 minutes. I really can't. If I take 5 minutes it's utter crap like the one I wrote in the other post. I'm not defending plagiarism, but I think you don't realize how hard it is for some people. And honestly, there's probably a lot of people who find it harder and more time consuming than I do.
43683, RE: Different people
Posted by Cyradia on Wed 31-Dec-69 07:00 PM
I liked what you wrote in your other post just fine. It's about the exact same level is I'm cranking out on a newbie. In fact, I'm pretty sure it's better than my last one.

I'd prefer that infinitely more than plagiarizing a description.
43686, Plagiarism is terrible...
Posted by Tac on Wed 31-Dec-69 07:00 PM
But most people have the sensitivity to it that comes from copy encyclopedia articles for reports in grade school and high school, not the sensitivity of someone writing a dissertation. I'm not trying to say it is right, it isn't, but most people won't have your level of investment in any piece of writing, so they probably won't see it as as big a deal as you might.

Like a singer/songwriter might be more sensitive to copyright infringement/file sharing than someone who has never written a note of music would be.

As someone who was infrequently guilty of lifting PBF desc, regardless of carrot/stick I will not continue to do so.
43688, RE: Different people
Posted by Valkenar on Wed 31-Dec-69 07:00 PM
>I liked what you wrote in your other post just fine. It's
>about the exact same level is I'm cranking out on a newbie. In
>fact, I'm pretty sure it's better than my last one.
>I'd prefer that infinitely more than plagiarizing a

Sure, and that took me 2-3 minutes or so, because I happen to be able to write boring stuff quickly. I don't think we disagree on the basic idea that churning out some pap is fairly quick and that plagiarizing old descs is pretty lame. My only points are one, some people probably can't come up with something even half-decent that quick, and two, that
putting a lot of effort in is an unrewarding prospect because nobody seems to care.
43679, Doing me an injustice
Posted by Valkenar on Wed 31-Dec-69 07:00 PM
>5. My own opinion on these suggestions of 'make it so you echo
>you've read my desc' and 'give me an acknowledgement/edge
>love' makes me want to newspaper smack people on the nose. I
>don't think this is a problem that needs the carrot. I think
>it needs the stick. Skimming descriptions off of the
>battlefield is not a mistake a new player would make. So I
>feel completly justified in using a stick if I catch this.

I didn't say I plagiarize, and I never have. I used to put a lot of effort into making it very nice. Now I just mash out some uninspired blah blah in 5 minutes that, while unique, is pretty boring... here's an example let me pick a goodie half-elven shaman tribunal just to pick something off the top of my head:

Standing here is a tall human with eyes that shine with determined purpose. He has close-cropped brown hair impecably trimmed. Likewise, his clothing is all arranged very neatly, with hardly a sleeve out of place. His bright blue eyes scan the surrounding with alterness, and more than a little suspicion, but there is no malice in his expression. The slight point of his ears, and the subtly delicate set of his face reveal a mixed heritage that is echoed in the slightness of his build. He is wearing a simple wooden pendant around his neck that has the look of a holy symbol.

That's the kind of thing I'm talking about. Technically acceptable, but also completely lame, poorly written and uninspiring. Now you complain about people (of which I am one) wanting some carrot. I don't want carrot for that tripe, but writing an actually good description that doesn't make me a little ashamed takes a lot of work for me, and I'm not good at it. That alone isn't why I want carrot. But I've never had the impression that people read them at all, so why should I spend several hours (because to make it what I'd call good takes that long for me) writing up a really nice description when nobody is going to read it? Do you really think it's petty to want some sign that your effort wasn't just completely wasted?

I understand your frustration at people feeling entitled, but I think you've misunderstood what I was saying.
43698, What do you think is a "good" description?
Posted by Tsunami on Wed 31-Dec-69 07:00 PM
That one looks just fine. It's descriptive and gives an idea of the character's disposition while not breaking any of the "you can't do that every time someone looks at you" rule. Or the "you don't know what the person looking at you 'feels"" rule.
43734, A good description
Posted by Valkenar on Wed 31-Dec-69 07:00 PM
>That one looks just fine. It's descriptive and gives an idea
>of the character's disposition while not breaking any of the
>"you can't do that every time someone looks at you" rule. Or
>the "you don't know what the person looking at you 'feels""

A good description has a few qualities. It tells you what the person looks like, while communicating as much about them as you wish to, within the framework of an appearance (i.e. no "you sense he likes toads" kind of nonsense). A good description is also distinctive, it doesn't read like a formulaic, mad libs. Further, it is well-written enough that it moves from sentence to sentence coherently and without having the same structure for each sentence (e.g. he has light blue eyes. He has brown hair. He has a square face. ).

