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Topic subjectTwo-Handed weapons made cool by themselves?
Topic URLhttps://forums.carrionfields.com/dcboard.php?az=show_topic&forum=6&topic_id=42543
42543, Two-Handed weapons made cool by themselves?
Posted by Alston on Wed 31-Dec-69 07:00 PM
I believe it was mentioned in Santa Zulg that the staff didn’t want to much cross-over in skills among the classes. Fair enough, it’s a game and we want to have different builds and challenges but I have been bemoaning the lack of coolness that is a human barbarian that wields a monstrous two-handed battleaxe!

Some of you will say that there is nothing to prevent one from playing this since it’s an RP mud, but in truth there is. The PK aspect of the MUD.

As it stands one would give up too much in the way of extra stats, more attacks, bonuses to saves and damage, bye forgoing a dual wield.

So what I propose is this…
Rather than add extra skills when wielding a two handed weapon of the sorts I mentioned, have different skills work better or slight bonuses.

Some examples:
Parry slightly better but not to the extent of having shield block or another weapon in the off hand.
An effect that is like a +4 strength effect to help resist trapping or strength loss disarming but doesn’t otherwise increase damage (Unless you think that would be cool!)
A sort of first tier “Trapping” effect.
Axes = Disembowel works more reliably.
Axes Hook has small chance of slinging opponents weapon into another room.
Axes = Overhead much more reliable and damaging.
Flails = Bludgeon hurts more
Mace = Cranial works better against helmeted foes.
Mace = Dent causes more damage but doesn’t dent any more often.
Mace = Backhand works better.

And probably some more I am forgetting or not imagining.

So what do you folks think?
42545, RE: Two-Handed weapons made cool by themselves?
Posted by Illanthos on Wed 31-Dec-69 07:00 PM
Quaff enlarge.

I like the idea, but the logistics of implementing them in a balanced fashion is rather troublesome.
42544, Thoughts
Posted by Homard on Wed 31-Dec-69 07:00 PM
Because I'm at the dealership getting an oil-change and alignment, I'm going to comment on these ideas, which, by and large, I like.

>Parry slightly better but not to the extent of having shield block or another weapon in the off hand.

I don't really see that you would parry better with one weapon than with two.

>An effect that is like a +4 strength effect to help resist trapping or strength loss disarming but doesn’t otherwise increase damage (Unless you think that would be cool!)

I'd prefer to just see that disarm has a reduced chance to work, possibly with some echo like "Joe attempts to disarm you, but you hold onto your weapon with your off-hand."

>A sort of first tier “Trapping” effect.


>Axes = Disembowel works more reliably.

Yes. Very much. Giving up pincer should have some decent perks.

>Axes Hook has small chance of slinging opponents weapon into another room.
>Axes = Overhead much more reliable and damaging.
>Flails = Bludgeon hurts more
>Mace = Cranial works better against helmeted foes.
>Mace = Dent causes more damage but doesn’t dent any more often.
>Mace = Backhand works better.

I like all of these a lot.

However, I think that there is a tremendous amount of stuff that needs to be worked on before Warriors get any more attention.