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Topic subjectAvenger Dedication questions
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42053, Avenger Dedication questions
Posted by Paladin on Wed 31-Dec-69 07:00 PM
Merry Christmas everyone.

Just a few questions:

The edge 'Mass Deliverance' - does it increase the chances of landing a third hit overall, or does it make you more likely to get the AOE hit instead of the bleeding/lagging hit?

So if probability (normal third hit) = 0.25, probability (lagging/bleeding third hit) = 0.25, probability (aoe) = 0.25, probability (miss) = 0.25, given that strike of purity has landed, then will the edge make it such that probability (miss) is now lower, and probability (aoe) has increased at the expense of probability (miss)?

Does strike of faith lag the Paladin more than 2 rounds if all 3 blows land? I don't think that used to be the case, but it seems the case now. I'm not sure if this only occurred after I took the edge 'Mass Deliverance'. Now SoF always lags me 2.5 to 3 rounds instead of 2 whenever I have all 3 hits landing.

What does the landing rate of strike of faith/purity/deliverance depend on? I assume it is Strength and skill %?

What does Templar's Defense depend on? I assume it is Dex and skill %?
42056, RE: Avenger Dedication questions
Posted by Daevryn on Wed 31-Dec-69 07:00 PM

>The edge 'Mass Deliverance' - does it increase the chances of
>landing a third hit overall, or does it make you more likely
>to get the AOE hit instead of the bleeding/lagging hit?

Both (but the AOE only when it's helpful).

>Does strike of faith lag the Paladin more than 2 rounds if all
>3 blows land? I don't think that used to be the case, but it
>seems the case now. I'm not sure if this only occurred after I
>took the edge 'Mass Deliverance'. Now SoF always lags me 2.5
>to 3 rounds instead of 2 whenever I have all 3 hits landing.

There was a bug here; it was supposed to throw a very small lag (probably not relevant in most fights, but you never know) on the person you were hitting with it, but it threw it on the paladin instead. The fix will be live in a crash/reboot or two.

>What does the landing rate of strike of
>faith/purity/deliverance depend on? I assume it is Strength
>and skill %?

I think it's mostly just skill.

>What does Templar's Defense depend on? I assume it is Dex and
>skill %?

I think mostly skill, but I want to say dex plays some kind of role. That might be more in how bad the maledictions are than strict success/failure. I haven't looked at that code in a while.
42060, Thanks for the quick answer Daev! n/t
Posted by Paladin on Wed 31-Dec-69 07:00 PM