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Topic subjectRandom idea regarding mercenaries
Topic URLhttps://forums.carrionfields.com/dcboard.php?az=show_topic&forum=6&topic_id=42859
42859, Random idea regarding mercenaries
Posted by Straklaw on Wed 31-Dec-69 07:00 PM
Was reading on QHCF about the whole PCs, Ragers, & mercs, and while that's it's own beast, the idea of killing off a player's mercenary got me thinking.

Outlander beast calls are smart enough to GTFO when getting beat on, orc enslaves run away if they get the slightest chance, why is it random Joe trying to make an extra buck as a mercenary is willing to lay down his life for dark-elf transmuter #34429?

I could see some mercenaries sticking around long than others, some maybe willing to kick things a few times but to hell with getting beat on themselves, constructs I'm sure wouldn't change and just stand there and die, etc.

I feel like there was some discussion in the past about possibly making "limited" mercenaries and such with different abilities or personalities. Seemed like mercenaries might actually take it poorly if you abused them (like 90% of us all do, heh!)
42864, I support this if it adds high level mercs
Posted by laxman on Wed 31-Dec-69 07:00 PM
Well I support the idea of high level mercs that have personalities and are potentially limited.

There is a lot of different kinds of mercs out there for the mid and low ranks. Merc use isn't exactly super common currently and I don't think that any of the currently available ones need this put in as a balancing factor. The two best places to get mercs already are essentially class restricted for the ranks where they are useful.

I kind of want to see like a bard merc in Dagdan that will follow you around for a while singing but not fighting sort of like an archon that you need to periodically give booze to.