A great description is all of that, but better. It is actually well-written meaning it obeys as much of "show don't tell" as it can. E.g. instead of "This man is intimidating" you'd say "This man has an icy glare, and a sneer that could peel paint" except better, because I'm not a great writer. It also leaves you with a clear and memorable image. It should leave you with an impression of the character above and beyond the concrete details, e.g. a sniveling imperial described using wormlike metaphors. Finally, it would have a distinct voice and style to it.

I don't think I've ever written a great description. My writing doesn't rise to the level of great.

Here's an over-the-top minotaur description I wrote. It's too long and doesn't detail everything, but it does have some of the qualities I like.

The unmistakable form of a minotaur is before you. Enormous horns jut from either side of his broad head, fading from pale yellow to black at the blood-stained tips. They curve out and then forward in a wide arc to hang threateningly in the air above his head. A hand's breadth from the base of his horns, two huge, soulful eyes gaze with dim-witted malice. Reddish-brown hair surrounds them, growing lighter in color and courser in texture as it reaches the top of his muzzle. The pattern becomes smoother and the color a deeper russet as it goes back towards his ears, under his jaw, and down his neck, where it begins to thin before disappearing into his chestpiece. By contrast, the black skin of his soft nose and lips are bare and look somewhat inviting, maybe even cute in a bovine way.

The neck that supports this hefty skull is immense, with tendons that stretch to his shoulders like the moorings of a ship, and then dissapear beneath clavicles as thick as a man's wrist. The muscles that support all this weight are equally exagerated, and discernably unnatural, seeming to charicature both man and bull while complimenting neither. His thick torso tapers just slightly to meet the crude and bony hips that quickly give way to powerful legs. His hooves are wide, cloven and crowned with shaggy fetlocks of the same ruddy hue that color his face. The uncanny physical power of his body matches the malignant expression that never seems to fully fade from his face.

Here's one I've just now touched-up from a previous character. I would call it just a bit shy of good. (And the untouched version is pretty awful).

Her expression sags in the manner of one weary from a thousand mile journey without sleep. But her movements are steady and her eyes tell another story. The expression on her face is not fatigue, but a despair both deep and profound. Even when she smiles, her raised eyebrows and rosey cheeks can only present a mockery of joy, for the look in her eyes never matches the act. Yet she is fit, her arms and legs posessing the firm and sinewy tone of a mature adventurer. She is somewhat ugly, with oddly mannish features, but her complexion is smooth, and her eyes are lusterous. Her unkempt hair and rumpled, haphazard clothing do nothing to improve her looks. Her instruments are of varied quality, but they all have a rather unloved look to them.

43736, Right on
Posted by Tsunami on Wed 31-Dec-69 07:00 PM
I really dig that minotaur one. I see what you are saying though, bigger words, more specific descriptors, and good metaphors. I personally prefer descriptions in between that of your minotaur and the first one you posted. Especially for "starting" characters and then evolving it as you go. Mostly because, as I mentioned in another post, I want to get the feel for how I should envision your character without having to "look" at you 15 times in spam to read the whole thing ;).

However, that being said, the first one you wrote definitely isn't bad either imo. Nothing wrong with simple descriptions and for a lot of reasons simple can be better. Sometimes I look at a description and it's TL;DR (at least until I find a nice quiet time to scroll back or I develop a relationship with the character and need to know what they look like.)
43703, I don't have any issue with the example you put here.
Posted by Twist on Wed 31-Dec-69 07:00 PM
I'd rather see a desc like this 100 times out of 100 as opposed to something taken from a PBF.

You hit eye color, hair color, height, a bit about his features (delicate face, slightly pointed ears).

I skipped straight to the paragraph with your description and didn't read anything else, and I knew it was a human with a bit of elven blood so I assumed half-elf. If you had talked about pale skin or something dark-elven I'd have assumed half-drow.

The pendant around the neck is a nice touch. I didn't put it together with the fact that he was a priest (but should have) until I read half-elf shaman.

This is a good quality description, in my book. Putting something like this on your character while you rest up moves during newbie quests gets you a free pass.

Not every adventurer needs to (or should!) look like the cover of a comic book (though imagining a world full of Emma Frosts is kinda fun).
43705, Absolutely agree with the final statement: Not everyone has to be a bodybuilder demon ninja with huge boobs and a smirk.
Posted by Batman on Wed 31-Dec-69 07:00 PM
I personally LOVE when I see more 'mundane' looks. Rags to riches kinda look.

