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Topic subjectImm Clarification on a helpfile?
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41432, Imm Clarification on a helpfile?
Posted by Druid on Wed 31-Dec-69 07:00 PM
From the helpfile

Druids with this edge find strength in the moon cycles that other druids feel are weak. Where other druids find strength during the waxing moon, they find added strength during a waning moon, and so on.

From the edge list

Initiate of the Dark Moon: The moons effects can be reversed for you.

So Im not really sure what the helpfile here is saying, and since it is such a rare edge with little to no info I was hoping I could get some immortal clarification as to how it will affect my characer.

It says ill find strengh in cycles that other druids feel weak. Its my understanding there is a different herb set that works best for each moon phase. Im not really sure what this helpfile is supposed to be hinting at. Will I draw more power if i have herbs that are not assosiated to that moon phase? Does that mean it cripples me gathering herb sets associated with their moon phase? A little Daevryn or Zulg love here would be much appriciated, I would hate for this to me a champion of manish type edge where there are negative downsides and Im not aware. Thank you.
41433, I interpret it as...
Posted by TripHitNdip on Wed 31-Dec-69 07:00 PM
How things work for you now, it will be the direct opposite, and that is all.

Your waxing is now waning.

Sounds more like a druid v druid edge and being able to catch them when you're strong and they're not.

I'm no druid expert and I'm probably missing things or all of it, but that's what it sounds like to me.
41434, Agreed. Instead of the 'light" moon, you're paying attention to the shadow.
Posted by Straklaw on Wed 31-Dec-69 07:00 PM
Not just druid vs. druid. I would assume it also means you get offensive/hunt during new moon instead of full, which would definitely be a shock for some people. Or, druid + druid vs. others, means you get more versatility.
41437, RE: I interpret it as...
Posted by Daevryn on Wed 31-Dec-69 07:00 PM
>How things work for you now, it will be the direct opposite,
>and that is all.
>Your waxing is now waning.


I don't know if this applies to The Hunt; I remember I thought it should and Sebeok thought it shouldn't but I don't remember who won that argument.
41438, A confirmation on that would be cool
Posted by Rolas on Wed 31-Dec-69 07:00 PM
That would be a neat little surprise to have in my pocket if it works that way.
41474, Cosign. A small clarification then...
Posted by Druid on Wed 31-Dec-69 07:00 PM
So it makes everything opposite. I assume that means herb gathering, my offense/defensive moon phases to gather swap. For instance, New moon would be my offense herb moon phase (since most people know full moon-offense)

Knowing weather this applies to the hunt or not would be awesome, if you are able to check.

Also, does it affect day/night? Or just moon phase? I wont be moonbeaming mid day and sunraying mid night will I?
41555, RE: Cosign. A small clarification then...
Posted by Splntrd on Wed 31-Dec-69 07:00 PM
>Also, does it affect day/night? Or just moon phase? I wont be
>moonbeaming mid day and sunraying mid night will I?

Uhh... so the edge is about moon-cycles. Not day/night cycles.

It's also not technically even a reversal of the cycles, even though it functions as one from the druid's point of view. The moon cycles are the same for everyone, the druid with the edge just cares about the "dark" portion of the moon for his work rather than the "lit" portion.

So no. Taking this edge does not place you in opposite land where the mooon is out during the day and the sun at night and you have your own moon doing backwards things from everyone else. I'm not sure why you thought it might.
41498, Ourt of curiosity.
Posted by Alston on Wed 31-Dec-69 07:00 PM
I remember pretty much everything I read or write.

You have to be a smart guy to write all this stuff, what gives on the old recollector?