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Topic subjectCurious about IMM PBF comment policy.
Topic URLhttps://forums.carrionfields.com/dcboard.php?az=show_topic&forum=6&topic_id=43001
43001, Curious about IMM PBF comment policy.
Posted by Lhydia on Wed 31-Dec-69 07:00 PM
I'm confused about Twist's IMM comment to Whiysdan in Caerdryn's PBF. Are IMMs from other cabals not allowed to comment on cabals that aren't their own and make recommendations? Reksah seems to make a lot of comments for Fort, so why is it bad for Whiysdan to do it? It just struck me as odd that he'd get publicly chastised for making a comment about thinking someone would be a good Maran and might quit making positive comments like this in the future because of it.
43033, RE: Curious about IMM PBF comment policy.
Posted by Reksah on Wed 31-Dec-69 07:00 PM
Watching over Fort (Maran) as Adekar is one of the responsibilities that we as Imms have agreed upon for me to do. I often don't switch over to make comments so it shows up in PBF as Reksah.

Whiysdan is occupied doing other awesome things and Fortress administration isn't part of his responsibilities even though he's played good Fort guys.
43004, RE: Curious about IMM PBF comment policy.
Posted by Twist on Wed 31-Dec-69 07:00 PM
1. Whiysdan had effectively "taken over" as Caerdryn's god, away from the actual immortal leader of the Fortress.

2. Whiysdan was either 52 at the time or newly-minted 53.

3. Reksah's got reasons to be making comments about Fort that are his to disclose if he wishes (or not if he doesn't). Whiysdan doesn't share those reasons.

4. The whole comment smacked a bit like if I had a sphere Honesty paladin that I had empowered and liked a lot and put in his history that he should be made Provost Magistrate. Not something I'd do - that's Marcatis' job, not mine. Instead I would reward said paladin for being a good sphere Honesty paladin.

5. Edited to add this one. Almost forgot and it's the most important one. The guy's PKwin/loss ratio was pretty abyssmal. He wasn't someone that the rest of the Fortress (at the time, at least) looked to for any form of leadership. In short, the assessment that he was ready for Maran was rather...well...wrong.
43011, Gotcha, thanks for the response. n/t
Posted by Lhydia on Wed 31-Dec-69 07:00 PM