I look like a normal dude, but fight like a beast, etc. Maybe I'm just yer standard grissly' ol vet. Etc.

But yeah, I would also prefer seeing original self-made descs than copied 'good' ones.

43680, I don't know...
Posted by Oldril on Wed 31-Dec-69 07:00 PM
Here is a huge percentage of your playerbase saying they think this is a waste of time in an already time consuming game. I know most CF players run around in brief mode so I have descriptions for everything off already.

I think one of the big problems is as Dallevian? said you haven't fleshed your character out early on always. How much time do you want to spend on the character beyond doing newbie quests/descs/role/obs exp/explore xp and this is all just pre-pk. Sometimes you just want to get in the game and play. Descriptions are really only a big deal if someone's RP accentuates something description-based.
43690, All well and good but
Posted by Dallevian on Wed 31-Dec-69 07:00 PM
for your number 4, I'm glad that you can write something up decently in 5 minutes and avoid the desc room. My quick descriptions usually 1)take 5+ minutes and 2)still get me in the desc room away from ranking with my group.

So yes, for some characters I will gladly borrow a description and focus on the role/desc offline when I can.
43692, Let me be clear....
Posted by Cyradia on Wed 31-Dec-69 07:00 PM
Plagiarism is not borrowing.

Plagiarizing descriptions is not a practice that is up for debate.

I have updated the description helpfile to make it clear this is against the rules.

If I catch you with a previously published description (including one with 5 words changed), I will punish your character.

43704, Exactly.
Posted by Dallevian on Wed 31-Dec-69 07:00 PM
Plagiarism is not borrowing, no one here is taking credit for someone else's description. Good catch, Cyradia!
43713, Nah, you're wrong.
Posted by Splntrd on Wed 31-Dec-69 07:00 PM
On the off-chance you get rewarded for ANYTHING - it becomes plagiarism. Because the desc is part of your whole product - the character.

edited to add: But, y'know, this is a game.
43814, Because I'm angry at you from an earlier post to me, I'll just say this...
Posted by Alston on Wed 31-Dec-69 07:00 PM
Go invest in two books.

One on Ethics, the other a dictionary.
43840, RE: Because I'm angry at you from an earlier post to me, I'll just say this...
Posted by Splntrd on Wed 31-Dec-69 07:00 PM
I looked up plagiarism (on google, because only idiots spend money on dictionaries these days, even though #### you I actually do own one), and while where the line is drawn is slightly differently in the dictionary - Dallevian is still pretty wrong. So, y'know, be angry at me all you want. But maybe you should buy that ethics book yourself.

Edited to add: And to keep replying to your "read and comprehend" #### simple -

Look at the first two things in your list of reasons why glance bothers you. These things have nothing to do with the people doing the glancing, and everything to do with you. Are they bad feelings to have? Not particularly. But it's also not THEIR fault you feel that way.

The third thing is legitimate - being paranoid about being attacked - but it's also not a reason to hold glancing against anyone. It's just your reaction to a thing they did for whatever reason.

Point being - just because you're neurotic/paranoid doesn't mean someone is doing something wrong. And yet - you call them a ####, you describe feeling insulted, and describe feeling threatened. These are your neuroses.

"a mental and emotional disorder that affects only part of the personality, is accompanied by a less distorted perception of reality than in a psychosis, does not result in disturbance of the use of language, and is accompanied by various physical, physiological, and mental disturbances (such as visceral symptoms, anxieties, or phobias)"

I read and comprehend fine. And I'm pretty sure you have a long history of behavior that everyone agrees qualifies as neurotic.
43714, RE: Let me be clear....
Posted by Splntrd on Wed 31-Dec-69 07:00 PM
You're taking this way, way too seriously.

It's a game. I don't care that it's roleplay required - that's got nothing to do with it. Writing a plagiarism rule for a game like it's a college course makes me want to vomit. Frown upon it all you want (I will join you in frowning upon plagiarism) but I don't really want to see the staff getting in the habit of being THAT anal-retentive. Seriously.
43733, I'm french and I still do it while ranking
Posted by Beer on Wed 31-Dec-69 07:00 PM
Of course, sometimes it doesn't make much sense but still, I avoid the desc room and it takes me like 5 minutes while resting from mobs early!
43707, I agree.
Posted by Alston on Wed 31-Dec-69 07:00 PM
As I stated below, I feel people who don't take their descriptions or mine seriously are power gamers and that irks me.
43708, RE: Depressed SBC is depressed...
Posted by Splntrd on Wed 31-Dec-69 07:00 PM
1. The game may start at level one - but I can't tell you how many exceptions there are to that rule. Literally, I can't, because the mentality is sprinkled through nearly every post regarding the newbie levels in the last ten years. I remember posts like - "Is it okay if we use coins in the academy as an Outlander?"

