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Topic subjectOn Wands, preps and Immortals.
Topic URLhttps://forums.carrionfields.com/dcboard.php?az=show_topic&forum=6&topic_id=42406
42406, On Wands, preps and Immortals.
Posted by Abernyte on Wed 31-Dec-69 07:00 PM

Firstly I will hold my hands up and say that I have had my fair share of bust ups with Imms and felt very harshly or wrongly treated at times but it was this that got me thinking about certain things that people have said about the above topics.

On Immortals – Damned if they do and Damned if they don’t.
As a parent of two children and as someone who works with children on a day to day basis I find that the role of an Immortal is very similar to parenthood. Your parents have no set manual which has all the right answers, they have only gut feeling and what they hope is the right or best decision for their children (in this case, the players).
Sometimes one of them makes a poor decision but the other parent does not admonish them in front of the children as this would be wrong and I certainly would never do this to my wife and undermine her in this way.
Sometimes they guide the children into having certain behaviours that they think are important and thus they expect the children to behave in a certain way because we are living under their roof and until such times as we are contributing we get very little say in the running of the household(CF).
The job of a parent is a pretty thankless one at times when the children think you are doing them an injustice but remember this; at the heart of every decision it is the best interests of the children and the game that are taken into consideration. Those of you who are parents will possibly empathise a little more with their role and those of you who are still kids yourselves will still hate everything they do for you regardless until such times as you are older, wiser and realise what a hard job it actually is.

On Wands and Preps – Necessary evil!
For the first 6 – 7 years of my playing CF I was the poster boy for ragers and played them back to back and so my prep knowledge was next to zero. I knew where to get purple potions, sanc and heal wands and that was from ambushing mages and enemies as they collected them.
I then got a bit sick of ragers and diversified into magic use! I had heard of the sleek system but was pretty clueless as to where they were but I played a few mages and spoke to people in game and I learned quite a few places where wands would be. I will also say at this point that through being a member of the CF community I did share some info with other people in what I considered were my circle of friends in an OOC manner but this was not extensive as I actually felt quite proud of my achievements in the game in terms of wand finding and the power/edge it gave me in the game.

Then the sleek system got changed and I was absolutely gutted as I went from regularly and reliably knowing how to get a hold of sleeks, so I could compete at the higher levels of the game, to basically knowing only about 20-25% of the possibly locations. After the initial annoyance and anger, with the use of detect artefact I started to build up my knowledge again. Not because I had to, as lets face it no one makes you stay and take those deathblows, but because I wanted to kill those ragers and have the preps to make that job easier without resorting to ganking which I regard as the second worst thing you can do to another player in CF (the worst being the looting of a corpse you had no part in creating!).
I have built up a new list of places and found wands that I never knew existed. Yes it is a bind to have to look in all those places every character to try and find them and YES it is a massive pain when you don’t and my current character has still not found his black rod and that is with having taken barrier attunement edge BUT each character is supposed to be a new creation born to the world of CF so I take that exploration as a part of the characters growth (and this is coming from a player with limited hours so often spends that hour he has to log on, looking for sleeks!)

Anyway, I have rambled a bit so I will try and sum up with this – ‘Their house, their rules – If we don’t like it we can move out!’
If a bad tempered Scotsman can get over the trails of preps and being told what he can and cannot do, then so should most of the rest of you.

42621, A TRUE Scotsman would never get over it! nt
Posted by Artificial on Wed 31-Dec-69 07:00 PM
42501, I agree with most of this
Posted by incognito on Wed 31-Dec-69 07:00 PM
Brings back memories too. I can remember you going from the guy who thought ragers didn't gang, and that mage players were complaining about nothing, to being a mage that was getting ganked repeatedly by battle.

Ahh, the loss of innocence...
42620, I soon found out that not everyone played in the same way
Posted by Abernyte on Wed 31-Dec-69 07:00 PM