Is it GOOD to know exactly what you're playing pre-10? Sure. Is it NECESSARY? Not really - nor do I think it should be. This whole business of immutable barriers is silly - we're all grown-ups here, and as someone who plays a lot of lowbies, pretty much everyone has their act together by level 15.

Furthermore, are you really encouraging people to slap together 5 minute descriptions ASAP pre-10? I'm horrified. I'd much rather people do what they do now - wait until they've completed a longer one that they like, and that is actually good. I don't know about you - but any 4-5 line description I pulled out in five minutes would be ####ty and I wouldn't be happy with it. I'll stick to inputting that description whenever it's done (level 1, level 5, level 14 maybe). I don't think anyone's missing anything because I waited a little longer to input. And people are gaining because what I inputted was better for waiting. And no one is losing.

2. I agree. I think you're under the impression that most people plagiarize or support it. I think it's an extreme minority - even though yeah, whatever, I guess it's visible in this thread. Relax?

3. I think you're taking that logic leap a little too far. While - you're right - there's no a literal incentive/disincentive scheme for descriptions and that means some people are going to care less about them - you're forgetting that it also means that I am free to put as much or as little effort into it as I like. If my only rewards are personal - feelin' good about my description - then I'm the only judgment that matters. Not to support plagiarism - but to give you an idea why -some- people put a little less weight on them when it's convenient for them to do so. And remember - we all play LOTS of characters. I know I certainly don't start every character the same way. I think we're entitled to wiggle room.

*as long as the desc isn't rulebreaking, roleplaybreaking, etc.

4. Ten pounds of Bull. Good descriptions take a decent chunk of time to write - they incorporate role elements and must draw the reader in. It's not a burden - but it's certainly not nothing. Quit acting like having bones over writing descriptions is retardtalk - it's not. It's legitimate - we play a LOT of characters and write a LOT of descriptions. There's nothing to be frowned upon in shortcuts and time-buying techniques, as long as they don't become permanent.

5. You're right - the system as is is fine, and I wouldn't mind seeing a liiiiiiittle bit of stick when it's really deserved. Pre-15/20 Joe Blow? Doesn't deserve it.
43872, RE: Depressed SBC is depressed...
Posted by Isildur on Wed 31-Dec-69 07:00 PM
Technically you can't plagiarize yourself, right? Maybe these guys are permuting past roles from their own characters. That doesn't make it "right" or "within the rules of CF" but it might make it "not plagiarism".
43661, I agree. I hate when people forgo looking at mine or...
Posted by Alston on Wed 31-Dec-69 07:00 PM
Violate the description rules with theirs.
43657, RE: Today's PSA!
Posted by Elerosse on Wed 31-Dec-69 07:00 PM
>We do not publish PBF's to put a handy desc out there for you
>to use. Please make some effort to be creative? You guys
>know who you are.

I steal my own all the time, most aren't published PBF's but I reuse desc with almost all characters now. I do try to change them up a little but I have a hard time writing brand new desc for my 9,999,999th elf, or dwarf, or whatever.

Similar to other peoples posts, I just assume 99% of the time nobody even reads it. Not asking for Imm exp, I just know I personally don't often read a character's desc so I assume other people rarely read mine.
43645, How about plagiarizing yourself?
Posted by Java on Wed 31-Dec-69 07:00 PM
I keep a text file of about a dozen descriptions (for various races and concepts). Then I grab whichever fits my character best and make whatever necessary changes (change the color of the hair randomly, or add a scar or whatever if need be).

But yeah.. almost all of my chars nowadays have descriptions that are almost identical to one I've used in the past. Even though most don't make it past lvl 20. Oops?
43651, RE: How about plagiarizing yourself?
Posted by Daevryn on Wed 31-Dec-69 07:00 PM
If some of those descriptions are cool I might unknowingly get offended on your behalf.

"How dare this gomer rip off Java!?!"
43662, If it made to PBF's, Imms can check it and see that you're using a PBF desc.
Posted by DurNominator on Wed 31-Dec-69 07:00 PM
Old level 20 lowbie that never made to PBFs desc should be safe to reuse, though.
43671, RE: How about plagiarizing yourself?
Posted by Rayihn on Wed 31-Dec-69 07:00 PM
As long as it isn't a pbf, I don't care. Much like re-using a name before level 10 or whatever, no big as long as it isn't an established char.
43630, Okay, who ISNT guilty of this. Thats like the first thing I do with a new character, more of an inspiration thing than a plagiarism thing though. n/t
Posted by Lhydia on Wed 31-Dec-69 07:00 PM
I DO change at LEAST 5 words.
43632, Never done this before in my life.
Posted by Vortex Magus on Wed 31-Dec-69 07:00 PM
I didn't even see that PBFs had descriptions for the first 5 years of my CF career, so I didn't have a chance to learn the plagiarizing. By the time I started looking at descriptions, it was already ingrained habit in me to build them from scratch.

Its still hard coming up with excellent, unique descriptions, though. I usually start looking for little traces of flavor to add to my desc once I've fleshed out my character's personality in the thirties or so.
43634, You could pick multiple descs
Posted by DurNominator on Wed 31-Dec-69 07:00 PM
And borrow a sentence from here and there and alter them to match your character. This way you don't borrow the whole concept from a single char.
43636, RE: Okay, who ISNT guilty of this. Thats like the first thing I do with a new character, more of an inspiration thing than a plagiarism thing though. n/t
Posted by Rayihn on Wed 31-Dec-69 07:00 PM
You told me once that you can pick me out, any mortal, anything just by one look at the desc I write. When you look at it from that point of view, I think I'd be sort of annoyed if I saw a mino running around with Vandrylon's desc or a half-drow bard with Crysseara's or a crazy ass arial with Amaranda's. Also, you'd be vewy vewy confused.
43643, Vandrylon was so awesome :(
Posted by TMNS on Wed 31-Dec-69 07:00 PM
I wish I somehow still had your note to Scion.

####ing Cabdru death thread being nuked lost it to the nethers of the interwebs.

Probably one of the three times (on CF at least) I've literally spit a drink all over my monitor because I've been laughing so hard.
43650, RE: Vandrylon was so awesome :(
Posted by Daevryn on Wed 31-Dec-69 07:00 PM
There's really nothing quite like getting XP with Palmer and Vandrylon, and I'm all hyper-alert and paranoid for betrayal because Palmer tried to kill a dozen previous characters and Vandrylon is trying to hit on him.

Although it was Vandrylon collecting "treasures" for Qaledus that made me realize that neither I or even Twist roleplay the best sleazy male character I've ever seen.

Still one of my favorite characters ever. I wish I could make something that hilarious.
43639, How can you come from a family of attorneys
Posted by Malakhi on Wed 31-Dec-69 07:00 PM
And not know the difference between reading something for inspiration vs. copying it?
43673, Well when my mother and grandfathers completed law school...
Posted by Lhydia on Wed 31-Dec-69 07:00 PM
The first thing they told me was to always go forth and seek out the entire text of a post to make sure I knew what I was talking about. My cousin, who went to Harvard, graduated and started his practice then quoted to me 'Never learn the difference between copying something and using it for inspiration'. So it was then that my five uncles, also attorneys, told me that I did indeed know everything there was to know about the lawyering business.
43640, I never have, and my descriptions tend to be boring. nt
Posted by Artificial on Wed 31-Dec-69 07:00 PM
43641, Never have done it.
Posted by bobbyp on Wed 31-Dec-69 07:00 PM
I generally don't even read the PBF descriptions. Descriptions are super easy. Make a really simple one, and then add to it as you go to make it more personal maybe.
43659, I was going to be morally outraged by this but then I remembered...
Posted by Alston on Wed 31-Dec-69 07:00 PM
You can't believe anything you say anyway.
43669, Dude you would be morally outraged if a squirrel farted then ran up a tree near you. n/t
Posted by Lhydia on Wed 31-Dec-69 07:00 PM
43672, Morality killed the cat. nt
Posted by Artificial on Wed 31-Dec-69 07:00 PM
43663, Maybe I am too dull to have thought of it but I have never ever used other's descs
Posted by Abernyte on Wed 31-Dec-69 07:00 PM
I really like creating my own. Hell, I even loked up the anatomy of birds and their feathers so I could use the appropriate names for the colorations of certains parts of my arials.

That said, I do keep them all in a notepad document so I can sometimes grab a quick generic one for ranking past 10 but my 15 I have the proper one done. Only occasonally though do I do this.
43684, Batman is surprisingly innocent. NT
Posted by Batman on Wed 31-Dec-69 07:00 PM
43699, Not guilty of it. Not even close.
Posted by Tsunami on Wed 31-Dec-69 07:00 PM
Not even to get "inspiration." Boggles my mind that so many are willing to do such in a text-based game. Why even play if you don't like reading/writing?
43700, PK.
Posted by Tac on Wed 31-Dec-69 07:00 PM
Also enjoying reading != enjoying writing.
43767, To clarify..
Posted by Lhydia on Wed 31-Dec-69 07:00 PM
I really like the desc function of PBF's to utilize as a tool specifically to see what the race I want to play looks like. My message was supposed to convey that the first thing I do is look up PBF's for ideas, specifically I have the most trouble with arials. I still can't write an arial desc worth a damn without looking. I don't want to just say bird face and feathers, so there are awesome arial descs that I will look at to get verbage.

So I was trying to say the message here shouldn't be DO NOT LOOK AT PBF's WHEN WRITING A DESCRIPTION, but rather don't copy paste descriptions of characters that weren't yours.

The 'I DO change at LEAST 5 words' in the body was supposed to be a joke, but damn people are taking this thread seriously.
43592, Interim use.
Posted by Dallevian on Wed 31-Dec-69 07:00 PM
Trust me.

I actually think every char I make generally pops a desc from the pbf, ranks to 15 or 20, and when I finally have an idea of a role I'll focus on the role, desc, and particular socials to use.
43593, RE: Interim use.
Posted by Daevryn on Wed 31-Dec-69 07:00 PM
You're killing me, man. I might die.
43603, I use PBF's for 98% of my descriptions
Posted by laxman on Wed 31-Dec-69 07:00 PM
I think descriptions only add marginal value to the game and since my only goal is to avoid a trip to the description room I just copy and paste and get on with the actual important parts of my character.

From an imm stand point... why would you care that mortals do this?
43609, I used to agree
Posted by Tsunami on Wed 31-Dec-69 07:00 PM
Descriptions were for a long time my least favorite part about character creation. Roles are fun, playing is fun, and all that but I just never read descriptions.

Then I started reading them. I really like a lot of what I see and other times it's just down right funny to read what some people put in there.

I still don't really care for writing a throw away human ranger description for the 1000th time heh.
43611, Because you're not Cabdru's clone/twin?
Posted by Straklaw on Wed 31-Dec-69 07:00 PM
1) You're literally stating your character looks exactly like previous character of repute. How does this not strike you as wrong?

2) You're plaigerizing (sp) someone else's creative works. Personally, I'd find that somewhat irritating to see something *I* put effort into copied as an afterthought for someone else's char.

3) Not directly a major issue, but actually FLESH out a character. Yes, we run around with roles, etc, but it's details such as this that actually make a character really come to life. How is someone else supposed to really see this character as an individual if you can't even envision that?

43616, Agree 100 %
Posted by Rayihn on Wed 31-Dec-69 07:00 PM
Especially on the plagiarizing.
43628, Plagiarizing is not inherently bad
Posted by laxman on Wed 31-Dec-69 07:00 PM
it is only wrong if one person is rewarded for another persons work.

Since desctipions are only rarely tied to directly to rewards the chance that one person benefits from the work of the other is almost non-existant.

43647, RE: Plagiarizing is not inherently bad
Posted by Neltouda on Wed 31-Dec-69 07:00 PM
It wasn't too long ago that I checked every description of everyone on the MUD at that time, and then rewarded them accordingly. I'd feel pretty damn stupid if I knew I just rewarded something someone stole from someone else. I do check people's descriptions. IF you are actually roleplaying with someone, it comes up. You might tell them their brown hair is pretty etc. I currently have a follower that has a flower behind their ear that I gave them. If another mortal would take notice of said flower, it could be a conversation point.
43648, let me ask you
Posted by laxman on Wed 31-Dec-69 07:00 PM
what kind of rewards were you handing out? It generally seems that except in rare cases any kind of description reward would be bundled with role XP. In the PBF's there is rather scant documentation in imm comments of imm xp/edge/spec/long/stringed gear that read 'gave X Y for an awsome description'. So if a description award isn't given independatly of a role reward with any sort of frequency then it isn't really a factor in getting rewards. If anything its avoiding a penalty instead of getting a bonus.

And frankly I think you having to read descriptions if that is not fun for you is a waste of your time. But this is related to one of the fundamental systemic flaws of cf that really warrants its own thread (goals of task-oriented people vs relationship-oriented people)
43674, Custom Long?
Posted by Rayihn on Wed 31-Dec-69 07:00 PM
The message I got from the player base was "More custom longs please!", and usually I will semi base these on desc unless I have a religious or whatever overtone to put in them. I did look at the desc of a char I wanted to make a custom long for recently and went "Meh what an awful desc." It made me not give that guy this reward. Later I noticed he did fix up his desc, and I was only too happy to string him a custom long.

Nelt is really good about giving out bits of xp.

In the future, if I want to string someone a custom long, I'm going to check if their desc is stolen. If it is, not only will I not give a reward, I'll probably take xp away. Or something not fun.
43675, RE: Custom Long?
Posted by DurNominator on Wed 31-Dec-69 07:00 PM
In the future, if I want to string someone a custom long, I'm going to check if their desc is stolen.

This is a good idea. Dunno about the punishment part, though.
43800, RE: let me ask you
Posted by Neltouda on Wed 31-Dec-69 07:00 PM
I pulled the example below from a pbf the day I checked everyones description that was playing at the time. I think I also followed it up with an echo for a lot of the people. I remember some orc being happy I noticed his/her hair.

Sun Apr 10 19:28:29 2011 by 'An Immortal' at level 51 (499 hrs):
An Immortal added 50 exp for: Yay for having an acceptable description during a random check of the entire MUD.

I think it did it for almost 40 people that day. Not everyone got xp. Some people got a bad comment.

I spend a great deal of my immortal playing time watching people for RP. When I pick someone to watch I check their description, skim (assuming it has already been read) their role and then I watch them for at least 30 minutes. 90% of the time people do nothing noticeable. 9% of the time people get rewarded, 1% of the time people act like an idiot (roughly).

I think the day that I checked all the descriptions was prompted by me seeing a pretty bad one when I started watching a random person for RP. So I thought, hey why not check the entire MUD?

I have never thought it was a waste of time to check if people were roleplaying. I have never thought it was a waste of time to check to see if people are using tools given to them to facilitate roleplay (desc/role).
43649, My problem with descs...
Posted by Tac on Wed 31-Dec-69 07:00 PM
Is that I can write a really good one and maybe (rarely) get some immexp (yay edge points) and have 1, maybe 2 conversations in the whole chracters life prompted by my desc...

Or I can write/steal (yes I am guilty of this and it is terrible) some piece of crap at level 10 and then never look at it again. Frankly, while I might read a desc every once in a while, on another character, most of the time I'm going to be moving too fast, looking to check out armor, fighting, etc. so much so that I don't have time to sit there and read their desc.

If I'm in the same room with another PC, I'm either fighting or on the move. Even if I throw a look, I probably only have time to pick out something like what weapons they are using before I need to be doing something else to not get killed or do some killing. If I played a herald, I might spend more time reading descs, but other than them, I can't imagine who has the time/ability to actually do it during gameplay.
43654, RE: My problem with descs...
Posted by Splntrd on Wed 31-Dec-69 07:00 PM
"If I played a herald, I might spend more time reading descs, but other than them, I can't imagine who has the time/ability to actually do it during gameplay."

I'm a recovering serial Herald-player. I do play other things, and haven't played Herald in a couple years.

As a member of other cabals - my description reading happens during cabal interviews, and in the quiet moments that raiding/defending doesn't happen. The amount of time there is to do it goes down approaching hero - and I rarely have time to look closely at an enemy (although there's always ghosting for them and for me).

I understand what you're saying though. Effort vs. Reward. Maybe like I said below - I might be a rare case that gets enough reward out of them to put the effort in (to reading and writing). But I kinda doubt it?
43656, This is my exp as well ~ nt
Posted by Elerosse on Wed 31-Dec-69 07:00 PM
43627, Most of my characters start out with fairly generic descriptions.
Posted by Vortex Magus on Wed 31-Dec-69 07:00 PM
Then as I flesh out the role and personality, I might change it up or add a few things as he grows out.

I've never used a pbf for this, though, except maybe to draw ideas from.

I steal things from the -format- of pbf descriptions. Like, one pbf had an excellent line about fragrance that I occasionally add, and another described movement with a very nice metaphor that I occasionally rip off but don't outright plagiarize.
43595, It's your fault
Posted by Dallevian on Wed 31-Dec-69 07:00 PM
that Cabdru had such an excellent desc and I used it for a short bit. Not my fault!

But really. Why are you dying? I feel so bad!
43614, RE: It's your fault
Posted by Daevryn on Wed 31-Dec-69 07:00 PM
It feels, to me, like "The game doesn't really start until level X" mindset to say that maybe you don't really need a description until level 20.

Maybe I have to back to giving XP for cool descriptions before level 10, after making sure they aren't plagiarized. :P
43631, Not so much that
Posted by Dallevian on Wed 31-Dec-69 07:00 PM
but more of I will rank a new character for as long as I can in a session. Usually that means past 10 so I will snag a desc to use in the interim to avoid the desc room. Then I focus on sphere/role/desc and tie it all in together. Sometimes that is level 8. Sometimes level 18.
43646, Who actually cares?
Posted by Valkenar on Wed 31-Dec-69 07:00 PM
>Maybe I have to back to giving XP for cool descriptions before
>level 10, after making sure they aren't plagiarized. :P

Do it.

I went a few characters in a row trying hard to make cool descriptions. I think I succeeded, but I stopped because I felt like I was wasting my time on something that nobody reads. It's not like I think that I need (or deserve) XP in order to make putting effort into a description worthwhile, but I do feel like nobody reads them for the most part, except immortals checking for minimal acceptability. If CF had an ooc "NiceDescription" command that just echoes "Bob read your description and likes it" I would probably go back to putting more effort in.

I'll make a confession. On two occasions I even wrote a description and didn't put it in because I wanted to get sent to the description room and say "oops, here it is" and have them say "hey, nice desc" Didn't happen. Pretty pathetic, but there you have it.
43653, If it helps
Posted by Splntrd on Wed 31-Dec-69 07:00 PM
I actually do read other people's descriptions - and will use them as RP fodder.

Maybe I'm the only one.
43658, You're not alone.
Posted by Illanthos on Wed 31-Dec-69 07:00 PM
Character appearance (theoretically) conveys ALOT of what the character is about, and I will pick interesting bits of your desc and use them as conversation pieces.

I also try to update a character's desc once they hit certain age/hour/progression marks.
43660, I read them too. And I hate it when people use the glance command.
Posted by Alston on Wed 31-Dec-69 07:00 PM
I went through the trouble of making a description, don't be a #### and come glance at my gear then say, "Nice sword!"

1) It ignores what I am trying to convey with my desc.

2) I tend take that as an underhanded insult saying I had help getting it rather than earning it myself.

3) I also tend to think you're going to try to kill me and tak it/steal it.

Descriptions are important to me.
43702, Glance has functions
Posted by Splntrd on Wed 31-Dec-69 07:00 PM
If someone glances at me in a situation where that function doesn't apply - then yeah - it's kind of a dead giveaway that they're sizing me up. Not something to be bothered by - just the CF equivalent of body language.
43723, Which is what I mean.
Posted by Alston on Wed 31-Dec-69 07:00 PM
Glancing at me on our first encounter, is not going to sit well with me. Because I am paranoid, I leave immediatly.
43741, RE: Which is what I mean.
Posted by Splntrd on Wed 31-Dec-69 07:00 PM
Sounds like your own neurosis - which has nothing to do with the person glancing.
43813, Read and comprehend...no...text.
Posted by Alston on Wed 31-Dec-69 07:00 PM
43701, I do
Posted by Tsunami on Wed 31-Dec-69 07:00 PM
I read all of them these days. Even the bad ones. Ever noticed a low-mid ranked group mate looking at you about 15 times in a short span? That's me trying to read your description in spam ;).

I always try to bring up the "interesting" bits too. What's said is when I ask about something and the character is like "...What?"

"You see that he has a huge dongus"

Me: "How did your dongus get so big?"

Them: "...What?"

Great, this guy doesn't even know his own desc. Now I know why.
43652, Do it.
Posted by Murphy on Wed 31-Dec-69 07:00 PM
I always write a desc at level 1 and update it over time if my character lasts long enough.

I never received any reward for it and only several times did something from my desc come up in conversation, but I enjoy the process and it's good enough if one person out of 1000 takes notice. And without it, the game would be even duller before hero.

Also, I totally HATE writing roles. Yes, I understand their purpose - just bad at making a concept from my head into a written role.
43635, Cabdru is a particularly good pick for borrowing the desc.
Posted by DurNominator on Wed 31-Dec-69 07:00 PM
This is because the character is obscure and not well known to any of the current imms.
43638, Side note:
Posted by Daevryn on Wed 31-Dec-69 07:00 PM
I don't think I even write very good descriptions, but mine are all custom so maybe that's enough.
43600, RE: Interim use.
Posted by Splntrd on Wed 31-Dec-69 07:00 PM
I like to reference PBFs for ideas/structure/etc. Nothing wrong with referencing someone else's well-written and effective work. So some of my descs end up being an orginally written chimera of past characters, personalized to my role. I've never straight copy-pasta'd, though, and I include my own giant file of past descs in my research.

Frowned upon?